Chapter 5

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The author shouted from a far.She threw the skrips making them flying every where."That's it! I gave up!" She cries."This doesn't make any sense...I'm a failure...I'm suck at this..." She cries as she hug her knees on the floor.

The two of the actors walk to the 15 year old teenager who is crying with dissappointment."Come on kid,don't be like that.You have to believe in ye'rself,brah." UnderFresh Y/n or her code name,Neo,trying to cheer the teenager.

"No let her be.I like her negativity." Nightmare said taking a sip of his coffee."Ugh,you son of a bi-" Neo put her hand on Ori's mouth."Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh~Calm down bossku.Beristighfar." Nightmare just watch them blankly and feed the negativity in the building.

Ori,Undertale Y/n,she really hate that guy so much.He always ruin the mood and make her angry.He always get under her skin whenever she not in the mood.He will took the chance to annoyed her.She take a deep breath.

"Would you kindly leave us alone...Nightmare?" She said gritted her teeth.He snorted "No.If you want me to leave...then make me." He chalenging her.Knowing her with her bad temper he sure the girl will get irritated easily.Which is true.

"Oh that's it! let me at him!! jhzsjhcbakjhbcabcou!!!" Neo hold her not wanting her to attack Nightmare.She swinging her hand like a cat trying to scratch him."Why you all like this..." Neo sighs tired of their bullshit and wonder why she's the one babysitting this angry pomeranian lady.

Out of no where author other self appeared."Weh,tolong aku weh.Tu tu,dia dah gave up dah.(weh,help me weh.That that,she has given up already." Neo said pointing to the author who is still crying on the floor.The seccond author look at her original self hugging her knees on the floor.

She sigh."Woi,baby yang sedang menangis di sana tu!Balik!Mak hang suruh lipat baju!(Woi,the baby who is crying over there!Go home!Your mom toldyou to fold the clothes!)" She shouted to her.

The author got teleported back to her house.She then walk between the two adults."Ok,since the original author is already gave up.I will be incharge." She gave them the new scripts to them."Now,everyone go back to ya'll position!"

"We will go back to Chapter 2."   *Insert dramatic music


Horror just sitting on the couch sharpening his axe blade.Dust and Cross in their own room talking to themselves,atleast that's what the others thought.Error aren't in the castle,he is in his void watching his nowhere to be found.

While Nightmare is in his library reading his books.He closed the book and get up from the chair he was sitting on.He put the book back on the shelf and walk to the door.As he walking through the hall way,he felt he stepped on something.

He look on the floor to find a dirty sock.He let out a frustrating sigh.He continue walking until he entered the kitchen."Hmm...I think it's about time we hired a maid." He said looking at the dirty plates.He then teleported to where Error is.The void.[Insert intense music]

I love comedy drama,ok.

When he arrived,he saw Error was eating his chocolate while watching his Undernovela.He get closer to him.His foot steps echoed make Error turn around to see who's foot steps was that."oH,It'S yOU...WhAt dO YoU wANT?"

[Meanwhile!in another universe]

A young lady is packing her lugage,ready to go have a hangout with her friend.Her phone vibrated indicating she got a phone call.She took out her phone from her pocket and see who is calling her.Oh,Neo lah!(Oh,it's Neo!) 

She answered the call."Assalamualaikum!"
"Waalaikumusalam." Said Y/N.

"Weh minah!Kau kat mana ni?Dah lama dah aku dok tunggu kau.(Hey,girl!Where are you?I've been waiting for you for a long time.)" Neo said with a grumpy tune.

She chuckle at her friend."Sorry sorry!Aku baru nak keluar rumah ni hah.(I was about to get out of the house)"

"Hmm,yelah yelah.Cepat sikit.Panas ni.(Hmm,alright alright.Faster.It's hot."
"Ok Ok Ok Ok." the call ended.

She put back the phone in her pocket.Knowing there is an alternate universe of herself really crazy.And now,look at her,her only friend is another version of herself.Really crazy and it just show her how lonely she is.

Y/n finally arrived at the location they planing to meet.Neo waved at her.She run to her only friend."Sampai pon kau.(Finally you arrive)" Y/n apologizes for being late and making her wait."Sorry doh.Aku tersambung tidur tadi.(I'm sorry.I accidently continue to sleep.)

Neo put her hands on her hips."Ter,eh?(Accidently,huh?)" Y/n look at other directions trying to change the topic.But nothing came in mind.Neo let out a  give up sigh.She grab her hand to enter the airport.

They are planning to take a vacation in Colorado ,USA.Though at first Neo doesn't really want tho but Y/N really love nature.She want to see the mountains in there.See how beautiful the nature is and breath the fresh air.

After hours of flight,they finally arrived at their destination.They search the cheapest and nice hotel to stay."We're sorry,miss.But the rooms for two people have all been booked. The only room left is a room for one person and a room... for couple..."

The counter server said awkawdly.Seeing two same person with same face,he thought they are twin."If that soo...Hmm,if wee book two rooms,it will cost a lot of money." Y/n slam the counter,"We take the couple room.We can share a bed.It's not like we never slept together  when we kids,right?" She said as she elbowed Neo's arm.

She really good at making excutions.Well,sometimes not.Neo decided to leave in Undertale and be apart of it.But there is somthing she's been hiding from Y/n and try to avoid it.There's always a reason for her to declined Y/n's choices.It's for Y/n's own good too.

The counter server gave them the key of the room.They search the number of their room and then open it when they found the room.The room are decorated with red,pink and white hearts,rose petals on the bed formed a heart.

"I thought Valentine already over..." Neo said with no emotions."Well,it's still February tho..." Y/n said.They swear their eyes felt like burning as if they watch the sun.Neo like every colours but she not a big fan of pink.Y/n...she do like pink but not too much.

As they settle the decorations and put it under the bed they do their usual prayers.For ya'll information,it's midnight already.And they go to sleep.Tomorrow will be a fun day for Y/n.She would need a lot of energy for activities tomorrow.

We continue in the next chapter!

Hello,author 2.0 is here!Author 1.0 is busy with something and she is unmotivated.But that's ok cuz I am motivated to continue this story for her.Well stay safe Reader!And stay DETERMINED!BYE,LOVE YA'LL!

Sorry if there is a misspelling mistakes

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