Twenty seven: 27

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The night was dark and the streets were drenched, the streetlights flickered intermittently. Yoongi lit a cigarette, taking a deep drag, the smoke curling around his face. His eyes appeared listless and void of any emotion, his lips still raw from the numerous cuts he had received. He walked along the eerie street, staring straight ahead, his face expressionless, a cap covering his head. A car honked behind him, but he didn't flinch or react, prompting the driver to step out of the vehicle and curse at him.

The man slammed the car door shut and marched up to Yoongi, shouting, "IF YOU WANT TO DIE, DO IT SOMEWHERE ELSE!!" Yoongi's eyes remained fixed on the ground, a cigarette dangling from his mouth. The man grabbed Yoongi roughly by the collar and yelled again, "DO YOU HAVE HEARING IMPAIRMENT? CAN YOU NOT HEAR ME??" as he shook him roughly.

Jimin repeatedly called Yoongi, desperately searching for him, and as he walked near the location where Yoongi was standing, he spotted him engaged with another man. The man had loosed his grip on Yoongi's collar, and Yoongi stared back blankly, his cigarette having run out. Yoongi calmly asked, "Do you have a cigarette?" The man nodded, looking puzzled, and handed him another one.

Yoongi took a drag from the newly lit cigarette, still gazing down at the ground. He started walking forward, leaving the puzzled man behind. Jimin caught up to him, grabbing his wrist and saying, "Hyung, let's go home." Yoongi yanked his hand away, walking farther from Jimin. Jimin released a sigh as he hurried after Yoongi.

Jimin pleaded, "Hyung, we've filed a missing persons report about you, please at least answer our calls. It's been two whole days. Please come home." Yoongi briefly glanced at Jimin before continuing to walk, his expression unchanged. Jimin, clearly exasperated, rubbed his temples and explained, "We've filed a missing persons report for you again today, and we always find you walking around like a homeless man every time you go missing for a day."

Jimin sighed, continuing to follow Yoongi, who stopped at a ramen stall, ordering alcohol. People around them often recognized Yoongi, snapping photos, but he remained unresponsive, seemingly lost in his own anguish. Jimin, still close on his heels, observed as Yoongi stood in front of the ramen stand, asking for alcoholic beverages.

The man at the stall told Yoongi, "We don't sell alcohol here." Ignoring the reply, Yoongi repeated his request, "I SAID I WANT ALCOHOL!" The man yelled at him, threatening, "I'll call the cops if you don't leave!" Jimin quickly apologized on Yoongi's behalf, bowing and pulling him away from the stand. Jimin implored, "Please come back home, Yoongi hyung."

Without sparing Jimin a glance, Yoongi continued walking, now stopping in front of a hospital. Yoongi entered the hospital, and Jimin hastened after him. Eventually, they reached the room where Taehyung was receiving mental health treatment, even though that wasn't the case. Yoongi came to a halt in front of Taehyung's room, and Jimin followed closely behind him.

Yoongi stood in front of the room, watching Taehyung sleep peacefully. Taehyung cursed softly under his breath, with his eyes closed, holding his phone in his hand. Someone on the other end kept repeating "hello" repeatedly, but Taehyung played along, feigning that he hadn't awakened yet.

Yoongi entered the room, trailed closely by Jimin. Yoongi fixated his gaze on Taehyung as Jimin sighed, "Hyung, you've been drinking and smoking for three months now. Your house is completely empty--" Yoongi interrupted him, asking, "And did you find anything?" Yoongi's eyes remained solely on Taehyung as Jimin continued, "There were no CCTV cameras in Taehyung's apartment, nor were the cameras on the street switched on. The person who did it was professional. The gun and knife didn't have any fingerprints on them, likely because they were immersed in water after being used. However, the police have questioned the people nearby the apartment, and one lady mentioned seeing someone unloading a woman from his car. However, she couldn't identify the person because they were too far away, as she was on the rooftop."

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