Chapter 12 Pain and Demons

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Ichigo's POV

It has been a while since the last time... Two months have passed and some odd things have happened. So there was that time where Lettuce, Pudding and I were on earth along with the Cyniclons. It started out pretty normal, but the mew mews had found us and we were nearly exposed because of an attack from them. Luckily the Cyniclons teleported us away just in time. Another weird time Pudding and Taruto were sugar high. They were really on rampage and we hat the catch them before they would destroy the ship. That was pretty tiring, I hope Taruto doesn't have another stash of candy..! Also my mark has been hurting me quite a lot. Sometimes more than other times, that's what's bothering me. I really have a lack of sleep, it's simply exhausting.

I'm lying in my bed, unable to fall asleep. I sighed and bit my lip when I turned around. I knew I was looking horrible and the dark circles were clearly visible. Only Kisshu would never say something like that to me, at least he I don't think he will. I heard the door opening and I slowly sat up. Kisshu looked at me quite worried. "Did you sleep?" He asked me and then I shook my head. "It was burning again.." I mumbled and then I saw him frowning. "Kitten..." He said with a sigh and then he pulled him close. I rested my head against him and then I closed my eyes. I nuzzled him softly and felt relaxed. "It was a little painful again.." I mumbled to him and then I looked up to see him frowning. "You could have come to me kitten... It's my fault anyways...." He said while looking down.

Kisshu had told me the way how to end the pain of the mark. I've to mate with him. At first I was very angry, but I slowly calmed down, knowing he hadn't been thinking about the consequences. I placed a hand on his shoulder and then I smiled weakly. "If it's really too painful, then I'll mate with you." I told him with an awkward look and then he shook his head, sighing a bit. "Don't joke about it Ichigo... I've messed it up... You know you should bother me every time you're in pain because of the mark..." He mumbled looked quite angered and saddened. I sighed and then I hugged him tightly. "Don't take all the blame.." I mumbled and then I hugged him tightly. He hugged me back and rubbed my back. "Why not, it's my fault you're in pain...!" "You weren't thinking straight Kisshu, I know you were acting different back then..." I told him firmly. He slowly looked into my eyes and I immediately kept looking into his golden orbs. He sighed and then he kissed my forehead. "Alright kitten, if you say so..." He mumbled. I smiled and then I kissed him quickly. He started to smile lightly again, which made me more relieved. I rested my head against him and closed my eyes. I sighed and I nuzzled him. "But I'm serious about mating if the pain gets worse."

Kisshu POV

I blinked when she said that and then my eyes widened for a second. "W-what?!" I yelled and then I grabbed her shoulders, looking into her eyes. "Ichigo, are you feeling okay? You're not sick, right?" I asked her and placed a hand on her forehead. She simply pulled my hand away and looked seriously at me. "Kisshu, I'm not sick nor lying, if it's able to get rid of the pain then I think it's worth it..." She mumbled and then I raised an eyebrow. "Kitten, on my planet it's pretty normal to mate at your age, but at yours it's definitely not normal..!" I told her, knowing some things about that. She shrugged. "I don't care.." She muttered and then she looked away from me, crossing her arms. I frowned and cupped her face with my hands, forcing her to look at me. "Ichigo, I don't think you've thought about this already, you're probably not even ready for it." I told her and she looked away with her eyes. "I wasn't ready for the mark either..." She muttered and then her eyes got watery. The pain she must be dealing with is probably worse than I can imagine. Damn, I need to make her aware of what she wants and what the consequences are. "Giving birth also hurts very much..." I told her, she shrugs. "So..? That's only one time, this happens every day..." She muttered. I scratched the back of my head. "We also won't know what the effect is of giving birth to a hybrid, perhaps it will hurt more and I think the process of being pregnant is different as well." "Kisshu..! I don't care..! I want to be able to sleep, I want to be able to have a day without feeling pain...!" She yelled and then she held the mark and gritted her teeth, a single tear rolled down her face. I bit my lip and then I placed my hand over the mark after I pulled her hands away, relieving her pain.

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