Before we even get to the Daycare

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(This chapter is a mix of first person POV and third person. Just to warn you.)

Dominic's POV

The more scared I am the more I twitch and tic which, then leads to a tic attack.

We are just pasting a random pink door when I punch a wall and whistle. Then my head starts to cock to the side and my hands start snapping, clapping then hitting my head and waist. I never fully realized that I dropped my bear.

"Ahh!" I scream while cocking my head to the side and hitting it with my hands.

"Oh dear." I heard the doctor say she grabbed her scanner. "I'm gonna need Jade and Viper from the daycare over by room 222" (2-22 or two twenty-two) She says into the scanner, there's a bit of static from it and it causes me to tic and twitch even more.

"Ahhh! *Whistles* Fuck!" I yell and then punch the wall with one hand while the other is busy hitting my waist.

"Why do you need them?" I hear someone on the other side of the scanner ask. The doctor sighs and looks over at me, who is yelling randomness, hitting myself and punching a wall for no real reason.

"I'm having a bit of an issue with a new little and need their help getting the Little to the daycare." She tells the person.

"Alright they're on their way!" The other person said a bit too loudly. Due to the static from the scanner I fell to the ground covering my ears with my hands, screaming. The doctor sighed once more.

"Please hurry up!" They whisper.


Third person POV

When Jade and Viper got the call that a new Little wasn't having an easy time getting to the daycare they bolted to room 222 or, at least the outside of it.

Once there, they saw a Little on the floor screaming, hitting their head and waist, cocking their head to the side, and whistling. However it didn't look like they transitioned to being a little yet.

Viper slowly walked over to the not yet Little with her hands up. To show the person that they are no threat.

"Hey," He started. The Little looked at her panting and you could see a bit of terror in their eyes. Viper decided that he would have to be even more gentler than with the other Littles.

"I'm Viper, What's your name?" She asked the Little while Jade was looking around the ground to see if she could find anything the Little might have dropped and that could help them calm down.

"N-o, what's y-our, *Whistles* Fuck! full n-ame?" The Little asked. It was then That viper knew what was happening.

'A tic attack. This Little has tourette's!' He thought to himself.

Jade's eyes had finally found a red and white stitched up bear that was on the floor. She grabbed it and slowly walked over to the Little.

"Thank you guys!" The doctor said, Jade just nodded as the doctor left. She then sat down next to Viper who was sitting in front of the screaming, hitting their head and waist, cocking their head to the side, and whistling Little.

"My full name?" Viper asks. The Little nods their head as best they could while staring at the two people in front of them. Then the Little elbows the wall and screams but not out of pain.

"My full name is Viper Draco Mintz." Viper told Little.

"N-ow what about *Whistles* you?" The Little asks Jade.

"My full name is Jade Artemis Spades." Jade told the Little. The Littles eyes or should I say eye, sparkled.

"L-ike the Greek goddess Artemis? Apollo's twin sister?!" The Little asked, getting excited. The Little also slowly started to stop twitching and ticking. Jade laughs.

"Yup! Just like the Greek goddess. Now I think I have something of yours." Jade tells the Little. The Little tilts their head in confusion. Jade pulls out the bear from behind her back.

"GOLDIE!" The Little says while ripping the bear out of Jades hands. "DON'T EVER TOUCH HIM AGAIN!" The Little yelled. Jade nodded. Viper then piped up.

"Alright, you know our names. What's your name?" Viper asks.

"Dominic Michael Lyons." The Little tells them.

"Well then, Dominic, are you good enough to go to the daycare now?" Viper asks the Little named Dominic. Dominic nods their head.

The three of them stand up and start walking towards the daycare.

About half way there Jade asks.

"Dominic, what are your pronouns?" Dominic stops dead in their tracks.

"Y-you care about my pronouns?" Dominic asks as Viper and Jade stop and looks at Dominic.

"Why wouldn't we?" Viper asks.

"My 'mother' told me that my pronouns don't matter and that I will only be seen as what I was born as." Dominic tells the two while putting air quotes around the word mother.

"Well your 'mother' is wrong." Viper tells Dominic while copying their hands movements around the word 'mother'.

"Now what are your pronouns?" Jade re-asks.

"Genderfluid but, I prefer He/they." Dominic tells the two. They nod their heads and start walking again.

(Ok, I know that this chapter doesn't make sense but the next chapter will actually be about the daycare. I needed a filler because I wrote this starting this morning and finished after school but whatever. Anyway Good-Bye!🖐)

(Edited on 8/23/2023)

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