Chapter 3

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Brittany's POV

I step out of the car and wait for Liz and Liam and then walk inside. I look around for the rest of the boys and our other friends and soon see Harry's unruly curls. He sees me too and calls us over. The three of us make our way through the crowd till we see familiar faces. We walk up to them and Harry is the first one to greet us. He hugs me first and plants a kiss on my cheek before doing the same to Alissa, except he purposely kisses her closer to the mouth. She blushes slightly but shakes it off before anyone notices. We get hugs and kisses from Niall, Zayn and the girls, Eleanour, Perrie, Danielle and Melissa.

Perrie and Zayn just started dating since last week and Liam and Dani have been going steady for almost a year. Niall and Melissa have been together for sometime now, nothing serious though, they've just beem messing around with each other for a bit. I don't even know what he sees in her or why he's constantly banging her because all I see is pure bitch right in front of me. She's flat-chested and is actually pretty ugly and personally, I think Niall can do way better than that. She only hangs out with us because of her "relationship" with Niall and apart from him no one really likes her. Harry, Alissa, Eleanour and I don't really do relationships -I haven't been in one since the 9th grade. The seven of us -excluding Alissa and Mel- have been friends since high school. I knew Alissa since we were kids, so we practically grew up together. I still can't believe she's leaving. Fuck, why do I keep thinking about it?! I should be trying not to worry about it and have a good time. Ugh.

"What's up bitches! How's it going?", I say as a red cup is placed in my hand, hoping to lighten up the mood a bit and distract myself from Alissa and New York. I scrunch my nose as the bitter taste of beer fills my mouth and goes down my throat.

"Hey gurl! I've missed you so much! If your asking how it's going..I'd say great 'cause I'm amazing and hot as ever!" , Danielle jokes. The rest of us laugh and soon we're sharing stories from our vacations and how many people we've fucked. Time flies by and soon enough we're all drunk as fuck and playing a game of age old Truth or Dare. How fetch! What the actual fuck did I just say.. or think? Anyhow, did I really just quote the mean girls?

"Alissa. Truth or dare?" Zayn asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Dare! Duh!", she says bravely.

"Okay.. I dare you to go upstairs with Harry for Seven Minutes in Heaven", he says with a smirk. Liz's face goes cherry red and this time she can't hide her blush. Harry's face goes red too. What the fuck .

"Okay.", she shyly says and she gets up off the floor, grabs Harry's hand and leads him upstairs. Well that happened. We play a few more rounds where Melissa gives a random blonde a lap dance, I make out with Liam, and Niall and Zayn have a contest on who can chug down a bottle of vodka the quickest. Niall wins and we spot Alissa and Harry making their way down the stairs. They walk up to us hand in hand, both of them ridiculously out of breath, Harry's hair all messed up and Liz pulling her dress down a bit.

"Hey guys. What happened while we were gone?" Harry asks nonchalantly.

"Nothing that interesting. What about you two? How was it upstairs?" Zayn asks with his eyebrows raised.

"Phenomenal." he breathes. Then he shocks everyone -including Alissa- by planting a wet kiss on her lips. She's taken by surprise and everyone's eyes are popping out of their heads. He gently pulls away and looks into her eyes, waiting for her to say something. It takes a few moments or her to register what just happened and when she finally does her face turns all red again. She doesn't say anything, instead she kisses him again and he returns it. That one kiss soon turns into them making out with tongue. Things are about to get hot in here and if they don't go back upstairs, I have a feeling they're just going to fuck each other out here again.

"Get a fucking room!" , Liam yells, reading mine and everyone else's thoughts. He breaks the kiss once again and gives Liam a look that says "Fuck you bitch" written all over his face. Then he looks down at Liz and smiles sweetly. The little two-faced asshole. Hah. He better take care of my girl. Then they're oing back upstairs to..continue their fuck quest. I wonder if she's told him that she's leaving for New York in a few months. Guess not. If they're dating now, then that means that Elly and I'll be the only single ones. Way to be original.

The rest of us play a few games of Beer Pong and I got really sick. Me and Zayn vs. Liam and Danielle. At least we won a few games. It's almost 2 in the morning and I've got a terrible headache that's literally killing me right now, as well as a massive hangover. I need to sleep it off before classes tomorrow -more like today- or else I'm screwed. Fuck. How am going to get back to the dorms! I didn't bring my car and everyone else is too drunk to drive. Fuck. I could call a taxi. Or just walk. I'm standing outside the frat house, weighing out my options when I see a flash of pink hair. MIRANDA!

"MIRA!" I call. She turns around just as she's about to get into her car.

"Brittany! Hey! What's up?" She sounds completely sober.

"Mira." I slur and walk over to her unsteadily. I almost trip over when I reach her red sports car but she catches me just in time. "Thanks." I mumble. "Hey listen. I uhh.. was wondering of you could give me a ride back to the dorms? I didn't drive and I'm too drunk even if I did. Please?"

"Of course! Anything for you Brit. Besides, it's on the way to my sorority." Thank god she agreed. Otherwise I would've been stuck in this damned house for the rest of the night. Alissa's probably staying in here with Harry who lives here with the rest of the boys excluding Liam. I never cared much to join a sorority what with the "sisterhood" and all that shit and Liam didn't care to join a fraternity. He lived in the dorms like me.

"Thank you so much babe." I breathe a sigh of relief as I hop into the car. The ride back is a short and silent one, with the music on low. We finally reach the dorm rooms and I'm so tired, I think I'll fall asleep in the elevator. I thank her again and step out of the car. I walk into the elevator and press our floor number while I dig around my purse for my keys. It takes me a while to find them but in the end I finally do. I unlock the door quickly undress and slump on my bed. My phone beeps once and I check the message. It's from Alissa.

*I'm spending the night here with Harry. Don't worry about me, I'll see you in classes. Ly x*

"Yeah, I figured" I think to myself and switch my phone off. Within seconds I'm fast asleep.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone! Hope you're enjoying so far. Sorry for the typos, I didn't have time to reread. Please comment and vote. Laters x

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