Chapter 14 Sickness

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Ichigo's POV

"Ichigo..!" Kisshu had followed me into the bathroom, but I only knew that because he held me softly and kept the hair out of my face a few seconds later. Yes, I was throwing up due the morning sickness... Around a week ago I started to throw up when I woke up and I tried to hide it from Kisshu in the beginning, but it didn't work and he found out anyways... He immediately took me to Pai, who was sleeping with Lettuce in his arms. It turned out very awkward to us all. So after we all calmed down Pai checked if I was pregnant and the result was positive. You can only imagine the way Kisshu has been after he found out, yes he became extremely protective... He doesn't want me to leave the room alone, he rather keeps me close to him and when I go on a walk with him on earth he barely lets me walk..! It can be very frustrating at some times. So you understand that the pregnancy isn't very comfortable if you're barely allowed to do things on your own... At least what he's doing is helpful at the moment.

I stopped throwing up after a little while. I slowly looked up at Kisshu and gave him a small smile. "Thanks.." I whispered and then I slowly stood up more steadily and flushed the toilet. I made my way over to the sink and grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste. Then I started to brush my teeth to get the nasty taste out of my mouth and I knew it would help against a bad breath. After brushing my teeth Kisshu took me back to the bad room, putting me down on the bed. I sighed and then I looked up at him. "Are you really planning to keep me bedridden..?" "Uhm... Maybe..?" I narrowed my eyes. "Kisshu..!" I hissed and then I crossed my arms. "You're not going to do that for like the rest of my pregnancy..!" She told him. Kisshu chuckled. "I was just messing with you kitten." He said before he stuck out his tongue to me. I grinned and then I threw a pillow at him. He easily caught that and threw it back into my arms. I pouted playfully, only for him to get on the bed and pulled me closer to him. "Awww kitten, what's wrong?" He asked me, knowing I was just playing with him. "Nothing~!" I said and then rested my head on his shoulder. He blinked and then he pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back and smiled brightly.

He placed a hand on my flat tummy, like he was trying to feel the child. I grinned. "Kisshu, that will take a while before that will happen." He looked at me and nuzzled me. "I know." He simply said to me and then he kissed me sweetly. I kissed him back and then I simply rested against him. He stroked my hair and I slowly fell asleep again, because I was feeling too comfortable. When I opened my eyes again I noticed I was in bed again and no one was in the room. I sat u, rubbing my eyes and then I looked around. I sighed softly and then I stood up slowly. Even though I was careful I felt dizzy. I held my head and then I slowly walked to the door, trying to find Kisshu again. I walked out of the room and walked into the hall. It was strange because I heard no sounds coming from nearby. I decided to check the control room, hoping to find them there, but when I was there, no one was around. 

"...This is odd..." I mumbled to myself and then I slowly walked back to the hall, walking around the ship a bit, trying to find anyone. I slowly felt more and more dizzy when I was walking and it was really starting to bother me. I stood still for a moment and held my head, thinking I would lose my balance any moment. I slowly decided to walk back towards Kisshu's and my room. I wasn't sure what was going on with me and I'm not even sure it's from the pregnancy... right? I feel like I couldn't thin and my sight also seemed to get blurry. I let out a groan before I collapsed on the floor, unsure what was going on with me. One thing I knew for sure.... Kisshu is going to have a fit when he's coming back before I wake up again.....

"Ichigo...." I heard someone saying, I felt someone shaking my body a bit, but my eyes refused to open. "Oi...! Pai, what's going on with her..?!" "I don't know, but when I see her cheeks like that I think she might be suffering from a fever..." A fever..? But I felt only dizzy before... I groaned softly and slowly opened my eyes. I saw a pair of golden eyes looking very concerned. "K...isshu..." I managed to get out and he sighed softly. "Thank god.... You're awake..." He said softly to me and then he stood up, holding me in bridal style. I closed my eyes, feeling really bad somehow. I groaned again and  hid my face against his chest. "Don't worry kitten, just rest, I'll bring you back to bed." He said gently when he went to his(/our) room. When he placed me in bed again and seemed to get away from me I grabbed his shirt as tightly as I could. "D-don't leave...!" I said as loud as I could and I felt slightly panicked. I looked up at him and bit my lip. He looked slightly confused by my behaviour and then he placed a hand on my cheek. "Kitten...." He whispered worriedly and then he placed his forehead against mine. "Don't worry, I'll stay with you... Now rest, it might helps you to get rid of your fever." He said sweetly and then he kissed my forehead. I nodded a bit and then I curled against him.

Kisshu's POV

I was really worried about Ichigo... I knew she would have some normal symptoms of the pregnancy, but since we're different species it looks like it is worse for her than it normally would be. I looked at her with a concerned expression, although she didn't seem to notice until now. She blinked and then she bit her lip again. Her eyes were slightly watery and she looked down. I'm also worrying her because of this and I knew I shouldn't do that to her. I put on a small smile and nuzzled her, hoping she would stay calm. She simply held me, resting her head against my chest, slowly dozing off. My eyes were only fixed on her and all I could do was hope she will be fine in the end. I don't know what I would do if something goes wrong with her. She breathed softly and looked content when she was asleep, she still held my shirt in a tight grip, making sure I couldn't get away from her. Of course I don't mind it, she simply wants me to stay close and especially when I've been gone, but she gets annoyed by me as well when I don't let her do things... I know I'm even more possessive since she's pregnant, but I'm doing it for her safety, who knows what could happen if I'm not there protecting her? Those humans might get their hands on her and the unborn baby who they might use for experiments and perhaps even on Ichigo because of her cat genes...! I can't let that happen. I slowly closed my eyes, pulling her slowly closer to me and fell asleep.

I opened my eyes again when I felt someone trying to move away from me. I simply pulled her close again and then I heard a soft yelp form her. "Don't get out of my arms kitten." I told her and then I opened my eyes, to check if she wasn't sick or something. She didn't look like she was going to throw up, but she looked kind of panicked again. I blinked and sat up. "Is there something you need kitten..?" I asked her, but I understood what she wanted when I heard her stomach growling. She was blushing and looking down. I chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Well, what do you want to eat koneko-chan?" I asked her sweetly. "....I would like some strawberries..." She mumbled softly. I nodded and patted her head. "Don't worry, I'll get you some." "...You probably find this amusing, right...?" Referring to her own name, which meant 'Strawberry' in Japanese, and then I chuckled. "Maybe a little, but it's something you crave right? I need to keep you happy." I told her, she looked slightly away still blushing. it was looking adorable, because her cat features were also out. I scratched her behind her ear gently, making her purr softly. "Be right back, kitten." I said before I went away to get what she wanted.

This makes me kind of wonder what kind of cravings she will have later, I hope they will be kind of normal for a pregnant woman.... I guess I have to find out.


A/N: Sorry for the short(er) chapter, but I was really having a writer's block for this chapter and I don't have as much time as I had before school started, so I hope this chapter will be alright for now. I can't tell you when I'm able to make a new chapter, but I'll try my best to make it ASAP.


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