Chapter 15 Too much drama (for me)

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Ichigo's POV

I'm in my fourth month of my pregnancy, so that means I'm showing... Well, at least the sickness has stopped and I'm able to sleep a lot better than before. Things seem better, but also worse at some points. Mood swings sometimes the better of me... Really, I get angry and I'm slowly pissing off Kisshu when I'm really horrible to him (Yeah, I was insulting him and calling him names, yet I don't know why). Then I suddenly start crying at points (probably because I was scared he was going to explode because of me), making him feel bad... It's really confusing to switch from an emotion to another, but I'm slowly having more control over them..... I think.

I kept looking down at my belly, rubbing it with a smile. I really could feel him or her in there. It somehow made me feel great. I could feel the small movements inside, making me smile more. I was really wondering about the gender of the baby, but I would love the baby no matter what gender it is. I kept rubbing it and kept looking at it. I looked up when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Kisshu was standing in front of me with a smile. "How are you feeling?" He asked me when he sat down next to me. I gave him a smile as well. "I'm feeling fine." I told him, knowing he was probably worrying about me. "Don't worry about me." "I can't help it and I need to worry about you two, who knows what could happen to you both." He said and he gently patted my belly, making me giggle softly. "Well, you're kinda cute when you worry like this." I said softly, seeing him blush a little. Kisshu has been pretty happy when we were talking about the baby, he's already protective of him/her, so he rarely let anyone touch my belly when he's around. Well... He rarely let's no one touch me, but that's just his possessive side I need to live with, even though it can be very annoying.

"You need to go outside today." He suddenly told me when he caressed my cheek. I blinked and then I nodded. "Oh alright." I smiled. "Although Ichigo... I'm not going to let you walk." "Eh? Why not?" I frowned a little and then he sighed. "You're really clumsy in the forest, you could fall easily on your stomach." "But being outside is basically the only time when you let me do something..! You barely let me do things here..!" I yelled, making him back up a little. "Ichigo... Please understand tha-" I shook my head and my eyes became watery. "No..! You don't let me do anything and I'm becoming fat..!" I started crying, making things quite hard for Kisshu. "I-Ichigo..." He mumbled and pulled me into a tight hug. "I'm sorry, okay..? I'll let you walk, although I'll walk next to you." He told me and I nodded. He wiped my tears away and kissed my forehead. "Oh and you're beautiful, kitten... Not fat.." He whispered sweetly. I decided not to say anything back, because I already blushed.

He slowly picked me up and I blushed more. "Kisshu... I don't have my disguise on yet..." I told him and then he slowly put me down. I put the long black coat and the black wig and then I looked into the mirror. "I'm ready now." I said to him and then he picked me up again before he teleported us to earth. When we were there I saw the others (Pai, Lettuce, Taruto and Pudding) there as well. I knew they did that so they didn't have to be on earth longer than they need to. Pai held Lettuce's hand tightly, she was blushing but smiling happily. Taruto was holding Pudding in a way like she was about to run away or something, she didn't seem to smile very much. Pudding and Lettuce were also wearing disguises. Lettuce was wearing a dark brown wig and she wore also a black jacket like mine. Pudding wore a red wig (not like my hair colour) and a white jacket. The rest wasn't really important to tell.

"Let's walk like you girls wanted to do." Pai said, still holding Lettuce's hand and then he led her with walking. Kisshu followed his example, but a lot more careful than that. He wanted to make sure I wasn't going to fall. Taruto had let Pudding go she she was simply jumping and running around while Taruto was following her, already panicking about her being safe. At least I could hear her laughing again and that makes me feel a little more at ease, because I knew she had been crying a lot because of Taruto's possessive side. I don't know how possessive Pai exactly is, but Lettuce seemed to be happy with him which is also a relief.

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