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George walked into the living room.. glancing back... Dream was somewhat hiding behind the wall...
"Pfft.." he chuckled.

The blonde didn't want to walk in quite yet.. he was waiting for George to introduce himself.

George turned to his family.
"Sorry, I went to go find Dream." He saw them gathered around the couch.
"I apologize for my late entrance.. but I'm here."

"We won't be here for long."
George's dad nodded.. scrolling on his phone- most likely checking emails.
"your mother wanted to talk to you... I'll tell you what I need to after."

George's mom cocked a brow..
"Erm.. honey-." His mom perked up.
"Who's dream..? Is that some sort of- pet..?" She grew confused.
"A pet cat or fish..?"

George felt his eye twitch as he smile.
"No.. mom-" he took a deep breath.
"Dreams my boyfriend.. that's his name."

Dream awkwardly made his way next to george.
"Hi-" he rubbed his arm... this was awkward.
"I'm uh.. Dream-"

"Oh." George's mom furrowed her brows, standing up straight... she realized her mistake.
"I thought you had a girlfriend." She made her way towards Dream.
"My apologies."

Dream grew worried, glancing at George.. was he supposed to be a girl?!

George took a step forward.
"Yeah.. I'm more into guys." He glared over at Lily.
"Not self absorbent girls.... just what I prefer."

Lily glared at George.. scrunching her nose- she didn't like that.

"Well.. Dream does definitely have the looks." George's mom tilted her head... staring at Dream.
"A model perhaps..?" She looked over at George.
"He seems very fit and is handsome"

George was about to speak but was cut off.

"I.. actually swim and fish for a living." Dream rubbed the back of his head.
"I don't.. do that stuff.." he mumbled... what is modelling..?
"Whatever it is-"

George's mom cocked a brow... turning to dream.
"I see... that's where you must have gotten your muscle from." She placed her hand on dreams arm.
"Why don't you join me and my modelling program... we can head to the city and start you off on a career."

George had an unimpressed look... SERIOUSLY?!

"I'm good." Dream instantly declined.. sliding his arm away.
"I like it here... on the beach." He glanced at George.
"With George."

"Pfft... with a pathetic gay guy." Lily giggled.
"He doesn't even have a job." He hummed.
"And for all we know.. you are using George for his money."

George's gaze softened.. crossing his arms.. what a joke- Dream didn't even know what money was-

"Oh no." Dream happily shook his head.
"I don't care for.. whatever those things are." He turned to George.. feeling extremely happy.
"I like spending time with George instead.. we usually go swimming out on the beach or watch a movie."

George glanced up at Dream with a smile... he felt relieved.
"It's okay dream." He hummed.. he didn't want Dream to get into an argument.

But Dream continued.

"And he has really good food." Dream chuckled.. but before he could say more.
"I like when he cooks." He hummed... nodding his head.

George's mom softly smiled... she felt relieved George found someone good.. she was worried that George found someone bad.

"What's fun about that?" Lily stood up.. making her way over.
"Dont you do anything else?? Like clubbing- drinking.. sex- shopping." She glared at the two.
"Things you actually do with a couple."

.: Waves :. Merman AuWhere stories live. Discover now