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Dream sat on the edge of the bed, wearing boxers and a towel wrapped around him... traumatized after the experience.

George was trying his best not to break out in laughter, staring at dreams extremely poofy hair.
"I'm so sorry-" he had to look away before trying not to laugh.

"Do you have anything to wear..? It's kind of cold." Dream faintly laughed, shaking as he hugged himself with a towel.

George nodded, making his way into the closet- he was trying so hard not to laugh.
"Yes, I do-" he chuckled.

Dream flattened his hair with his hand, trying to make it less poofy... how did George find is amusing..? Was is that amusing?
"Dumb hair dryer"

He didnt understand a lot of things.. but as long as George was happy, he was happy.

Dream waited for George to walk out of the closet- excited to see the brunette again.

George eventually walked out, holding a few different clothes in his arms.
"Here, I found some clothes that might fit you." He made his way to the blonde.
"It's something casual and comfortable."

"Alright- are they bad clothes?" Dream wanted to look perfect for George and George's dad.

"There not bad, there nice clothes." George placed the clothes next to dream before grabbing a hair tie from the night stand.
"Here, let's fix your hair so it's less poofy."

Dream sat still, confused as George carefully tied his hair into a small bun.. leaving a bit of hair in the front of his face.

"There- it doesn't need to be perfect." George patted the top of dreams head.
"Now- are you able to change whilst I run to the market.. I need to be fast."

Dream frowned.
"I wanna come to the market!" He ruined it last time... he wants to make up for it.
"It was fun last time!"

"I need you too stay here for me this time." George had a soft gaze.
"Okay..? I need you too wait here and make sure everything it safe." He wanted to be quick to the market and back.

"Okay.. how long will you be?" Dream tilted his head to the side.
"Will I need to wait long..?" He trusted George to come back.

"About an hour or less." George patted dreams shoulder, soon making his way towards the door.
"Karl and Sapnap should be on the top floor in one of the rooms."

Dream nodded, his smile growing.
"Okay!" He grabbed the white shirt.
"I'll make sure everything will be ready."

George placed a faint kiss on dreams cheek.
"I'll get you some strawberries alright?" He made his way out of the room.

Dreams face heated up as he watched the brunette leave- soon his smile growing.
"Okay!" He looked at his clothes in his hands.... He had to be perfect today.

.: quick George POV :. Outside

George made his way outside, making his way too the car with his keys.

As much as he wanted Dream to come along with him to the market- today wasn't the day to introduce him to what a car is... today already started terribly.

George was worried for Dream being on his own- but he needs to hurry and get food for tonight.... Just so no one goes hungry and his dad doesn't question it.

Hopefully Dream will be okay by himself for a little bit.

.: Dream POV :. Back inside .:.

Dream looked down at his outfit- he was wearing a nice snug white shirt with some.. dark grey- sweat pants..? Is that the name?

He thought he looked at least semi decent... just like what George said.

Dream happily made his way into another room- glancing around before turning towards some.. reflective surface.

He jumped- quickly seeing another individual.. who was that? Wasn't he supposed to be alone...?

Dream stared- they were wearing the same thing as him.
"What?" He waved his hand, seeing it mimic him.
"Is this- me? Am..? I seeing myself..?"

He leaned against the counter looking at himself firmly- it was.

Dream tilted his head side to side.
"At least I'm not entirely ugly-" he chuckled, standing up straight.
"But these scars- maybe a bit ugly."

As he was laughing to himself- he heard a faint banging sound.. instantly gaining his attention.

Dream perked up before walking out of the room- towards the direction of the faint bangs.
"What is that..?" He mumbled softly.
"Is George back already? He only left about 10 minutes ago..?"

Surely George wasn't back yet- was it Sapnap or Karl...? Maybe not Sapnap- he can't walk really.

Dream made his way out of the bedroom before walking downstairs- was someone at the door..?
"Hold on just a second."  He was being mindful of the stairs- going slowly.

He made his way too the door, opening it too see a fairly dressed individual... who was this..?

"Oh, hello!" Dream smiled, waving faintly.
"Am I able to help you..?" He tilted his head to the side.

They soon turned, soon having a confused look on his face once he turned to dream.
"Who are you..? You aren't George." He quickly furrowed his brows.
"Are you associated with George? Do you know where he is?"

Dream tilted his head- he knew George?
"Yes! I do know George." He smiled humbly.

"Then- Are you a servant or maid around here?" They looked behind Dream, seeing the fairly clean house.
"The house is cleaner then usual." He mumbled.

"Oh! Nono." Dream waved his hands, humming softly.
"Actually I'm his boyfriend." He thought this was some random person trying to bother them.

It was silent for a few moments- the man looking at George up and down.

"I see, well." The man held out his hand.
"I'm George's father, it's nice to meet you whoever you are." He said firmly.

Dreams stomach dropped as his eyes widened.
"Ah- yes-" he soon anxiously laughed, looking at George's dads hand... what was he supposed to do.
"It's- nice to meet you.."

The blonde mimicked George's father and shook his hand... hopefully this was right-

"Do you know where George is?" He let go of Dreams hand, tilting his head up.
"He should be here." He crossed his arms.

"He- he went out to the market." Dream felt a pit grow at the back of his throat- he broke the one rule... the one main rule george gave him.
"Would- you like to wait inside...?" He didn't know what to do.

"Sure, thank you." The man made his was past Dream.
"I'm sure we will be having a conversation together once george gets here." He walked off.
"I will make myself comfortable."

Dream stared shamefully at the ground... how- how could he be so stupid.
"Yes- alright." He looked at the beach.
"I'm going to wait for george to return-"

"Alright." The man made his way into the living room.

Dream made his way outside before closing the door, sitting down on the steps.
"I'm such an idiot." He ran his finger through his hair.... George is going to be furious with him.

He was in so much trouble...

Dream took a deep breath... maybe he should wait inside instead.

Total word count: 1200

.: Waves :. Merman AuWhere stories live. Discover now