The classification

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I walked into the hospital nervously twitching.

"Damn Tourette's." I mumbled under my breath as I walked up to the little old lady at the front desk.

"Hello sweetheart. How may I help you?" She asked in a sweet country accent.

"Uh, hi." I said while slightly waving.

"Now what can I help you with?" She asked kindly once more.

"Um, I'm here for my classification." I said barely above a mumble.

"I'm sorry sweetie my old hearing isn't the greatest. Would you like to write down what you said?" She asked politely. I nodded, my hand twitching even more.

"Here you go sweetie." She said while smiling and sliding a pen and paper to me. I grabbed it and wrote down that I was here for my classification and gave it back to her. She smiles softly.

"Alright sweetie, write your name down here and then you can go wait in the neutral waiting room. Ok?" I nod, write my name down and go to the neutral waiting room.

Once there I sit in a chair as far away from everyone else as possible. I started twitching more violently. My breathing started getting faster.

'Fuck fuck fuck' I thought. I kept shaking my hands as my head kept cocking to the side.

'Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.' I kept yelling at myself mentally with tears pricking in my eyes.

"Dominic Lyons?" I heard a nurse say. I turned my head towards the nurse. We lock eyes. "Is that you?" They ask while pointing at me. I nod my head and get up. I walk towards them.

"Come with me sweetie." They said with a warm smile. I nodded my head and followed them.


I'm in a room with a doctor and they're staring at me.

"Could you please not stare." I asked quietly.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't realize." He said quickly turning his head into his shoulder. Hiding his face from me. Sadly I could see his cheeks turn a bright red.

(PTSD and pedophile warning!)

I started having flashbacks of when I was 13 and an old man was staring at my chest. At the time I had a very noticeable chest and the shirt my 'mother' had given me was a bit too tight and I felt uncomfortable in it.


"Mother, can I please wear my sweatshirt." I asked Clara. Clara is my 'mother'. Well she gave birth to me but she is not a motherly figure.

"No you little slut!" She said back with venom in her voice.

"But mother, I really don't like the way that man over there is looking at me." I told her while pointing to the man and trying to cover up my tits with my arms.

"Well you look like a slut so give him a show." She said while shoving me over to him.

"Mother please no!" I cried while she gave me to the man.

"Too bad bitch." She told me while walking away.

The man gave me a sickening smile and I cried more.

End of flashback

(End of PTSD and pedophile!)

"Can I please get another doctor?" I ask him.

"Yes, let me see who else I can find." He said now knowing that I didn't want him to be in the room any more. With that he left the room.

"F-uck!" I yelled randomly. Just then did it hit me that I'm having a tic attack. I cocked my head to the side multiple times while snapping and clapping my hands together.

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