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(I ran out of ideas after the last chapter but, I pulled this one together. Hope you like it.)

It had been almost two weeks since the five had gone shopping. Thirteen days to be exact. Something was bound to happen soon. Everyone felt it.

The fifteenth of the month was creeping up around the corner. With this happening; Luna and everyone else started to notice that Dominic stopped talking as much. He started to lose the little glimmer in his eye that they all had fought so hard to keep alive. He stopped smiling as much and when he did, it was forced. He stopped wanting to do things; hanging out with Elijah and Noah, playing with their dolls with Harley and Ivy. He stopped talking about Greek mythology for hours on end to Jade. He stopped playing with Viper's hair when he got overwhelmed. He stopped cuddling with Luna and Mason. Most of all, he stopped caring about Maddie.

The Reborn baby doll he came to love. Over the last thirteen days, you would almost always see him with the doll. But, when he stopped caring about it, and carrying it around everywhere. People started to get worried.

"What do you think is going on?" Viper asked worriedly as he brushed her hand through his hair. Luna shook his head as rocked back and forth on his feet. Slowly, he started to bite his thumb nail.

"I have no idea. Has he ever done this before? I mean, me and Mason haven't known him or been around him that long." Luna spoke. You could clearly hint the worry and concern in his voice. To be truthful, Luna loved this boy. With his whole fucking heart; did he love him. He doesn't love him more than anyone else. But everyone knew that he had to show love to Dominic a lot more.

"I'm sure he'll be fine Love." Mason tried to reassure Luna as he placed a hand on his shoulder. Luna turned to look at him before looking away and down to the ground. Mason knew that Luna wouldn't calm down until after he found out what was wrong.

"What are you guys talking about?" Dominic asked from the doorway. All of the CGs turned to look at the boy. He rarely ever stood up anymore. Didn't really crawl much. He was almost always in his wheelchair; which is what he was in right now. The mentally older adults understood a little bit as to why. It must hurt to walk. It also didn't help that Dominic refused the physical therapy.

"Nothing love." Luna spoke with a smile on his face. Dominic nodded his head blankly and left. He saw straight through the lie. He knew that they were talking about him.

He knew everything. He knew that they had noticed that he was losing himself. He wished that this day wouldn't have come. April 15th. Every year that he had been alone. That was always the worst day for him.

His twin brother escaped on April 15th. He escaped from the abuse that Ma'am put the two of them through. Dominic always felt mad at himself for being sad on this day. He always thought that he should be happy for his brother but he always felt sad. He would never admit it but he was sad that his brother left and was without him. He loves his brother dearly, and never wanted him to go but he knew it was for the best.

It's now the fifteenth. When Luna went to wake Dominic up, the boy was already awake. The boy just stared blankly at the wall as tears streamed down his face.

Carefully, Luna tapped the boy; careful to make sure the boy didn't get scared. Dominic slowly turned to look at Luna. The dullness in the youngers eyes broke Luna's heart. It was as if the life that the boy had was gone. His eyes were dead.

Luna picked up the boy and brought him over to the changing table in his room. Slowly laying the boy down, he turned and went over to the closet on the far side of the room. As if Dominic read his mind, the boy told Luna what he wanted to wear.

"Luna, can I have a red and black plaid skirt, a black and white striped long sleeve shirt, my black and white thigh highs, and my short sleeved black and white graphic shirt?" The boy laying down asked in a monotone voice. Luna flinched at being called his real name. The boy never really called him that. But now, it was so frequent that it happened. It hurt Luna. Luna nodded his head and grabbed everything before walking back over to the boy.

Gentilly, he put the clothes on the boy. He then placed the boy on his hip and went downstairs to the kitchen. In the kitchen, the two were met with Mason, Noah, and Elijah already at the table eating breakfast. Luna put Dominic into his highchair then went to go get him some apple slices. When Luna got back with his and Dominic's food, Dominic spoke up.

"I'm going out today. I have something I need to do." The boy spoke as he put an apple slice in his mouth. Luna and Mason's heads perked up. What did he have to do?

"What will you be doing Starlight?" Mason asked. He was quite confused.

"I have to go get some flowers." Dominic replied dryly and unamused. This just made Luna and Mason even more worried and curious. Why would he need flowers?

"Do you want one of us to come with you? We wouldn't mind-" Luna started before he got cut off by Dominic.

"No. I have to do this myself." He told the two of them as he looked up and glared at them. It was a cold hard glare. One that sent chills down your back. The two Caregivers looked at each other then back over to Dominic. The two of them nodded and then started to clean up breakfast.

The tension in the room was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. It made things feel out of place. Even more than they already were. Luna helped pack a small backpack for Dominic to bring with him. It was black and had a small red butterfly on it. In the backpack was a small bag of Goldfish, a bunny stuffie, Dominic's identification card that has what he is classified as and who to call if someone finds him, a black pacifier, a blue teether, his red Elmo cup that was filled with apple juice. That was it.

Luna helped him into his wheelchair, gave him the teddy bear that William gave the boy, and with that Dominic was off.

Dominic went to a nearby flower shop called Lilli's Lily's. It was a small little shop but it had just what he was looking for. Snapdragons. They were Toby's favorite flowers; so every year, no matter what was going on in their life, Dominic always bought him Snapdragons.

On his way home, someone bumped into his wheelchair causing him to fall out of it by an ally. The person quickly yelled sorry then ran off. To say it hurt was an understatement. Dominic's wheelchair fell on top of his legs; the legs that still are very badly injured.

Dominic let out a whimper in pain before he tried to push off the wheelchair. Once the wheelchair was off, he pushed himself off from the ground. He turned as best he could to see if anyone was around when he heard a small yelp from the alley next to him.

Curious, he pushed himself further into the ally to see what was going on. That's when he saw a boy curled up into a ball leaning against the wall. It took a moment of staring before it dawned on Dominic.


(Hello, sorry for taking so long to post something. It's just been chaos lately. I know I have some more ideas for this story but the other thing is, is that I have idea's for Creepypasta and Once Upon A Time stories. So yeah. I'm going to try my hardest to get more chapters out for this story. So, I hope you all have a decent day. Bye, my Demons, Devils, and Other Creatures.)  

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