Chapter 2 The not so perfect life

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Ichigo's POV

I ran and ran until I reached the park. I calmed down a little from what happened earlier. I should just set my mind on my date with Masaya. I sighed softly and sat down on a bench close to the big sakura tree. This tree is the favorite tree of Masaya, after all those attacks the tree looks kind of back to normal. Hm... Perhaps that's the reason why Kisshu sometimes call him a treehugger. I suddenly chuckled about this, I got to admit sometimes Kisshu's nicknames are simply funny. What am I thinking!?

"Ichigo-san?" I blinked and saw Masaya in front of me. I smiled and stood up quickly to hug him. "Masaya-kun!" I said happily and he chuckled in response and wrapped his arms gently around me. I rested my head against his chest and felt relaxed. "You seem really glad to see me, did something happen?" he asked me slightly concerned. Something did happen, but I'm not telling him that. "No, everything is alright." I said with a sweet smile, he seemed to believe it and smiled as well. "Alright, that's good to know."

We walked around the park, we talked and did the usual stuff couples would do. It simply made me very happy and I kind of forgot what happened when I saw Kisshu today. I looked at Massaya and then I looked at him. He also looked at me and smiled. I moved my face closer to his and kissed him, he kissed me back in response. After we broke the kiss I hugged him again, I just felt really safe in his arms and I didn't want to let go of him. "Ichigo, are you sure you're alright?" he asked me again. I nodded and then he stroked my hair. "Alright, if you say so." He said sweetly and wrapped his arms around me.

When it was getting late Masaya brought me home, knowing my dad would flip if I get home too late, but I told him there was a chance my parents weren't home yet. He said it was still better to home just in case and I knew he was right. I kind of felt sad that this date had to end already, but I shouldn't complain about it either because it has been fun. He looked at me with a smile and smiled back. We stopped walking when we stood in front of my house. We kissed each other goodbye and we went separated ways.

I sighed when I walked into an empty house again. It was just around nine in the evening, but I still didn't like it when my parents were out so suddenly. I locked the front door and then I went upstairs to my room. I let myself fall down my bed and I sighed. This were nice, but also confusing today. I mean my date with Masaya was fun, but what happened when I saw Kisshu simply was confusing. I'm not sure what happened to him, but it simply wasn't the Kisshu I knew. I've seen him acting like that once before, but I thought it was just something that happened once... Now I'm not sure if it was the same like then..

I frowned and placed a pillow over my head. I let out a small scream in frustration and then I simply lied there quietly, with a blank mind for a few minutes. I needed a little peace and quiet, otherwise I would think about what happened the whole might. I sighed once again and I sat up. I looked at my window, wondering a few things. "Mom and dad are pretty late again... I shouldn't wait for them to return home..." I told myself when I looked down.

I looked at the clock and noticed an hour had passed since I've got home. Not that it really mattered to me, but I simply noticed it. I looked at my phone and saw a text of Ryou, warning me about the alien activity around my neighborhood. "You're a little late with that..." I muttered and put my phone away. If I come to work again he would definitely call me stupid or something, because I'll tell him I noticed nothing or something. I sighed and then I looked at my window once again.

I blinked when I saw some glowing yellow eyes close to my window. It was too dark for me to see what it was, but I knew it couldn't be something good. I stood up and I slowly walked over to it. It was too dark to see if something was there and I wasn't able to find those two glowing yellow eyes anymore. I blinked and then I sighed and shook my head. This wasn't really my day I suppose. I turned around and suddenly...


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