A careful shopping day Part two

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(Hope you all enjoy. None of these names are real.)

The first store the five went into was called Tiny World. It was a store full of Little furniture. Such as cribs, highchairs, changing tables and so on.

When the five of them entered the store, Dominic was smack with so many different colors. There were reds, and blues, and purples, and the whole rest of the rainbow and so on. Besides the Daycare, Dominic had never seen as much color in one place. That was an ongoing thing though. Being that the boy before now had never really seen much of such things.

When Dominic's eyes adjusted to the sudden amount of colors. His eyes widened with joy. It was beautiful to him. Luna chuckled a bit.

"What's with that face for sweetie?" Luna asked with a smile dancing on his lips. Dominic turned to look at him; bewilderment in his eyes. A soft smile spread across the boy's face.

"Muh-muma! D'ere so cuh-color!" Dominic yelled happily. (Mumma! There is so much color!) Luna softened his smile as he carefully pet Dominic's head. As he did so, Dominic pushed into the touch. He liked it.

"That there is my Lovebug." Luna replied softly. Swiftly he made eye contact with Mason who has now walked up beside Luna. It was a brief moment that they locked eyes but it held a whole conversation.

The conversation that their eyes held was one that they wouldn't be saying out loud with the Littles around. What had been spoken through them was; they will be pretty much showing the good side of the world to Dominic and that they will be making sure that he gets a better childhood in headspace than he did when he was younger.

"How about we go look at the cribs? Yeah?" Mason asked, looking away from Luna and over to the amazed boy in the cart. The boy clapped his hands lightly with the heel of them and cocked his head to the side while ticking.

"Lovie, are you having a tick attack?" Luna asked worriedly. Viper had told him about the first one. It horrified Luna. But what horrified Luna more was the one that he had witnessed himself. The younger boy shook his head while waving his hands.

"Nu, dees good ticks!" He said happily. (No, these are good ticks!) Luna nodded and started his way to the crib section.

When they got there it was full of so many different kinds of cribs. Some big, some small. Some tall, some short. And they were all different kinds of colors.

As they were walking down the aisle with the cribs Dominic was trying to make a choice on which one he wanted. The other two Littles on the other hand were babbling to each other. Finally, Dominic found one that looked beautiful to him. It was blue at the top, the middle was purple, and the legs were red. It was wooden but the bars had light purple padding to them to protect your head if it hit them. The best part about it was that it had little stars and moons all over it.

Dominic squealed happily and pointed towards the bed. Luna and Mason turned to look at where he was pointing and smiled.

"Is that the one you want, Starshine?" Mason asked, chuckling slightly. The mentally younger boy nodded; a smile growing on his face. He liked the bed and he liked the nickname. Mason shook his head slightly; his laughter slowly became contagious.

Briefly he walked away before coming back with a flat cart. It was a cart that was flat on the bottom with only a handle coming up from the top. He walked over to the boxes underneath the crib Dominic wanted and placed it onto the cart he had.

Next, they went to the highchair aisle. Both of the CG's knew from the beginning that they were going to need to get Dominic a highchair. But that was because of his headspace age. Now, because of the damage done to his legs, he was most definitely going to need one.

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