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His P.O.V.

For the first time, I hear her laugh.

Conversation a mid. My sentence cut off as soon as I feel the magic being used, Neverland's magic. My magic. Forgetting my second in command exists, my head turns before my body follows to see where the use is being taken.

Her eyes remained closed while she breaks the rule of asking Neverland for magic. I watch the magic she wished for moves to her will, though her will seems quite clueless, sort of just going with it. Not exactly having an actual demand for the magic, she simply wishes to give Chris a taste of his medicine. It was so easily pulled from Neverland that I wouldn't have believed it was her who called on it if I wasn't watching her with my own eyes. Watching her clash her sword right in the sweet spot to twist Chris's sword out of his grip. Watching her tumble and rise, swinging her leg to kick Chris's legs right from under him and he hits the ground, back first.

It doesn't make any sense. She, clearly, has no idea what she just did, but that sense of magic doesn't just come when it's asked for. Neverland's magic is earned. However, she didn't exactly use all of Neverland's magic, I could feel it. It was as if she used it as a crutch to fuel her own. Using the magicks of Neverland is a shameful act, embarrassing and dishonorable. Frowned upon and punishable by banishment or death if I decide so. It is considered weak to wish for items and gifts. It is cowardice and feeble to simply wish advantages into existence. Yet, there she stood, making her own rules by just half using it to jump start her own source.

The girl stands with her sword exactly where it should be at her opponents neck and there it is. More than a giggle, more than a small chuckle, a laugh. A powerful thing on Neverland. She laughs and it triggers the energy of everyone's joy that is about to drunken them all. The Lost Boys crowd her for the win, impressed and finding their reason to celebrate tonight. Amusing it is to watch her defend herself shortly, until she realizes they are celebrating her where she then lets them raise her off the ground. Her eyes find mine. I find myself withholding a respectful nod in her direction, knowing better. Her eyes shift back to the crowd beneath her and I hear it again. That laugh. The joyful energy clouds them all and from there she did not stop the powerful sound.

How have I been denied a sound like this all of this time?

I search crowding room for K. He's close to her, trying to be apart of the boys lifting her but he's being suppressed by bodies. I narrow in on his mind and find his frequency with just a glance then I drop the messages in his head. 

Don't look, just listen.

K stops himself from taking his gaze off of the girl. 
What is it? He awaits his orders. 
She wants to use power. Show her what she's missing out on. 

Jane keeps her frenzied gaze ahead as they carry her to the fire pit. They will dance, music will play, the fire will consume each and every worry, concern, uncertainty, and inconvenience from every last one of them. So still I watch the scene unfold in front of her, her first of many, from the door of Hideout. Watching her watch the rest. She is amused by every movement, surely the yellow energy of everyone's joy taking effect over her mind. Too soon, an enormous fire is alive and spreading the energy, making it stronger with every single happy thought circling the fire, becoming more vibrant and effective with every conflict they all let go of for the time being.

Jane is so fascinated by K as he does a full circle around the blaze. K comes bounding up to her after his lap, I see what he does for her. Just as told, he lets her have a taste of experienced magic, his own source. His powerful energy, skilled energy has no right being handed over to a human girl. I gave him the order so I could survey the way she absorbs it. Unsettling so, she takes it too easily. As if she was waiting for it. I observe as K smiles, knowing exactly what he did for her and releases her hands, hopping away.

What if...? Book One, Part 2: The Game Begins...(A Peter Pan rewrite, by Jae)Where stories live. Discover now