On the hunt

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(I feel so bad for the people reading this. Y'all most likely just want to get threw the book and to the good part. Sorry, I'm taking so long to update!)

No One's POV

Viper and Luna both decided just to go on with their day at the daycare. However, what had happened earlier in the morning never left their mind. Viper was scared of who that was and Luna worried about what they did to Dominic. Or was that Dominic? Luna didn't know.

The daycare has been open for many hours now. Noah, Elijah, Ivy and Harley have gotten dropped off at the daycare already and have started to play with the other Little's.

Dominic hasn't been seen in hours. No one has seen him at all, well, someone saw him in the kitchen getting food but other than that he hasn't been seen. This worried Luna.

The night prier Dominic was all Luna could think about. He was scared for the new Little, he didn't know if the boy was going to be safe or adopted by a Caregiver.

At the moment Luna is in the kitchen to get something quick to eat when he feels a presence nearby. Luna looked around the kitchen but couldn't see anything so he went back to making his snack. Not even three seconds later Luna heard something fall in the pantry. Confused, Luna goes over to it and opens the door. There is a person in the pantry.

"What happened?" Luna asked them, laughing a bit. The person looked up at Luna and whined.

"I wanted a snack but I hit the flour and it opened and fell on me." The person whined to Luna. Luna laughs softly before responding.

"Aww, would you like me to help you get cleaned up?" He asked softly, still laughing a bit.

"Yes please Luna." The person responded as they walked out of the pantry and over to Luna. Who was the person? The one and only Dominic. Luna smiled.

"Can I pick you up Dominic?" Luna asked him not to push anything. Dominic nodded his head and put his arms up to Luna. Luna picked Dominic up and walked to the bathroom to clean him off.

As Luna was cleaning Dominic's arms he sparked a conversation.

"Dominic? Do you want to go pick out new clothes for you to wear?" Luna asked Dominic. The poor boy's clothes, which were black at first, are now pure white from the flour.

"Yes please." Dominic replied, his voice quiet and child like-ish. Luna, from dealing with this in the past, knew that Dominic was finally fully slipping into his Little Space.

"Alright, let's go lovie." Luna says softly as he picks up Dominic to take him to the Beginning room.

Once in the room Luna sets Dominic down on one of the changing tables and goes into one of the closets.

Five minutes past and Luna comes back out of the closet with multiple things in his hands.

"Alright Starlight, do you want to get dressed or do you want me to help you?" Luna asked, holding up the clothes he grabbed for the boy. He also wanted to try out a nickname for the Little one to see what he was able to call him.

"You peas." Dominic softly responded, slipping deeper into headspace from the nickname. Luna nodded his head before setting the clothes down next to Dominic.

"How old are you feeling Starlight?" Luna asked softly, taking off Dominic's gas mask. Dominic slowly held up one finger. Luna smiles. "Oh so small are we?" Luna tells Dominic as he tickled the boy's sides. A laugh escaped the Little, a laugh so full of glee and pure happiness that it could make a grown man cry.

"Nuh, nuuuuu! Nu tickle!" Dominic yelled happily. Luna laughed.

"Okay, okay, but now we have to get dressed." Luna started. "Do you need to wear a diaper while being so small? Just to be safe?" Luna asked Dominic. The Little boy shyly nodded. Luna nods and goes into the cabinet under the changing table to grab a diaper with stars on it. He then holds it up to Dominic to show him it. "This good?" He asks.

"Yeah! But nu 'ook!" Dominic yelled as he tried to cover Luna's eyes.

"What do you mean Starshine?" Luna asked, a bit confused and wanting to try out another nickname.

"Nu 'ook en ut on." He says shyly. (No look when put on.)

"I'll keep my eyes closed I promise." Luna tells the boy to try and calm him down. The boy nods and Luna quickly (with eyes closed) takes off the boy's pants and underwear before quickly putting on the diaper. After that he opened his eyes. "All better now?" Luna asked the boy as he nodded. "Now time for your shirt." Luna tells the boy as he takes the boy's shirt off.

One word to describe it all....


(Hey look at that we're finally getting to the good part! Have a decent day my Demons, Devils, and other creatures!)

(Edited on 8/23/2023.)

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