Chapter 16 Getting closer...

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Ichigo's POV

I looked down at myself in the mirror and held my belly... I am almost eight months pregnant with Kisshu's baby. There wasn't really a time I had much troubles with my pregnancy the past few months. Slowly I'm feeling more exhausted and I can't move as easy as before, because my belly feels quite heavy. So if I had to complain about things it was most of the time of feeling heavy. At least Kisshu is someone who likes to carry me (...well, he'd rather want me lie down the whole day). He often gives me massages so things would ache less and if I crave for something he gets it as fast as he can, but sometimes when he comes back I don't want the food anymore and I feel bad for that... I cried in front of him because I felt bad that he went to get it for nothing.... He's just so sweet and I feel horrible for letting him do things which aren't quite necessary. Perhaps I should try to get the food myself so Kisshu doesn't need to do it for me, besides what's the worst thing that can happen to me in the kitchen..?


"Ichigo... Can you please tell me why you left the room...?!" Kisshu said worried when he sat on the edge of our bed I was lying in. I avoided eye contact with him and bit my lip a bit. "I was just... Well, I wanted to eat something.." I mumbled softly when a small blush appeared on my face. "You wanted to eat something...? I thought you would tell me when you're hungry..!" He told me in a stern way. "So what made you think 'let's go to the kitchen on my own', Ichigo?" I looked down and my eyes became watery. "B-because I didn't want to bother you.." I whispered and sniffled softly. "Oh, Ichigo..." He sighed and pulled me into a tight hug. "... You're never a bother... I don't care if you want me to get you something, I also don't care if you don't want it in the end. I care about you and that means I care about your safety and health, also about the baby... " He told me and then he kissed the top of my head before he placed a hand on my belly. At the moment I wore a lot of tops in which my belly wouldn't be covered, which could feel quite nice when I felt hot or just want to feel the baby better instead of feeling it through the clothes I wear.

"Don't scare me by fainting that much, kitten. One day you're going to give me a heart attack..." He mumbled into my ear and nuzzled me. "...W-well I can't help it..! I reached the kitchen quickly and when I was busy I saw black spots okay..!?" I told him embarrassed and hid my face with my hands. He laughed softly and stroked my hair. "Yeah it was also quite a mess there because of the things you've dropped." He said when he poked my forehead, making me pout a bit. He chuckled and then he kissed my cheek.

The next minutes I simply relaxed on the bed while Kisshu was stroking my hair a bit. I don't think Kisshu would go anywhere because I fainted today... It's okay, but he wouldn't leave my side for a second now... But I somehow can understand why he wouldn't, after all he's getting more and mor protective about me and the baby... Now the baby is growing sometimes and does weird things inside of me he wants to make sure we're both doing alright. I can feel all movements he/she makes inside of me... The kicks can be quite hard and they often make me yelp in pain... Also other things have been happening because of the powers this baby probably possesses since he/she is going to be a half blood... Sometimes I see my belly glowing, most of the time through clothes or blankets that are covering me. The first time that happened freaked me out a bit... It was midnight and I had woken up. The first thing I did when I saw it was waking up Kisshu in panic. He wasn't sure what it was either and he asked me if I was feeling alright or weird because of it. I didn't feel different because of it and that's why Kisshu told me not to worry about even though he still woke up Pai to make sure that nothing wrong was going on. It's probably just the baby who's trying out some powers.

Eventually Kisshu had made me really relaxed and I fell asleep, unable to stop myself from falling asleep. I sleep very deep and long at the moment. No one can wake me up, only I can If I have had enough sleep, if I'm hungry or if I feel pain or something like that. So by the time I opened my eyes, Kisshu was still at my side. "Have you slept well?" He asked me and then I nodded. I slowly sat up and looked at him. "I feel like taking a nice and warm bath..." I mumbled and then I kissed his cheek. Kisshu smirked. "Is there enough room to join you?" He whispered sweetly into my ear. "Hm, I suppose there is, besides I like to lie against you in the bath." I whispered into his ear with a smirk. "Oh, you want that, right? Well perhaps I've to fulfill  your wish then.... Although you might have to give me something in return." He said with a smirk. "Like what Kish?" I grinned and then I moved closer to him. "How about this...?" He said with a smirk before he pulled me on his lap, kissing me passionately. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. His hands ran through my hair and kept kissing me. After a little while we broke the kiss and then he picked me up easily, bringing me to the bathroom.

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