Chapter 7

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[I AM SO SORRY FOR MISSING FOR SO LONG!!! I don't know how to continue this story as I lost my motivations!But I'll try to finish this book.If iu guys have ideas for the this fanfic, please comment in the comment section.I would appreciate that very much.]

Now enjoy!

Everything was dark. I opened my eyes only to realize that I was in the bedroom.But I feel like something is wrong. I just realized that... I'M NOT IN THE HOTEL ROOM!

I got up and got off the bed I had just slept on. My eyes darted to the left and right of the room."Where the fuck am I!?" I whispered screaming.

I opened the door slowly and look outside.It's empty,no one here.I walk and walk until I heard a voice or voices? Whatever.

No one Pov

You wonder whose voice is talking. You walk slowly so as not to make a sound. You peek a little, your eyes widen when you see two skeletons talking.

("Mak oih,rangka bercakap siak!/Mum oih, talking skeleton, damn it!)You start to feel anxious when you see skeletons talking. You think you've gone crazy, you took another peek to make sure it's real.

They are still talking.(Ah ghishau, I'll die if it's like this. I'd better find a way out of this place.)You start to walk away from the scene and try to find the exit.You saw a window,so you go there.

You on the third floor as you can tell.You curse under your breath.You startled when you heard someone shouting."Guys!The human is gone!"

"Ah shit..." You were about to run but a skeleton appears on the hallway.The skeleton has a hole on his skull and he had an axe with him.

His eye socket narrow to you.Turn to your direction while smiling menacingly.It give shivers down your spine.The skeleton walk up to you...

You were panic so you take a few steps until your back meet the window."There's no where you can run...human..." He said chuckling.

There is nowhere you can go now.The skeleton have blocked your way.The only way you have was the window.There's no time for you to think twice.

...and so you open the window and jumped out.The skeleton quiet surprised by your choice of escaping.He rushed to the window.

"Aaaaahhhh!!!-" you landed on(or in?) a bush."Oof- my back..." The branches of the bush poked your body, making you feel a little pain.

You quickly moved from the bush and ran away. You don't know where you are now. But for sure, you don't want to be there.

As you ran off the castle,another skeleton appears in front of you.You stopped being surprised that the skeleton could teleport.This skeleton looks like the previous skeleton but without the hole on his skull.

"Now now,where do you think you're going,human?" He had a menacing smile plastered on his face.Your jaw dropped.

(Rangka ni boleh teleport!?/This skeletons can teleport!?) You run on the other way.You didn't think twice where you going and it turned out you just ran in the forest.

You ran and ran and ran nonstop that you could feel your lungs burning and begging for air.After awhile of running,you take a break So you can catch catch your breath.

You let out a sigh as you sat under a tree."Ya Allah...apalah nasib aku ni...(Oh Allah... what a luck...)" You take a look around your surroundings.There's only trees, bushes and ... a grave!?

"Astaghfirullah al'azim!" You shocked and terrified...a bunch of skeletons chasing after you already enough for you, now a grave!?

A bead of tear build up in your eyes as you got so scared."... Neo...aku nak balik..." You burst into tears crying and scared...



Error was sent flying across the anti-void."I ask you again!WHERE IS SHE!?" Neo got furious that he won't tell her where her friend go.

Both of them have some bruises and cuts from fighting eachother for a couples of minutes.Error get up as he groaned."uGh,yOu thi-thInK yoU sTronGer ThAn mE-me-ME!?"

His voice glitching so much as he getting impatient with Neo."Just tell me where is my goddam friend,Error!" She panting a lot as she starting to out of energy to fight.

"Neo...please,take it easy..." Dream tried to calm her down as it's getting out of hand."Yeah,sisky,you gotta chill..." Fresh said with a concern tone as he saw how injured she was.

"Chill? can I chill when he literally kidnapped my friend?She could be in danger!She could be hurt!" Neo said with a little of worries and anger in her voice.A tear forming in her eyes...

Dream's eye sockets widened in shock to see her like this.It was the first time he ever saw her like this...And as for Fresh,he frowned seeing his best friend like this.

Neo turn her gaze back to Error just to find he's not there anymore." What the- where did he gone!?"


The sky was getting dark as you try to calm yourself.You stare at the tombstone,it got covered by dirt's and leaves.You walk closer to the tombstone slowly and remove the dirt...

'Y/N L/N Binti F/N'

You read the name on it... it's make you even more quickly get up and continue to run with tears falling from your eyes.You don't know where to go,but you don't want to be near it anymore...

As you run and run,you stop at the edge of the's a dead end for you.You take a step back as you turn around,to your shock... There's three skeletons Infront of you now...

One with a hole on his skull,one with a glowing purple and red in his eye socket and last but not least,the one have some black liquid or looks more like oil coming from his eye sockets.

You step back until you feel the edge of the cliff.You were trapped...

K-k-korang nak apa dari aku!?Aku kat mana!?(w-w-what you from me!? Where am I!?" 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠'⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。
[Too lazy to explain your reaction:/]

The skeleton just blinking in confusion and question.It seems like they can't understand you.You notice the silent."..."

"You guys can't understand Malay?"

"What's Malay?" Said the skeleton with a hole on his skull.

"It's a language..." you paused for a moment.And then you repeat what you ask them earlier but in English."I was asking 'what you want from me' and 'where am I?'..."

The crying oil skeleton answer your questions."Heh,you're here to be our new maid! And you're now in the Nightmare's domain.

"Excuse me what!?"

"You heard him.You are now our maid." Said the skeleton in hoodie.

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