Chapter 11 - Rule of friendship - No Sorry , No Thank you

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Author's POV:

The news of Sana's blacklisting from this whole industry spread like a fire.

She is getting ban from this industry and no one gonna give her work. When lawyer made the contract and also send email to those mass media companies, they were shock but didn't waste their time and started making articles and publishing this news.

Sana is not in the category of top model but she is known by many so it's definitely a big news. If jisoo were in the place of Sana then scenarios will be little different , first of all she is one of the top model , secondly everyone know about her nature and personality , they agree that they haven't met with a person who is beautiful, kind and humble plus talented.

If she were in the news then public will not be ready to accept that jisoo is a bad person. But with Sana , her personality is known by everyone. As she is getting support from her investors she have all the rights to do anything and not only production and entertainment house know about her true colours but also local public.

But all of above if we create a bad news about a person it doesn't matter if the person is good or bad , that news will affect their reputation with a second, it will become a black hole in their life.

On the other side , Jimin dragged Jungkook with him to the hospital as jisoo is getting discharge.

"Kookie you know right that you have to apologise and thanks to her." Jimin said holding his hand dragging inside the hospital.

"Yeah yeah i know." Jungkook half heartedly said.

Jungkook is not good at expressing his feelings and he also never have been grateful to anyone so words like thank you and sorry is his moost difficult words to say.

"Well i also have one more thing that can save you from this thank you and sorry." Jimin said knowing jungkook's condition.

Jungkook's dull eyes started shining.

"What is it hyung." Jungkook exclaimed.

"Woah what's with your sudden change. Well the next way is ...." He paused.

Jungkook is desperately waiting for his answer.

"Oh just tell it."

"You have to be friend with her."


"Yeah what's wrong . If you become friend with her then you don't need to say sorry and thank you."

Hearing this his shining orbs became full again.

"It will be more better if i say thanks and sorry to her." Jungkook put all his weapons down and started practicing how to say sorry and thank you.

" We'll see" Jimin said with a smirk like he know that Jungkook won't able to do that.

They stop infront of her room where she is admitted . Jungkook stopped Jimin from opening the door.

Jimin gave him 'What' look.

He shook his head and told him to go first.

"Don't try to run away or else i will give this news on national TV to catch you at first sight Alive or alive." And then Jimin came inside the room.

'Is he even my friend." Jungkook thought.

In the history of his life he is getting nervous . His palm is sweaty.

'Yahhh why it's difficult to say these two words, come on Jungkook you can do this.' He said roaming back and forth .

He opened the door and entered.

Found both of them who were laughing a while ago is now giving their attention to him.

Jungkook felt embarrassed by this sudden attention.

"Jisoo" When he called her she look towards him.

"I want to say something." With this his heart is beating rapidly and jisoo's too.

"S-so-so-s" He is stuttering. Which is making Jimin laugh cause he knew Jungkook can't do this.

Nervous jisoo is now confused.

Jungkook tried million of times to say those two words but his tongue isn't cooperating with him.

He finally took a deep breathe with irritation and said in one go.

"Let's be friends." Which made Jimin laugh , jisoo's eyes widened and seeing their reactions Jungkook more embarrassed.

Can he ran away from there? Didn't waiting for her answer he said "I'm taking your silence as 'yes' ." Which made her eye brows raised.

"And the rule of friendship is No sorry and no than you." He was saying this to jisoo but his eyes were on Jimin.

Saying this he went out.

Jimin now couldn't able to control his laugh.

'Do kookie know that he just said sorry and thank you.' Jimin thought.

This point is  making him laugh more.


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