21- Do Something...

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His P.O.V.

"You get off him! Let him go! Get away!"

Jane yells and growls in the defense of the boy she thinks is her friend. Time will tell if she can figure out that K is my brother, never her friend. She pulls at the two boys who snatched K from her bed and are tugging him out of her door, though it isn't a struggle. It's only Jane trying to stop them, K already knows what he's done and he's cooperating with his head low. No one does he speak to her, probably knowing he's pushed his luck enough and any sort of contact whatsoever after this will surely piss me off even more.

Here I go about my peaceful morning, excited to pull Jane from her slumber to show her something new today, or even better, perhaps have her show me something new with those powers, and I find K sleeping beside her. For a moment I was disappointed to realize she will be spending the day learning a punishment instead of some new power I planned on getting her to manage. But then a wonderful idea sparks to mind. A wonderful spark of terror, and opportunity to see how much, if any, power she will show to defend the one person she felt comfortable enough to sleep in front of.

"Pan, what are you doing!" she gives up on trying to stop them and she comes at me now.

She goes to snatch my clothes at my chest but I shift behind her. Her face nearly makes me laugh, she's so stupidly clueless, so small and angry when she whips around to glare at me.

"Where are you taking him?" she growls again.

I look to the other boys pulling K from her bedroom. Though he knows better than to fight back he still looks back at her just before they pull him out of view.

"Pan!" her voice full of rage, I look at her. "Where are you taking him?" she spits lowly.

I lean close to her naive face, so she'll back up and when she does I sneer, "Don't worry about it,"

My smirk enrages her more, though her fear stops her from swinging at me, I can see it.

"If you hurt him-"

"What?" my intrigued eyes pop, eager to see something new from her, "What are you going to do, Jane?"

She pauses, her determined eyes dying inside. I don't ask her to intimidate her, despite how it comes off, I truly wish her to be provoked enough to unlock some power she hasn't tried yet.

"You gonna stop me?"

She stares into my eyes, wanting so badly to do something. Behind my dare my hope of her snapping and showing me her real power dwindles. Hoping any of that power will surface through her emotions, hoping she will have some sort of control over it this time.

"Don't kill him," she whispers.

"Stop me, then." I dare her.

The light in her eyes wants to fight back, so badly it does. She nearly does. Something inside of her builds up, wanting to stand up to me. But she exhales and looks down at the ground, giving up. I release a small exhale of my own in disappointment. I had really hoped to seen something new from her this day. A better measurement at how strong her source really is. I scoff and brush passed her thinking just another couple nudges and she might prevail. I whistle down the hall, calling the boys back.

They bring K to halt in front of me and all Jane can do is watch with her eyes wide. So unnecessarily helpless, I'm nearly disgusted. I'll train that out of her real quick. If she wants to stand there and do nothing, I'll find the limit that breaks that. I'll walk her up to the line and shove her over it if it means she'll access her magic and do something.

What if...? Book One, Part 2: The Game Begins...(A Peter Pan rewrite, by Jae)Where stories live. Discover now