Chapter 4

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Brittany's POV

I wake up to the sound of my annoying alarm. I groan as I reach over to turn it off. "Fuck" I mumble to myself. My eyes flicker open and I groan once again as I pull my body out of bed. I stretch my body and rub the sleep from my eyes. I put on a pair of pajamas and tank top and walk over to the bathroom. I check my phone as I brush my teeth *no new messages* it reads. I take a quick shower and pick out a pair of black high-waisted jeans and a crop top for today. I blow dry and style my hair, and finish up my makeup. I grab my keys and purse and walk downstairs to the parking lot. I have a volcano orange McLaren, another advantage of having a rich step-dad. I unlock the car, throw my bags in the passenger seat, start the engine and I'm on my way to hell. How pleasant. Before I go to to CCSD, I take a slight detour to the coffee shop. I really need some if I'm supposed to survive the entire school day. My heads still hurts a bit and I think I'll need some aspirin too. I park my car outside the café and walk inside. I check the time on my phone. 8:05 I've got plenty of time left to I can sit here and enjoy my drink. As I look around for a table, I hear someone calling my name. I recognize the voice as soon as I hear it. It's Harry. I walk over to the line where Harry's standing next to Alissa. Of course. "Hey you two!" We exchange hugs and I wait in line with them. Harry orders for the three of us since we always have the same thing every time we come here.

"Hi. Um, can I have a vanilla latte with a shot of that caramel cream? Yes, 3 of those. For here. Thanks."

We get our drinks and walk over to an empty table and talk about the next party being thrown at the fraternity. It's 20 minutes to 9 and and I should get going as I need to stop by the pharmacy to get some Aspirin for my headache. I stand up to leave, hug both of them and go back to my car. I hit my pockets and soon realize that I forgot my keys inside. I mentally curse myself and walk back inside to find Liz on Harry's lap, making out. Again. "Geez guys! Take it slow! I went out for like 2 seconds and come back in to see this public make-out session! God." I exclaim, shaking my head.

Alissa giggles like a 5 year old and Harry grins. "Sorry Brit. Didn't think we would be stopped by the couples police." he jokes. Alissa giggles again and blushes when he says 'couples' and I roll my eyes playfully, trying not to laugh at his shitty joke that was obviously made to impress Liz. He looks up at her and gives her a warm smile while gently kissing her again. "Here we go again." I roll my eyes for the second time while grabbing my keys off the table and walking back to my car. I turn out of the café parking lot and roll the windows down, blasting the music out the window. I love this song.

Imma make you scream my name

Imma make you glad you came....

********** Is it really 'bout your money or nah?

Can you really take dick or nah?

Can I bring another bitch or nah?

Is you with the shits or nah?

Or nah, Or nah...

I make another stop at the pharmacy and quickly run inside to buy some aspirin. I pop it into my mouth and swallow it with a gulp of water.A feeling of relief spreads through my body instantly and I feel much better already. I drive faster once I'm on the highway, I'm going to be late. It's already 8:55 and class starts in like 10 minutes. Fingers crossed for no traffic. Soon I pull into the school parking lot and drive towards my spot. A silver car I've never seen before is parked there. What the fuck. No one parks in my place. Fuck no. I get out of my car and slam the door shut. "Who the fuck owns this car?", I yell, loud enough for everyone to hear. It's suddenly all silent and everyone's staring at me. "Well? Who's fucking car is it?", I question again. What these people, deaf? My friends come by my side and they're all glaring at the crowd that has now formed around the lot. "You heard her. Too scared to own up are you?" Niall says sternly but loud enough, in his thick Irish accent that I absolutely adore. A boy I've never seen before steps out of the crowd. He looks about the same age as me and I'm guessing he just joined this semester, or else he wouldn't even have thought of parking in my place. He's wearing a dark blue button down shirt and striped suspenders. Total nerd. "It's my car. Is there a problem miss?" He's accent reveals he's British like the other boys, excluding Niall. "Problem? Hah. Are fucking kidding me right now?"

"No. I'm not effing kidding.", he flatly replies. I don't know who this kid is or what his problem is, but he's making unnecessary problems and that's really getting on my nerves.

"Too scared to swear? We won't tell the principle so mommy won't be disappointed. Don't worry." I call him out and I hear a few chuckles and "Ooooh's" from our large audience. "This will be the first and last time I'll be telling you this okay? That area which your shit car is parked is MY place. No one, and I mean no one even dares to park there. You understand? Now get your damn car out." I warn and demand at the same time.

"It's a free lot. You don't the place now do you?" he shoots as soon as I turn my back on him. Does he really want me to smash his face against his car or something. To be honest he's really asking for it. I turn back around so fast my neck cracks. Ouch. My head is fuming and you can see the anger in my eyes, the way people are staring, I can tell.

"Are you seriously challenging me? If I were you, then that's something I definitely would not do." I hear a few 'Yeah's and 'She's right's. Zayn says "Look man. If you know what's good for you, then you would back off before she explodes. That's something you don't want to see." He smiles slightly at the memory of the time I lost it and yelled at him for touching my gold bikini. It's my favorite one okay?Those were some good times we had there. He knows what I'm thinking and smiles a bit more before remembering the situation we're in now.

"Fine." The boy grits his teeth and finally gives in. Smart thing to do that was. He gets into his car and drives out of my spot and looks for an empty space. He should have thought of that before carelessly parking anywhere he felt like. Harry glares at the crowd as if to say go on, party's over. I get back in my car and park in my usual place and start walking towards the building with the rest of the gang. I hope I don't have that stubborn, obnoxious kid in any of my classes. I don't even know him but he's already a bitch in my mind.

Author's Note:

Are these author's notes annoying? I think I'll stop them for a while :/ Oh well remember to rate and comment. Baii xx

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