Chapter 1

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Brittany's POV

I'm Brittany Hiltz, friends call me Brit and life's pretty fucked up, no doubt about that. It wasn't always this bad though. I guess somewhere along the way some pretty bad shit happened..okay I KNOW somewhere along the way some pretty bad shit happened.

When I was 5, my parents got divorced. The reason? The asshole that I was once forced to call my father was -and probably still is- a fucking bastard and drug addict. He never loved my mother, and he proved it when he cheated and basically HAD her raped by his fucked up friends. He was drunk and just sat there grinning to himself like it was a fucking comedy T.V show. I've hated him ever since he left us and even more when I was old enough to understand. I've sworn to myself that I'll never in a million years forgive that prick..ever. Since then my mom, Stephanie Hiltz in case you were wondering, has been a strong individual and I respect her so much for that. We have had a very strong bond since the incident and she is one of the people I look up to, although I know I'll never be anything like her.

After all that shit happened, my mother and I lived alone in a small 1 bedroom apartment. I never stopped thinking about what she went through and that just increased my hatred for him even more. We were poor. Mom lost her job and was struggling to find a new one. I was 12 then and had to go into the next neighborhood, going house to house to see if I could wash a car or mow the lawn. We needed the money, I didn't exactly have a choice.

When I was 13 my mom met this guy called David Rollans. They dated for almost 3 years and then got married. I'm happy that she found him. He isn't too bad and I somehow get the feeling that he loves her, like actually loves her. Another good thing about him, is that he's rich. Like filthy rich. Not that I'm complaining about that or anything. They live in Beverly Hills and I go visit sometimes. I go to the California College of San Diego where the guys over here are exceptional fuckers. I'd say it's going pretty good on my part. The campus is quite big so I also have a wide range to choose from.

Okay..enough about my depressing childhood now. Let's talk about my personal life...

I was really badass as a kid which explains my..features right now. Almost my entire body is covered in tattoos. It's just a my lower back that's left and a bit of my legs. I just haven't found anything that I'm particularly interested in yet. I also have quite a few piercings. 3 on each ear, my belly button, one on my eyebrow, a lip ring and a stud on my tongue. I've got a nose ring too which I occasionally remove. I got my belly button done when I was 13 and the tattoos came along as the years passed. I rolled my first cigarette at 12 and tasted alcohol the same night. I was at a pretty wild party and underaged, obviously. I went with friends who were older and they got me in. I met loads of new people and made out with a few guys as well. I had too much to drink and wasn't thinking straight, confidence took the better of me is all I can say. After those "few" make out sessions, drinks and cigarettes, I got addicted. I don't know what suddenly happened but I felt like I always wanted more. More out of everyone. More out of everything. "Once a slut, always a slut." That's my motto. That's what keeps me going. I am a 'slut' and I have to face it. It isn't going to change anytime soon. I have sex with someone new every weekend. I'm always drinking, always smoking, always fucking. People probably think I "do it for the attention", or "want to be noticed". None of that shit is true. I do it for myself. For the fun of it.

I lost my virginity at 14. This, I didn't do on purpose. I was at another party and got raped. Someone drugged me and I was literally out of it. I didn't care much about losing it or how soon. But it mattered with who I lost it to. That was the biggest mistake of my life. It was with this older dickhead and when I say older, I mean a lot older. I was 14 and this guy looked about 40. I couldn't move at all. My legs were glued to the bed, they wouldn't budge no matter how hard I tried. I was screaming inside, screaming for help but no one came. No one heard. I just lay there with his greasy hands roaming my body, ripping my clothes off and touching me everywhere, despite my will. That is and forever will be the most traumatizing experience of my life.

Years went by, I drank some more, got high, y' know..the usual. I got arrested 3 times in the last 2 years. Twice for underage drinking and once for shoplifting. And here I am now, your average pain in the ass teen. This is my story and it will keep going. Now that you know what my shitty life is like, hopefully you won't judge me like all the other bitches out there.

Author's Note:

Heyy! So I'm going to be doing "Author's Note's" at the end of almost each chapter. Keep reading and I'll try to update as regularly as I can. Don't forget to vote and comment. Cheers! x

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