14- Let Go (Continued)...

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 K nods toward the group that called him, telling me to follow and pulls my arm, where I pull away from his touch not as hard as I meant to

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K nods toward the group that called him, telling me to follow and pulls my arm, where I pull away from his touch not as hard as I meant to. In attempts to calm myself I exhale frustration, walking with K. I follow his lead and we take seats on the floor beside each other. I walk tense, I sit very tense, head low, eyes down, I'm shutting down. Like the sorrowful dusk hiding the land I wish I could hide with it, lonesome to think.

"Great, we need a girl for the game," a random, tall, blonde boy says.

I know he's taking a bothersome of my presence and it shames me.

"What game are we playing?" K asks.

"Spinning Dagger," the same boy replies, placing a long, silver dagger in the middle of the circle.

Startled by the name, I finally look up at the group. I don't know what to say, hoping this game is nothing like the one I know back home with a similar name.

"Heard of it?" another boy across the circle asks me.

"I'm, I'm not sure," I lowly speak

"Ever played it?" the boy beside me asks.

My eyes flick over to him. I do a confused double take. He is a twin. His brother being the one sitting across the circle. I look back and forth at them and he thinks I'm shaking my head.

"One spins the dagger. And duels whoever it lands on. Winner gets bragging rights,"

"Think you can handle that, little girl?" Blondie asks, his mean eyes fixated on my small demeanor and making it smaller.

"Sounds fun," my low tone croaks out as my eyes fall away from his, I know I am being tested, but I disengage none the less.

What's your plan here?

I jump at the loud voice, still not used to her at all. Beside me K notices but he leaves it alone and I just hope he doesn't count it as one of his questions later. I slink back when the big blonde boy gives the dagger a tough spin. On the wooden floor a scrapping sounds spins from the dagger doing such. I keep my eyes on the pointed end, hoping I can just sit here quietly, as the odds of it landing on me are just too odd. I watch as the dagger lands on a boy two down from me. His much younger face falls pale when the blonde, so much bigger than him, stands, challenging him with a threatening stance but a prideful smirk on his face. Some sort of unspoken agreement is passed along as the boys behind our circle disperse, clearing a space. Blondie has equipped a sword, I assume from a stack of cluttered weapons at the base of the clearing they created. The much younger boy scrambles quickly for a weapon before pulling a spear from the pile.

"Wait, they're going to actually duel, with real weapons-" I lean over to ask K beside me.

Only he's gone and in his place is the gray-eyed boy. Shocked and a little disappointed I search the room for K. He's nowhere. The boy in his place, shifts closer to me. I tense up even tighter and lean away from him.

What if...? Book One, Part 2: The Game Begins...(A Peter Pan rewrite, by Jae)Where stories live. Discover now