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A red palanquin opened up, the diamond symbol on it practically glowing in the sunlight.

A dark red batch of hair walked out, a spiky pixie haircut present. She wore a long sleeve red sweater, and black shorts, red eyes making themselves known.

"Pearl, how long until we reach beach city?" She asked, a bored tone in her voice.

"Patience Tamara, we'll arrive there shortly.... In the meantime, you should probably find out where your bodyguard went."

She nodded in agreement, going towards the woods.


'Netty' looked up from her spot on top of a rock, finishing her meditation. She grabbed a dark red cloak, pulling it back over herself.

"Already? I was hoping to finish my book before we went back out.... You do have a plan for once we get there, don't you?" She asked, skeptical of the girl.

Tamara groaned, saying "I know what I'm doing! Do you really think that I'd do something that dumb?!"

A pearl wearing a loose jacket over her shoulders, red coloration with hair covering one of her eyes, the gem in question on her hand.

She walked over, saying "Come on, we're only a few hours away!"

".... Fine." Tamara responded, her and Netty getting in the palanquin.


Once they arrived, Tamara ran straight out, headed towards the beach.

"TAMARA WOULD YOU SLOW-.... Netty, please follow her." Red Pearl requested.

Meanwhile, Tamara ran across the beach, deciding to take a stroll through the town.

"Pizza.... Fries.... Donuts!" She said, walking inside.

"Hello, welcome to the Big Donut, how may we serve you?" A girl asked at the counter.

She suddenly felt an intimidating aura, Tamara smirking at her.

*10 minutes later*

Tamara walked out of the Big Donut, licking her lips as she got ready to consume the sugary substance. Before she could though.... The bag it was in was yoinked.... By a pink lion.

"HEY!" She shouted, chasing after the cat.

She clenched her fist, eyes glowing red as an aura came off of her, knocking the pink animal down. The aura receded, Tamara picking up her treat.

"Lion!" She heard someone yell.

She turned to see a young kid run over to inspect his pet, a sudden feeling of guilt washing over her.

"Are you okay? You shouldn't just run off like that!" He scolded the animal.

"Hey, kid!" She said, getting his attention.

"Oh um.... Hi, I'm Steven Universe. Are you new around here, I haven't seen you before?" He said, the clear skinned girl combing a hand through her hair.

"Look.... Your lion is fine.... I'm Tamara Sparks." She said, introducing herself.

He was about to respond when a cloaked figure walked over to her, saying "Tamara, is everything alright-"

She paused, wide eyes gazing down at Steven's stomach.

"Netty?" She called, following her gaze to the pink gem on his stomach.

"Uh.... Is everything okay-" He started to say, getting cut off by Tamara's laugh.

"Oh man! To think that I'd run into you! I actually was originally planning to head to that little place down the beach, but this is even better! Auntie Yellow is gonna be so impressed!" She said, pulling up her sleeves.

"Wait.... Who's Yellow?"

"Nothing for you to have to worry about!" Tamara said, making a motion to Netty for her to back up. "Just one question.... How fire proof are you?"

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