Chapter 8

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As I enter Nevermore, I sigh deeply. Xavier and Ajax had to return home for the last month of summer, however people have been finding the carnival more as of recent.

And people have gone missing due to it.

I bring my luggage to my dorm for the year. Then I take a moment to find out who my roommate may be.

Seconds later a girl with dark purple hair enters the room.

"Um... Hi? " I say as she smiles.

"You must be Y/n! I'm a natural witch! My name is Pespera" she says as I nod.

"Oh. Alright" I say as she smiles.

"Tell me about yourself. I mean you will be my roommate for the year" she says.

"Um. I sorta have two fiances" I say as she gasps.

"Woah there! How the hell did you manage that? How old are you? Sixteen?" She asks as I shrug.

"Sort of. I don't know how to explain it. I have the body of one, but I can't age. Never could. I don't know. I've been around for centuries. Back during the selam witch fiances sold their soul and are sort of stuck in a similar position" I explain as she gasps.

My parents left my brother and I once they found out we never aged passed a certain point in our life.

Over the summer when Ajax and Xavier said they have been around for many years, I decided to tell them about my curse as well. Which is why we are still together. Of course they kind of guess I had the curse, I barely mentioned myself from when I was younger. And I kept my past very vague.

"You are so lucky! " she says.

"Not really. I had to hide from people for years on end. And my parents are dead. I got my powers and curse from my grandma" I state.

"Well I have a girlfriend! And um... She's nice. But I don't think I could manage to get another lover. Then again I don't really need one. Sorry you just seem so cool. Everyone here seems to know you and stuff" Pespera says.

"I'm sure you'll fit in. I have friends here you can meet. Like Bianca, Eugene, Wednesday, Enid, and a lot of other people" I say as she nods happily.

"Okay! That sounds really cool! " she says.

We head out and after a long afternoon of showing her around, I stop by the dorm that contains my boys.

"Now don't say anything rude... Like seriously" I say as she nods quickly.

I knock on the door as Ajax opens it.

"Morning love" he says to me.

"It's two in the afternoon" I say as I cross my arms.

"It's morning somewhere" he says as I sigh.

"Did you take a nap and just wake up? " I ask as he nods.

He then notices the girl who happens to be beside me.

"Who's this? Bee from 'Love on the Brain' ? " he asks as I laugh a little.

"She's another witch. Her name is Pespera. And what did I say about reading those books? " I ask as he mumbles.

"Says the person who read it outloud to me every day for a good month of vacation" he says as he lets us in the room.

"I like the costumes" she says to Ajax and Xavier after they got done introducing themselves.

"Close enough. They aren't costumes. They look like that permanently" I explain as she nods.

"My bad. Doesn't matter. They aren't my type anyways" she states as I give her an amused look.

"I'm confused. Why do you feel the need to say that? " Xavier asks as her and I burst out into fits of laughter.

"I have a girlfriend! Guys I'm a lesbian! " she says as Xavier proceeds to face palm.

This is gonna be an interesting year.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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