Night terrors and a bath

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(This will probably be a short chapter but there will be a big A/N at the end.)

Dominic had woken up tears streaming down his face and sweat covering him fully. It didn't help that he was also in a place he didn't know. Where was he exactly?

When Luna and Mason got home with everyone, Luna put Dominic on the couch. He didn't have any other place to put him. They weren't expecting to adopt another Little so they weren't ready.

By the time they got home it was almost three in the morning. Luna and Mason were tired; beyond tired. Elijah and Noah had fallen asleep in the car drive home. The two Caregivers called out of work for the day.

Well, technically, the two of them had the next three weeks off to get to know their hopefully new Little. To some, it might be odd for them to be out of work for over three months, Luna goes back to work for like one or two days, and then the two of them are off of work for three weeks. Let's just say they have a secret to be able to do that.

Dominic looked around the room he was in. There was a big bay window with a seat built in across from Dominic. Behind the couch he was on, there was another window but this one was covered by light blue, partially see-through curtains. The walls themself were a light blush pink. The couch was pastel purple. There was also a T.V. across from Dominic. It was big; at least to Dominic, but that wasn't saying much. There were also pictures that Elijah and Noah probably drew hanging up with L.E.D lights. There was more to the room but the tears in Dominic's eyes made it hard to see.

Quickly, he tried to whip the tears off of his face with the back of his hand. It hurt. It hurt that he was even sitting up, but the extra pain from moving his hand made it worse.

Was he going insane? Why does the pain hurt so bad? He's been through worse. So, why does it hurt so much?

Carefully, he tried to get off of the couch and onto the floor. He wanted to go to the bathroom. Why? He hadn't gone in a while.

Once on the floor he landed with a loud thud. Dominic winced at the pain. He fell on his hip. He tried to shimmy his way to the bathroom. Propping himself up with his forearms, then using all the strength in them to pull the rest of his body forward.

He was trying to be quiet. But he hit the corner of the wall with his hip and then knee; he started crying. The pain was too much for him. So he just laid there on the floor, crying, and needing to go pee.

Mason woke up to crying. Quickly, he got off his bed with Luna, and raced to where he heard the crying. He stopped when he saw Dominic on the floor crying . Slowly he bent down near Dominic.

"Sweetie, what happened? Why are you on the floor?" Mason asked, softening his voice to not make matters worse. Dominic looked up at him and whined and pointed down the hall. "Where do you need to go? I'll help you get there." Mason told Dominic. Slightly Dominic moved his hand to do the sign bathroom. It was a simple movement. His thumb in between his pointer and middle finger, then waving it back and forth slowly. Mason nodded and picked Dominic up carefully. The boy softly clutched onto the olders shirt.

Mason quickly brought the smaller boy down the hallway and to the bathroom. Mason put Dominic in the bathroom and waited outside. About fifteen minutes later there is a knock on the door to the bathroom.

Mason opens the bathroom door and picks up Dominic from the floor. Carefully, Mason placed Dominic on his hip and walked to the living room. Once there, he sat o the couch and put Dominic on his lap.

"Sweetie, why were you crying?" Mason asked softly. Dominic looked away. He wasn't sure himself. Why was he crying? He has felt worse pain before, right?

"I nee' ba'room an, an, it hur' an I fel, an I hit my knee an hip!" Dominic cried out in a really small voice. (I need bathroom and, and, it hurt and I fell, and I hit my knee and hip!) (( I needed the bathroom and, and, it hurt to move. And I fell and hit my knee and hip!)) He was small mentally and his speech has always been horrible. Dominic beat Mason's chest as he spoke and shook his head back and forth. Mason grabbed Dominic's hands and pulled them away.

"Sweetie, sweetie, it's okay. You're okay. Why don't we relax on the couch? We can watch T.V." Mason tried to reason with. Dominic stopped moving and looked at Mason with wide eyes. Why was he being so nice?

"I no, I no, no be mad?" Dominic questioned Mason. Mason nodded.

"Do you want to get changed first?" Mason asked, Dominic nodded and they left the living room. Half way through the hallway Mason sparked a question.

"Sweetie, how about we go give you a bath? And change your bandages, then go put you in some clothes? Huh?" Mason asks Dominic. Dominic hums an okay then nuzzles his head in the crook of Mason's neck. Mason has seen him do this to Luna and Elijah, even Noah too. Maybe it was just a comfort thing for the mentally younger boy.

Once back in the bathroom, Mason turned on the water to the bathtub. Once the water was at the right temperature, he added in bubbles; specifically the ones for sensitive skin.

After getting the bath ready, Mason helps Dominic take one. Per the request of Dominic, he helped the boy with his eyes closed.

(Hello my Demons, Devils, and Other Creatures! Sorry this is so short and sorry that I have been taking forever to post a chapter. School has been kicking my ass. My mental health has also been shit, so yay.  I thought I was going to die today. Why? Because I was hanging out with stupid people and I went one way to look for someone and another person went the other, and a fucking ally door opened. And it's not that I would normally be scared of that. No, it was because it opened fucking SLOWLY!  If it was fast, I'd saw it was the wind, SLOWLY? Nah, that's a fucking murderer. I've seen enough horror movies and I ain't dealing with that shit. Anyway, hope you all have a decent day. Good bye my Demons, Devils, and Other Creatures! And don't forget to go comment on my About Me story to learn more a bout me.)   

(edited o n 8/23/23)

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