Say What?

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Susan Virginia Bell came with Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell, and Katherine Grace Kelly on the USS Republic and they were like three queen bees in one hive and they all had attitudes toward men on Star Base 12.

Susan Virginia Bell had blonde hair, brown eyes, and golden skins and she was a knock out and she was very progressive in her thinking about many things, but in other ways she was old-fashioned as well.

One thing she didn't approve of was the aristocracy on Star Base 12 and she didn't care much for the young men on Star Base 12.

Susan Virginia Bell was born in California in 2254, and she was one year older than Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell and two years older than Katherine Grace Kelly who was born in 2256.

One day Susan Virginia Bell was walking into town by foot to do some window shopping. As she was walking she was approached by a gentleman in a carriage and he stopped and asked " May I give you a ride."

Susan Virginia Bell looks up at the gentleman " No. Thank you Sir. I prefer to walk. I don't take rides from strangers." Susan tells him.

"Let me introduce myself to you Mademoiselle." The gentleman tells her.

"My name is Lord Richard Edward Howard II." Lord Richard Edward Howard II tells her.

"Which Howard are you?" Susan asks him.

"I am not the son of The Duke of Norfolk Territory. I am his nephew and my late father was his younger brother." Lord Richard Edward Howard II explains.

"My first cousin, Lord Andrew Charles Howard has his eye on one of your friends, Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell." Lord Richard Edward Howard II tells her.

"Good luck to your first cousin, Lord Andrew Charles Howard and good luck to you, Lord Richard Edward Howard II." Susan tells him.

"You don't even know any of us." Susan explains, " Just why haven't any of you married?"

"We have not married, we don't want to marry into the aristocracy.' Lord Richard Edward Howard II states.

"Why not, Lord Richard Edward Howard II?' Susan asks.

"Let me tell you why?" Lord Richard Edward II tells her.

"First, have you seen any of these women?" Lord Richard Edward Howard II asks.

"No. I will not go looking at your women." Susan tells him " Do I look like a lesbian to you?"

"The women here on Star Base 12 are vain, silly, creatures that just parade around in their fancy apparel and bat their eyelashes at you." Lord Richard Edward II explains.

"They are from your social class." Susan tells him "

"Their father's can provide you with a dowry if you marry one of their daughters." Susan tells him.

"I won't marry one of these women here on Star Base 12 and every year until 2273, I attended the annual cotillion where the father's present their daughters and introduce them into polite society and they parade them in their fine white dresses with flowers and feathers in their hair. Their father's present them into the marriage market and some of them get brought and some don't.' Lord Richard Edward II states.

"We don't call it a cotillion but a coming out party on Planet Earth, but they did it away with in the 1950's.' Susan states, " The young women must be virgins and 15 years old when they are presented by their father's at their coming out event." Susan explains.

"I am afraid I am part of it as only the best families in my city were invited to enroll their daughters and there were classes in etiquette, social graces, manners, to take." Susan states.

"They can take it and stick up the damn asses." Susan tells Lord Richard Edward II.

Susan starts to laugh " Lord Howard. I am not interested in any of your kind and neither is Karissa, Katherine, Beatrice or Constance." Susan tells him.

"I am being kind, but Karissa is even more cruder than I am." Susan tells him " Give your damn first cousin, What is his name - to leave Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell alone as she will make him regret it." and with that Susan Virginia Bell continues her trip into town.

Lord Richard Edward Howard II can't believe that he has been rejected by Susan Virginia Bell, but like any Howard he refuses to give up on her.

Susan Virginia Bell is a modern young woman with some traditional values and old fashioned values as well.

Lord Richard Edward Howard II relay the message to his first cousin, Lord Andrew Charles Howard and he tells his first cousin, Lord Andrew Charles and Lord Andrew Charles says " We will see back that Lord Richard Edward Howard II."

"I am only giving you the message she conveyed through her friend, Susan Virginia Bell. Remember the Prime Directive set by our great-great-grandfather, Lord Patrick William Howard." Lord Richard Edward Howard II states.

"We must have permission to enter Bedford Territory from Norfolk Territory." Lord Richard Edward Howard II tells Lord Andrew Charles .

"When do I care about rules, Lord Richard Edward II?" Lord Andrew Charles asks.

"Lord Andrew Charles. We will catch hell from your father, Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR if we break the prime directive." Lord Richard Edward II reminds him.

"So we meet them on the roads while they are traveling into the town." Lord Andrew Charles tells his first cousin.

"I think we better watch ourselves. They are not aristocrats and they can get us into trouble as they are civilians and don't have to adhere to our rules." Lord Richard Edward II states.

"Listen here, Lord Richard Edward II. My father won't stop pressuring us to marry until we find our brides." Lord Andrew Charles tells his cousin.,

"I am getting sick and tired of my damn father preaching to me to marry and settle down and give him his first male line grandchild." Lord Andrew Charles tells his first cousin.

"Suit yourself, Lord Andrew Charles. I won't play along with your games. " Lord Richard Edward II tells his cousin.

"I will abide my time and you can catch more bees with honey than vinegar." Lord Richard Edward II tells his first cousin.

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