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George held a cup of water tea for Punz.
"Here." He hummed..
"Drink this once it cools down."

The blonde shark merman stared at the cup, using the blanket to cover himself as he sat on the couch.

"Can I drink this..?" Punz carefully held his hands out.. wanting to hold the cup.
"Is it good..?" He grew curious.

"It's hot.. so let it cool down." George placed the cup down in front of Punz.
"It will hurt if you drink it now." He hummed.
"And you'll hurt yourself."

Punz nodded, looking at the cup.
"What is it..?" He mumbled quietly... why wasn't it clear?
"I've never seen it before."

"It's tea.. it's good." George made his way towards the windows.. looking out at the ocean.
"Dream hasn't tried it yet.." he mumbled.
"I was hoping he'd like to try it."

"Where is he anyway..?" Punz gave George a confused look.
"He usually follows you.." he mumbled.
"But he didn't.."

George let out a sigh.
"I got mad at him and left.." he glanced at Punz.
"I don't know what he's doing now.. but hopefully he's back soon- there seems to be another storm coming in... I think."

"Well Karl and Sapnap I'm pretty sure are coming back to the surface once they saw the stormy clouds... Karl freaked out when he woke up." Punz tilted his head.. he was more curious about what happened between them.
"But what happened with you and Dream..?"

"He was going on about what he wanted his connection to be.. and just.. saying the bad things I guess" George's gaze sorrowed.. looking down at his feet.
"That I was too small for a merman.. not born a merman.. I can't swim properly" he rested his hand behind his neck.
"And that he has to make due with me as a connection.. it just.. made me feel that I'm not good enough and that I can't be myself."

Punz blinked.. what?
"Is- merculture different then two legs culture?" He didn't understand.
"With love and connections?"

"A lot.." George shook his head.. sighing soon after.
"Connections aren't a thing on the surface... I still don't understand it."

"Y'know.. connections isn't a thing that makes people forced to be together.." Punz tilted his head.. getting comfortable.
"If that's what you are implying.." he shook his head.

George gaze Punz a confused look..
"What do you mean..?" He mumbled.

"Connections in mers point of view.. is well" Punz scratched his chin.. thinking for a few moments.
"A gift from the sea as we believe in... they paired us with the love of our lives.. someone we can be happy with- but we don't always have to listen" He shrugged.
"It's a bunch of stupid stuff honestly- it's not really.. true? I guess."

George cocked a brow.
"Then what was that feeling?" He tilted his head.
"That zap thing?!"

"A Connection." Punz smiled.. leaning back.
"It only happens when you both truly like each other." He leaned back.
"Dream does like you a lot... and I guess you liked him too and connected instantly."

"But why would he say those things..?" George gripped his chest... speaking quietly.
"Does- he not want to be my connection..? Does he want a merman instead."

"Too be fair.. I'm pretty sure he was expecting a merman as his connection..? Not a human..?
"But I'm pretty sure he's still happy.." Punz chuckled softly.
"He was still happily talking about you when you were asleep."

"How?!" George looked down at the ground.
"He kept.. teasing.." he mumbled.
"It made me feel awful.."

"It was more of a compliment.. I think-" Punz hummed, shaking his head.
"Dream never meant to be an ass.. he just- isn't good at words.."

"I know...." George frowned.. he didn't know what to do.
"I just needed time." He sighed.

"No really.. he likes that you are small.. he's worried that you are going to get eaten." Punz laid comfortably down.. his tail still soaking wet.

"What." George furrowed his brows... eaten..?

"Yeah.. small merman tend to get attacked more due to them being very small." Punz anxiously laughed.
"Especially if you are a fancy merman.." he nodded his head.
"Like yourself some how."

George did not like that.
"I should apologize when Dream comes back.." he was wondering if he should wait outside.
"Should I wait on my paddle board...?"

"Whatever happens... I don't want to be out there during a storm." Punz got comfortable in his blanket.. yawning.
"I'll stay right here." He hummed.
"You do whatever."

"Alright.. I'll be back soon." George made his way towards the door.
"Don't burn yourself with the tea." He left Punz alone.
"It's hot."

Punz blinked- what?

.: George POV :. 30 minutes later .:.

George stood patiently on the beach.. waiting next to his paddle board..
"Where is he.." he mumbled..

Sapnap and Karl already made there way inside... Karl got to afraid to stay out during a storm.

George was extremely worried for Dream.. was he just going to wait the storm out.
"I'll just.." he was trying to think of what to do.
"I should go find him..."

He picked up his paddle board.. walking towards the water.

This was a terrible idea- but he needed to go find Dream...

George wasn't going to go far.. just far enough to look..
"Please he will hear me." He took a deep breath.

He balanced on his paddle board.. trying his best not to fall.

George quickly paddled out to sea.. extremely worried.
"Dream??" He began to call out.. paddling out to sea.
"Are you here..?"

This was going to be a long day..

.:Total word count: 1045:.

.: Waves :. Merman AuWhere stories live. Discover now