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Lady Karissa, Lady Susan and Lady Katherine all get together with Lord Richard William Carey, Duke of Bedford Territory and Lord David William Beck they decide to call a truce.

Lord Richard William Carey and Lord David William Beck agree to carry the truce to Norfolk Estate to Lord Charles Andrew Howard Jr and his son, Lord Andrew Charles Howard and his nephew, Lord Richard Edward Howard II.

Lord Richard William Carey with one of The USS Enterprise guards going with them out to Norfolk Estate and when Lord Richard William Carey and Lord David William Beck drive up to Norfolk Estate.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR and his son and nephew are inside in the drawing room and Lord Richard William Carey and Lord David William Beck with two guards from the USS Enterprise and Lord Charles Andrew JR look up " Cousin Lord Charles Andrew JR. Lady Karissa, Lady Katherine and Lady Susan have all come to a truce to allow you to visit them out at Beltane Manor to see your children." Lord Richard William explains.

"Lady Karissa has agreed to allow Lord Andrew Charles to return to Beltane Manor and Lord Richard Edward II is welcome to come too." Lord Richard William explains.

"Lord Charles Andrew JR. You are welcome to see Lady Elizabeth and Lady Samhain, and Lord Anthony." Lord Richard William explains.

"Lady Karissa has made it very clear that Lord Andrew Charles is to stay in the West wing of Beltane Manor and he may not enter the South wing where she has her suite, but you may visit the nursery as long as Barbara and Nina are present." Lord David William tells his grand-uncle.

"Sadly, none of the ladies and the children will be returning to your Dukedoms." Lord David William explains.

"They will all remain at Beltane Manor. Lord Richard Edward II. You will have a suite in the west-wing with Lord Andrew Charles." Lord Richard William explains.

"Lady Karissa suggests you start to see Lady Theresa Charlotte Hardwick once again." Lord Richard William explains.

"Don't upset the children with your presence." Lord David William tells Lord Andrew Charles.

"It is my understanding Lady Karissa is planning another trip to Pembroke Territory." Lord Richard William tells Lord Andrew Charles " She asks that Lord Thomas William Howard and Lord Frederick William and I accompany Lady Susan, Lord Richard Edward III, Lady Katherine and Lord David William II , Lady Elizabeth, Lady Samhain, Lord Anthony, Nina and Barbara with us." Lord Richard William explains.

"Lord Charles Andrew III. Lady Karissa asks that you become keeper of Beltane Manor until she returns." Lord Richard William tells him.

"Lady Karissa will allow Lord Andrew Charles to remain at Beltane Manor when she is not there." Lord David William tells them.

"Lord David William and I will take you to Beltane Manor." Lord Richard William tells Lord Andrew Charles and Lord Richard Edward II.

Lord Andrew Charles and Lord Richard Edward II go upstairs and start to pack up their belongings and carry them downstairs and with Lord David William Beck and Lord Richard William Carey they set off for Beltane Manor.

During the journey to Beltane Manor both are very quiet and don't speak and finally the Howard carriage drives up the driveway of Beltane Manor and outside standing is Lady Karissa holding Lord Anthony Christopher in her arms and by her side are Lady Elizabeth and Lady Samhain, Lady Susan with Lord Richard Edward III and Lady Katherine with Lord David William Beck II.

Lady Karissa looks at Lord Andrew Charles " Welcome back to Beltane Manor, Lord Andrew Charles. This is your son, Lord Anthony Christopher Howard, Duke of Lancaster Territory." Lady Karissa introduces their son to Lord Andrew Charles.

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