Chapter 1 What's wrong with Kisshu?

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Ichigo's POV

I woke up late in the morning. I felt lucky that I didn't have to go to school nor work. I yawned and stretched lightly when I sat up in bed, then I rubbed my eyes, almost ready to leave my bed. Deep inside I didn't want to leave my bed, thanks to my cat genes, but I knew I could do a lot of stuff, like hanging out with Aoyama-ku- I mean Masaya-kun. I still have trouble to call him by his first name after calling him by his last name for so long.

I've had a crush on Masaya for so long and I'm really glad that I'm his girlfriend now. I'm also glad I don't have to hide from him that I'm a mew. I've been so afraid he would think I'm a freak because I've cat genes, but he didn't mind it. His smile, his voice, his black hair and brown eyes, he's simply perfect in all ways! I still melt every time I see him...My blue knight...

I could dream about him all day long if I want to, but I know I shouldn't daydream all day long, it would just make my mind a mess... I sighed softly and then I stood up. I decided to put on a cute summer dress, it was white and had a few pink ribbons on it. I bet Masaya would like seeing me in this dress. I squealed softly when I thought about his reaction to this. I also tied my hair up into my two usual pigtails. This is certainly a good look for 'random date'.

I went downstairs and I noticed my parents weren't home. "Hm... This happens quite often lately..." I muttered slightly annoyed by it. My parents suddenly think they can leave me alone in the house without telling me they're going to do something together... Well they leave a note, but still..... They probably don't want to wake me up or something, thinking I would be cranky teen if they wake me up from my sweet dreams. I sighed and decided to make a quick breakfast.

After eating breakfast I texted Masaya I was going to the park, knowing he would probably come there as well. He loves nature so the park is the perfect place to meet up and he knows a lot, it kind of makes me look dumb sometimes, but I don't mind it. I sighed happily when I stood up and I walked to the hall. I grabbed my keys of the house and locked the door when I walked outside. I smiled happily and was about to walk away from the house before I saw Kisshu in a tree. What was he doing there? I frowned slightly when I saw that he was sleeping. Did he stalk me or something!? I frowned more and decided to wake him up.

"Kisshu..! What are you doing here?!" I yelled at him, seeing that he woke up after that he blinked. "Ohayo Koneko-chan~!" He said with a smirk when he teleported in front of me, a bit too close for my liking so I stepped a bit back. "What were you doing in the tree of my house...?" I asked seriously, looking lightly annoyed. "Oh you know, keeping an eye on this cute kitten who's in front of me~." He said once again with a smirk which was pissing me off..! "So you are stalking me..? You're such a pervert you know..!" I yelled in his face. He chuckled. "I didn't see you change nor naked, kitten~. So the only one who's a pervert is you, because you get those ideas in your head~." Oh, that bastard..! He really knows how to piss someone off! I huffed and turned my back to him when I walked away.

"Where are you going?" He asked when he teleported in front of me, which made me bump against him. I took a step back and then I walked past him. "I'm going to the park.." I muttered to him, he simply floated next to me and looked at me the whole time. "All by yourself? That's not very safe kitty." He said and I rolled my eyes. "I'm meeting up with Masaya.. Gosh! Why do I even bother to tell this all to you..!" I muttered frustrated. I saw him flinch when I mentioned Masaya.

Suddenly I noticed the change of expression on Kisshu's face. He looked so... sad and angry. Normally I don't see those things on Kisshu's face, but I guess things were just odd today. "Kisshu...?" I said when he was simply floating there in the air, not following me anymore. This was my chance to get away from him, but it just didn't feel right to do. I walked back slightly concerned and stood in front of him. "Kisshu... Are you alr-...!!" I couldn't finish my sentence when Kisshu suddenly pulled me close to him, into a tight grip. I was surprised, but also scared by the angry look he gave me.

"You're mine..! Do you understand that?!" He suddenly yelled at me. I was shocked by his changing mood, I wasn't sure what was going on, but this wasn't the Kisshu I know. I shook my head as a response, because I wasn't his. He gritted his teeth and pulled me into a aggressive and rough kiss. I wasn't able to pull away due his strong grip and crying out for help was impossible now. Suddenly he let go of me and glared. "Behave kitten or bad things will happen.." He muttered when he teleported away.

I stood there on the street paralyzed for a few minutes, unsure if I should tell anyone about this. What did just happen? Why was Kisshu acting like this? He's an odd case, but what just happened didn't make sense to me. Perhaps it's for the best just to forget about this all... I should just simply leave this street and meet up with Masaya, not thinking about this 'second' kiss with Kisshu... It's no big deal, just don't mention it..! I bit my lip and then I simply ran towards the direction of the park, trying to forget what happened here.

Please let this all be an illusion, please let this all me be an illusion!

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