Chapter 6

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"Ajax stop whining" I say as the cart goes up the first hill.

"It's been a second and I saw a fucking skeleton on the ground! " he says as I roll my eyes.

"That may be you if you don't stop" Xavier says as we reach the top of the first hill.

The cart enters a room and then stops.

It's pitch black.

"Nope. Fuck this" Ajax says as he curls up into a ball.

"Strong in bed but weak on a ride. This is why he never let's me ride him" I mumble as Xavier looks at me.

"Babe not gonna lie... But that was personal"

"Then don't eavesdrop. He can be a bitch sometimes. So can you" I say as I look over at Ajax again.

"I also thought you were a virgin? " Xavier asks me as I just look at him with a death glare.

"I'm not. You just have never taken me to bed" I say as Ajax casually gets out of the cart.

"Aight the fuck you doing Ajax? " Xavier asks as he looks at us.

"I'm gonna find an exit and be big brained" he says as we all get out of the cart.

"Fine. But I'm holding your guys hands cause I know you two would get lost" I say.

"Lies" Xavier says as I hit him in the arm.

Not hard, but enough for him to shut up for a minute.

"Wait a damn minute" I say as Ajax finds an exit door.

"What? " he says as he looks at me.

"Didn't the kid literally say to ride the ride? Don't go through the doors? " I say as Ajax removes his hand.

"Oh fuck. Good going Ajax" Xavier says.

I pull them with me as I head to find the cart again.

I bump into something as lights go on and basically blind us.

"Ow! Shit dude" I says as my eyes adjust.

Creepy music starts playing as these robotic jesters are singing all around us.

"What in the name of Helluva Boss is this? " I ask as the mechanical noises get louder and squeak at higher freqeuncys.

"The ringing hurts my ears" Xavier mumbles as we start exploring the house.

"Haunted my ass. Just really creepy" Ajax says as I notice something.

We walked into a room with jester statues.

We walk some more and when I look behind us the statues seem closer.

"Oh I hoped you two have seen Doctor Who... " I say as they look at me.

"Nah. Why? "

"The statues move when we aren't looking" I say as Xavier's attention snaps to me.

"What!? No way! " he says as we hear movement behind us and turn around.


We bolt to another door but I feel a stone cold hand on my wrist.

I notice it's a statues and I use my fire powers to burn the statue off of me.

The rock crumbles as I break free and go through the door.

"Shit. That almost killed me" I say as Ajax pulls me into a hug.

"My god. I hate this place so much" Xavier says.

"Could be worse. We could be in the Hunger Games" I say as he looks at me.

"Don't jinx it" he says as I roll my eyes.

The room seems pretty empty. Except for the random gemstone crown in the middle of it.

"I wanna touch it" Ajax says.

"It's probably a trap babe" I say as he walks up to it.

"He's not the brightest" Xavier says as we follow him.

"May these odds be ever in your favor dude" I say jokingly as Ajax picks the crown up.

Then a door opens.

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