Chapter 12

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Heeyy! Yes I know its been so long since I last updated so soorryyy for that. I'll be doing a double update btw to make up for it. Idk if people are still reading this but oh well. Enjoy!

Louis' POV

"Okay, here we are. Come on Brit." I say as I park my car outside her dorm. I walk over to her side and open her door.

"But Louuuu! I don't want to go home! I want to go to the party!" she whines while crossing her arms. She can be quite stubborn sometimes.

"Brittany," I say calmly, hoping she'll listen to me, "You need to get some rest. You can party tomorrow."

"But I wanna party NOW!" she pouts, looking away.

"Brit, please." I say, taking her hands in mine. "Look. I'll even give you a piggyback ride to your room." I offer. She finally looks me in the eye. Good. I'm getting there. She opens her mouth to speak.

"No. Party." she whispers, pulling her hands away. "Party, party, party!" she says louder this time, grinning from ear to ear. Oh boy. I let out a big sigh and she looks pleased with herself. How am I going to get this girl to move? Should I call one of her friends for advice? I take my phone out of my pocket and start dialing Harry's number.

"What are you doing?" She looks over at my phone and her eyes go wide once she sees the number. "NO! Don't call Harry!" she exclaims, grabbing my phone out of my hand. Then she does the most unthinkable thing ever. She drops the phone into her bra. Jesus.

"What was that for?!"

"You'll get it later Louis." She smiles to herself, "Now. Take me to my room." she instructs with a serious face. Her moods change fast.

"Yes ma'am." I joke, holding my hand for her to hold. She takes it and pulls herself out of the car.

"Wait." I turn to look at her. "I want that piggyback ride." I wasn't actually serious on that but if that's what it takes for her to go upstairs, then I'm all for it. Plus I wouldn't mind giving her one, I'd do anything for her. I'm falling too hard for her.

"Okay. Hop on." I laugh. Her face lights up as she climbs on my back, putting her arms around my neck to position herself. I carry her to the building and up the stairs. She was giggling all the way.

I absolutely adore her laugh. She may seem all tough and scary from the outside but she's a a big softie at heart. I love that about her.

She wasn't that heavy so it wasn't uncomfortable carrying her up the stairs. Once we reach her apartment, she handed me her keys and I unlocked the door. I set her down on her bed and went down to get her a glass of water. When I returned I found her curled up under her blanket, playing with her hair. She looked so adorable lying there, I wanted to get in with her and just cuddle. Unfortunately I couldn't do that.

I hand her the glass and sit cross legged on the edge of her bed. She sat up and looked at me. Her eyes were soft but they looked sleepy.

"You look tired. How about you change and get some rest?" I said to her. She nodded and got out of bed, looking through her closet for clothes. She get out an oversized T-shirt and bends over to grab a pair of cotton shorts. Holy...

"Turn around." she says with a smirk. I notice that my mouth was open the entire while. I quickly closed it and felt my cheeks turning a deep shade of red. I turned around while she changed and I had this urge to turn back around. I've never thought of something like that before. Brittany's changed the way I think as well.

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