13- Chance (Continued...)

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 He looks to the room while I look at him

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He looks to the room while I look at him. K has me sit on an empty space on the floor and walks the room, recruiting boys, at random to me. Soon enough, I find myself sitting in a circle with K and two new boys on the floor, playing a child's game; truth or dare. Each boy does his part to show me a pleasant greeting that I know it is all a ruse. Almost all conversations led back to the damn boy in black. It takes not long at all for me to realize that the boys are all their own copy of Pan. They each hold their own qualities of Pan in their personalities. They speak so highly of him. They talk about him as some sort of providing father. Their loyalty is outrageous. Not a single one of them with a hint of a rebellious attitude. It bothers me more than it should but they call the demon boy 'Peter'. I nearly shake my head each time because I could never see a 'Peter' when I look at his demonic features.

The boys smart as well. They know to hold back information and purposely spill things that I already know. I fail to gain any new information, though I can't open up enough to try that hard. It's frustrating. A silent game of spite and secret intent that I'm forced into. It's drives something inside of me to best them for thinking I can't tell what's going on. To only confirm the game they play, they all referred back to me as 'Miss Jane' at least once, followed by a snicker, or sneer, or a playful glance at one another.

Now, I have only ever been courted by females, but I recognize the smile one of the boys gives me. The way the other boys laugh when this certain boy says certain things to me tells me that he is giving me his best flirtatious behavior. His name, I've come to know, isn't just an initial but is Slightly. Slightly carries a crossbow, slung on his shoulder, though I don't understand why he needs it while we sit on the floor. He is a year older than myself. Dark blonde hair, with blue eyes to match. His blonde eyebrows jump when he smiles his white teeth at me and it almost makes me want to smile back. Slightly gives me attention I've never gotten before. Perhaps in another life, another world, I might have fed into it. But here and now, and what's been done by males in the past, it's just not possible.

Even though I don't buy any of it, not even from K, who I like, I begin to feel less tense with the more time that passes. They hold the same calm and relaxed attitude that K holds and it's only contagious as the game of truth or dare carries on. I find my shoulders dropping, my jaw loosening, fingers stop fidgeting the more I watch them do dares, and I find it funny how they absolutely refuse to choose truth.

"Dare," the last boy in the group called 'W' says, a boy with piercingly sliver eyes, one of them bruised black.

"Jump from the railing," K says pointing up.

W is muscular with platinum shaggy hair. He is more than slim, and very strongly built. His smile is suitable and his attitude is prideful. We watch as W gets up quite cockily and struts over to the stairs.

"With," K stops him, "your eyes closed,"

W shrugs with a smirk and jogs up the stairs. He makes his way through the balcony up there, leaping over the edge, one hand on the railing, the other covering his eyes. My mouth drops when he tucks and rolls perfectly unharmed, with a show off grin on his face. The boys laugh and make loud noises. W rejoins the group sitting with one knee up, dropping his arm on it, pointing at me.

What if...? Book One, Part 2: The Game Begins...(A Peter Pan rewrite, by Jae)Where stories live. Discover now