Chapter 8

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[Thank you so much for all the support from y'all for reading and voting my story!I appreciate it very much.I'm sorry for being dead for long.i kinda out of the fandom and too focused on lmk fandom rn.but I'll try to finish this book.]


*(UnderFresh!Y/N) Neo situation*

"What the- where did he go!?" You said while looking around the void rapidly.But there's only you,Dream and Fresh left.

"Ugh b*b* s**l! Dia terlepas!(He escape!)" You cursed under your breath as you kicking or stomping the air.(I ain't translate the curse words.)

Fresh give a soft pat on your back."Now now,calm down,girl." He said as his sunglasses wrote 'CHILL'.

"Right... throwing a tantrum won't make him give her back to me... sigh" You said with a low tone as you sit down hugging your legs.You stares at the ground feeling hopeless don't know what to do anymore.

Dream look at you with a concern look.He never saw this side of you before.You usually are a cheerful and energetic person.

He can sense negativity coming from you.He approached you and knelt down to your level.Both of your eyes met each other.

"Neo..." He paused for a moment before continuing his sentence."Y/n... I'm really sorry that your friend got captured by Error.But don't give up now.We can help you,ya know?We too your friends."

Fresh interrupted the conversation between the two of you."He's right. We'll help you as much as we can. After all, that's what friends are for, right?Help each other." He said giving a big grin to you.

Their words touched your soul."AWWW!!!WHAT WOULD I DO WITHOUT YOU GUYS?" you said with a watery eyes.You wipe away the tears then stand up.

Their words filled you with DETERMINATION.Your face brighten up again and you now determined to SAVE Undertale Y/n."Alright!Let's not waste more time and think a new strategy to save Ori!"

"Ori?" Dream said as he stand up and look at you with question look still smiling."That's what I call her sometime and it's her codename to ya know,to distinguish us."

Dream and Fresh nodded while Oh-ing at your explanation.The atmosphere suddenly filled with silent and awkwardness.Until swap come up to you guys with Ink who is holding on Swap's shoulder.

"So...dId eRrOr twold YoU WHere ye'r FrEinD is?" Ink asked with his eye sockets spining and he quiet beaten up.

The only thing that come out of your mouth was an awkward laugh as you stretching the back of your head, looking at the other direction with guilt.Swap  facepalming since he already know what does your reaction means.

With that Ink fainted still with a dizzy stares and his soul flying out of his mouth.

Error pov

I took a chance to escape from her while she talking with her team.I teleport away and entered Nightmare's domain."UgH tH-aT hUrT!DaMn daMn it-"

"Oh hell nah!I ain't wearing that shit!"

"What's wrong with it?You would look pretty cute in this~"

A voice of Killer could be heard from here...and her voice too...

Third person pov

"Come on~ don't you girls like this type of cute dress?" Killer said with a slight chuckles, holding a maid outfit in his skelly hands, grinning playfully.

"I'm not a girl who will wearing that type of clothes!I agreed be to be your maid for the sake of my life,but I will NOT wear that!" You insisting to not wearing it.The maid outfit is too short and look tight, which would show your body shape.

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