PART II Chapter 1 - You're cute~.... Let me take you...!

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Yuka's POV

Twins, they aren't the easiest people to have around in life. One boy and one girl... Whatever they do is 'amazing' to my parents. I'm just a monster sometimes... I don't have control over all my actions. When someone threatens me then I simply attack the person. It kind of gets my parents in trouble and I don't know what to do anymore... I'm not the perfect daughter, I know that, but they could at least give me a little more attention. I guess they don't appreciate what I'm doing, because they only see the bad side of me... I'm the demon of this family, the freak, the monster! I'm just dealing with moodswings a lot, it's not like I can help it.

"Nee-chan, did you hear me?" I blinked a bit when my youngest brother looked at me with questioned eyes. Yeah, I've three siblings and this is the youngest of them, Kyo. He has the same hair colour and eyes like I have. He's seven years old and has a lot of energy. "Sorry Kyo-chan, I didn't hear you." I told him and then he pouted. "You should listen more carefully, nee-chan. O-oh and don't call me Kyo-chan! I-I'm not a girl!" He said the last part slightly annoyed and he looked flustered, not liking it when people call him Kyo-chan. I guess I just like that flustered look on his face. I love that kid so much, everything about him is adorable, no wonder my parents love him so much.

"We're home!"

I sighed softly when I heard my dad while Kyo seemed to smile brightly. "Mommy! Daddy!" He said and then he ran to the front door. I slowly followed him and saw mom picking up Kyo in her arms with a laugh. The twins simply walked past me with their violin cases. Natsumi, my younger sister, and Riku, my younger brother. They are both talented kids, they are great at playing their violins. They seemed to like doing this and they seem to love the attention of people a lot.

"Yuka, did everything go alright with Kyo?" My mom asked me when she walked over to me. I simply nodded. "Yeah, nothing happened when you were gone." I told her and then she smiled. "Great, were you also able to do your homework?" She suddenly asked me and then I nodded again. "Yeah, that's finished." "Looks like you haven't got in trouble at school for a long time, that's a good thing." My dad said with a grin and then he patted my head before he walked into the living room. My mom followed my dad, still holding Kyo who was smiling brightly, until...

"Nee-chan, I was wondering if you had looked at my drawing. I want to learn a lot more from you!" He asked me, looking at me with his puppy dog eyes. "I did look at it and it looked like a great dragon. I suppose I could teach you some more another time." I told him with a smile. My mom put Kyo down and looked at me with a bright smile. "You helped him with drawing?" I simply nodded when she asked me. "That's sweet of you Yuka. You always seem to make time for Kyo."

"Yeah, for Kyo." Riku mumbled, looking at me with a smirk. I frowned slightly at him and looked away. "When will you do something with us again, nee-chan? It has been ages since we've done something." Natsumi whined, although I know they don't want me to do something with them. "Hm, that's right... Perhaps you should do more with Natsumi and Riku." My dad said when he looked at me. He suddenly closed his eyes and turned back into his true form. Then he looked at me. "Why don't you go to the park with your siblings tomorrow?" He suggested. I frowned slightly, wanting to spend my time on my own. I sighed softly, knowing there was no way out of it. "Fine..." I muttered and then I looked away from my dad. I looked at the twins, who smirked at me. I frowned more and then I walked away from the living room. Stupid twins...Those brats are three years younger than I am and they never seemed to have liked me.

I walked to my room and then I lied down on my bed, groaning in the pillow. Why can't life be easy...? People are disliking me, sometimes just because of my eyes. My dad has the same eyes and people seem to like him... At least most people do. My ears are pointy so you can guess people like to point that out as well... I'd rather avoid people than talk to them, because I don't trust a lot of people. I only have one friend at school, the only person I can talk to when I'm feeling down... Although I can't tell her everything. My family isn't normal after all... My dad is a cyniclon and my mom is an ex-mew... I'm a hybrid child, something that's probably forbidden to begin with. I'm the first of this hybrid race, at least, that's what my dad told me. Should I feel special? Not really... I'm living the life of a human... I'm able to do things like my dad, but we don't train those powers anymore.

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