18-Treasure Hunt...

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"Last chance to turn back," the one called M says to me through his mask, the tall one, the second in command.

My determined smirk of not giving him what he wants points at him, "Check your left,"

He rolls his eyes away from me and back to the spilling waves ahead on the beach, wishing I'd bail out. I'm not sure, in the very least, why that boy doesn't like me but I also don't care. I have a dare to fulfill, a goal to reach, and power to take. Learning everything I can only fuels the adventure that makes me jittery and what I am learning is that I like it. It's the advantage that coming out of this trip alive will show Pan I mean no harm, though I do, that gives me the confidence to go through with this without a plan. This game we are playing, this Treasure Hunt is truly drawing me in, I may not need a plan if an opportunity to take power and go home presents itself. And there's only one way to find out.

So here I sit in the thick bushes of the jungles edge beside five of these masked wild boys, awaiting adventure. The huge Pirate ship grazes the sea that seeps into the land, as close to shore as it is allowed. Our plan consists of two groups. The decoys on the shore, they will spark a fire. And our group, who will board the ship when the Pirates come ashore to inspect the blaze. I was finding fun in betting on what the captain treasures the most. I've heard some Lost Boys say its gems, other say its a map to the greatest treasure of all. My strategy was find my own treasure, a souvenir I could keep from this night. Pan didn't seem to give a simple care of what it could be, I think he is only in it for the thrill of possibly getting into a fight with the Pirates.

It was dark, the only light came from the bright nearly full moon that bounced off the ocean, casting the lagoon a beautiful white blue. I am crouched beside Pan. On my left, M, who is currently telling me to go back to the tree camp. Our group is the strong pack of us three including K, W, and one of the twins. We six wait in the bushes, spread in formation. Pan had briefly but eagerly prepped me on my position for this mission. He ordered me to obey his every word or the game would end right there where I didn't. He pressed me on staying behind him to his right, never anywhere else. He warned me of ending the game with a single call if I step even one inch too far from him or his right hand, M.

It's where I plant myself now. Just behind him, to his right, as he ordered, when he points to the shore. We all look to see seven dark figures in a small boat rowing away from the huge ship. They creep quietly over the waves headed ashore where our other group has the fire lit.

"If she screws this up, we're all in for a fight," M says, "Won't be a smooth mission, it'll be a brawl, for all of us," he goes on, speaking to the rest.

"I get it, M," I whisper, "No fuck ups,"

I don't know what he wants from me. If I'm in his way it's Pan's fault for ordering me to do so. I'm here for a dare and a chance to know more, not to bother him. I avoid eye contact with Pan, knowing it's his call to decide if I'm here or not, and I believe he wants me here for the same reason I want to be here. To see how far I'll make it. M remains quiet and we watch as the small row boat draws closer and closer to the sand. They beach far from the fire, planning to flank our second team.

"Ready to play?" A smile spreads wickedly over Pan's face, pulling out a handful of small sacs tied tightly.

We all nod, though mine was filled with deceit, trying to hide my eagerness to touch the magic. I'm trying to mask the urgency to feel the power again. Pan distributes the little sacs of the grainy power. When he drops mine in mine hand I take my dose in my fingers and sprinkle it over myself in sync with the others to show I have not been craving this since the last time I felt it.

What if...? Book One, Part 2: The Game Begins...(A Peter Pan rewrite, by Jae)Where stories live. Discover now