Chapter 10 Changes

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Kisshu's POV

"I think I like you...!" Ichigo blurted out I couldn't believe it when she told me that. I blinked and then I tilted my head. "E-eh..? What?" I asked and then I saw her face turning almost as red as her own hair, it was really adorable. "Y-you heard me..." She said softly and rubbed her arm a bit, looking down like she couldn't look at me. I smiled and then I pulled her close. "I heard, I just can't believe you said it." I told her softly and then she slowly hid her face against my chest. She didn't say anything, she just held my shirt tightly and I knew she was still blushing a lot. I slowly lifted her head to make her face me. "You don't have to hide yourself, Koneko-chan." I whispered to her and then she bit her lip.

I frowned when I saw tears appear in her eyes. I wiped her tears away gently, staring into her eyes. "Why are you crying..?" She closed her eyes. "I'm not supposed to like you like this..! We're supposed to be enemies..!" She sobbed and she shook her head. I sighed and pulled her close against me. "Don't worry... It's fine.." I told her and she just seemed to get even more upset. "N-no..! How could a human, who's also a mew mew, love someone who's an alien..? I-I'm so confused..!" The poor girl was crying her eyes out... All I could do was holding her close, trying calm her down by saying it would be alright, but nothing else. I rubbed her back gently when she was shaking from crying. After a while it was quiet and I knew she passed out.

I gently picked her up and then I placed her on the bed. I had to make sure she would let go of my clothes before I leave. She made a small noise when she had to let go of me. I heard a softly mewing sound and it looked like she was reaching out for me. I sighed and planted a kiss on her forehead. "Be back later, Kitten." I mumbled and then I left her alone, still passed out on the bed. When I was in the hall of the ship I saw Taruto. He seemed to look slightly irritated. "Oi Taruto." I called out and then he looked at me. He raised an eyebrow and then he sighed. "Oh...hi Kisshu..." He muttered. "Something wrong?" I asked, slightly curious by what seemed to bother him. He looked slightly away and his eyes narrowed. "It's Pudding... She hasn't woken up yet.." He mumbled and made a fist. "Really, if this humans are going to hurt her more then I'm going to attack them for sure..!" He hissed. He seemed to be passionate about her... Not as much like I'm with Ichigo, but certainly more than a boy of his age. "I'm sure she will soon." I told him. "You really think so?" He asked and then I nodded. "She's a strong girl so I'm sure of it." His mood seemed to lighten up a bit and then he smiled a little. "Alright, I guess you're right. Let's go to Pai, hoping he has found some mew aqua to save the planet and to awake the leader." He said and then we both went to Pai.

"Oi Pai." Taruto said when we entered the control room. He looked at us and kind of nodded, like that was a greeting. "Any news of the mew aqua?" I asked him and then he nodded. "Yes, it's close to some kind of forest. We should hurry up before the mew mews get there." He said. I looked at Taruto who seemed to grit his teeth. "Let's go then..!" He said seriously, almost too seriously for a kid. Pai blinked slightly confused at his youngest brother and then he nodded. We all teleported to earth close to where the mew aqua was spotted. "So, it's somewhere here?" I asked, seeing nothing but trees, also not feeling any energy of the mew aqua. Pai looked at a device and then he nodded. He floated into a direction and Taruto and I followed him. "It should be here." Pai said and then Taruto nodded with a smirk. Then he summoned a chimera animal. He ordered it to get the mew aqua which was probably buried there. "Not so fast aliens!"

We looked around only to see the mew mews there. I groaned when I saw them. I wasn't very amused by them anymore especially when Ichigo was replaced by that new girl. It was also a cat girl, but annoying and stupid. Taruto was also looking unamused, very angry even. "Why did you replace mew mews?! Was it really needed?!" He yelled irritated, the snobby bird mew stepped forward. "Well Ichigo seemed to thought she could do better stuff and is probably doing nothing like usual, so stupid." She rolled her eyes and shrugged with a smile, making me slightly angry. "And for Pudding, she's quite troublesome and too young. She would probably not be helpful at all." She commented. "SHUT UP..!" Taruto yelled in pure anger. The fish mew, Lettuce, looked very troubled now. I noticed she was looking sadly and it was like she didn't want this anymore. The bird looked annoyed. "Why shoukd I? It's true! They both aren't useful..!" She yelled back. "S-stop it..!" Lettuce suddenly yelled.

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