Chapter 3

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We don't think much of it at first. But I noticed it almost immediately.

"The front gate is shut. You think it's also locked? " I ask as we walk over to it.

"Definitely. It won't budge" says Ajax as he attempts to open it.

We hear some sort of repetitive tapping sound against metal. It sounds like it's right behind us. However nothing is there when we turned around.

Then a small but noticeable thing happens. It's like a whisper. That is intoxicating my head. I shake it away in attempt to stop the feeling as it tries to drown over me.

Without thinking I start walking. My eyes go completely white. All I hear is static with whispers laced into it.

I can somewhat hear the boys shouting, feel them tugging on my arms in attempts to snap me out of the trance. Within minutes I'm standing in front of the Fun House.

The boys share a look as they watch me enter the place.

"Wait Y/n! Hey! Don't go in there! " says Xavier as I can here their feet on the metal floor of the Fun House.

I place my hands on the plushed wall as my body dodges the inflatables in the center of the hall. Within seconds my fingers touch glass and it feels like I'm in some sort of maze. Probably a mirror maze.

The boys try to pin me down but I feel my body reacting to it. I hear smacking sounds as I notice from my subconscious that I'm injuring my boyfriends. I feel like shit but I can't seem to gain control of my body.

One of them tries to pin me against mirror as my body goes through that mirror. However whoever attempted to pin me, didn't. I fall to the ground as I gain consciousness in a matter of seconds. I see Ajax banging on the glass as Xavier is on the ground holding onto his leg.

"What the hell is a naughty brat like you doing in my Fun House"

That voice was from behind me. Raspy and deep.

I turn around scared as I see a jester like entity standing in front of me.

"W-who are you? " I ask so quietly that it's almost a whisper.

"I am your worst nightmare. I'm Alastor. And this is my fucking Fun House" the jester, er well Alastor says.

He has a missing eye that's filled with black liquid that seeps from the empty socket. Long red and black hair that goes right past his elbows. He's wearing a normal jester outfit in the colors black and red, assuming to match his hair.

He has black face paint and a mallet on his back.

If I'm being honest none of his looks scare me. I mean I'm dating two jesters as it is.

"What happened to your eye? " I ask as if it was something so normal.

"I- excuse me!? Aren't you scared? " he asks.

"Am I suppose to be? Im dating two jesters" I say as he forms an 'O'  with his mouth.

"Um I traded my eye so that I could run the Fun House" he says as I nod.

"How does one leave the carnival? " I ask as he smirks.

"You got to get the key"

"From where? "

"Oh just the ring leader of this place. Her name is Aria. She's kind of a bitch though. And scary as shit" he says as I think about what she could possibly look like to fit the description of scary.

"How do I leave this um... Place? " I ask as he sighs.

"Listen kid. I could sit here and chat all day-"

"You aren't even sitting"

"The exit is right there. You are annoying me so much that I won't even bother with you" he says as he points to a door. I thank him and leave.

Moments later I notice the boys on a bench and when they see me, their eyes widen.

The Carnival of Hell (Xavier x Reader) + (Ajax x reader) Where stories live. Discover now