Chapter 9

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(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。Hi! Enjoy the chapter!

"HUWAAAAAA!!!!” Neo cries on the ground rolling left right or up down-while Fresh watching her,sitting on the couch."Brosky! It's been two days!Two days!I even doubt that she is still alive!" She cupped her cheeks as tears flowing out of her eyeballs.

"Well-i can't do much about it.If I see Error I will have ask him." Fresh leaned on the couch while his mouth chewed a bar of chocolate.She gave him a sour face.

"Come on now, don't give me that face.Think about it,you beat him up pretty bad that day." His sentence ended with a slight chuckles."He needs time to recover. Maybe in 4 to 5 days at least?"

Neo crossed and scoffed."Oh please.I didn't even hit him THAT hard." She rolled her eyes crossing her arms."NO DON'T DENY IT.YOU HIT-NO, ATTACKED HIM PRETTY HARD.AND AGGRESSIVE..." Swap interfere.Everyone look up at the ceiling, recalling a flashback.

Flashback to two days ago
Take place: The anti-void

It's a calm and quiet time for Error. Just alone in peace with his favorite AU, Undernovela!

Everything was wonderful for him,until he saw an ink puddle."UgH...YOu gOt tO-To bE kiDDiNg mE..." Where there is a puddle of ink, there ink will appears!

As expected by him,Ink jumped out of the puddle."Heyyyy,Error!" Ink greeted with his usual big smile.Error rolled his eye sockets and ask,"WhAt do YOu WaNt?" In a stern annoyed tone.

"Hahaha! Straight to the point eh?" He scratched the back of his skull with an awkward face.He chuckled a little before talking.Ink try to thought of the right words."You see,Error... There's been an old friend of mine have complaining about...well-that you kidnapped someone today?"

He shakes his head,"what I mean is,have you kidnapped a girl around her 20s?" A bead of sweat formed on his face.Ink wipe it away still smiling,but an awkward smile.

Error crossed his arms and answer it blankly."Yes I did." "Ohhohoho--well then,can you give her to me?cuz that person is my old friend's friend and she swear she-"
Before he could finish his words, Error cut him off.


"No?" More beads of sweat formed."Wait-please,we uhh can we talk about it?I promise that i won't bother you.when you on your free time of course-" Error scoffed at him.

"oH plEasE,YoU WiLl foRgEt aBoUt it.So there's no pOint in DoiNg that." He then grinned,"pLus,I AlReaDy Make a DEal WiTh NigHtmAre."

From the otherside of the of ink's black puddle,Fresh,Dream,Swap and Neo eardroping to their conversation.Fresh literally hold her sleeve while she was about to jump in that ink puddle.

Neo's eyes narrow at him.His sunglasses wrote 'patient',he shaking his head.She calmed down and back away a little with a grumpy face.

"Are you two sure you aren't dating?" Dream asked in a whispered tone to those two.Both Fresh and Neo look at him with an unbelievable faces and replied in simultaneously.

"Oh my god, dating is haram,Madu!/Hell nah,Brosky, she's like a sister to me!" Dream and Swap exchange eyes with each other.

Back to Ink and Error.

"What are you even gonna do with the girl?" Ink asked raised a brow."It's none of your business,squid." Error refused to tell him.Hearing this make Neo getting impatient.

With a speed of cat she lunges at him with her fist touched his cheek bone.Ink gasped with his jaw dropped as he in utter shock.Swap,Dream and Fresh look at where Neo was just a few seconds ago as she now in the anti-void.The three then exchange looks as they just realised that she's gone.

End of flashback

"Alright,I admit I'm pretty aggressive that time..." Neo stares at the floor at the corner of the living room facing the wall.Swap sighed at his female friend's behaviour.He thought to himself that she haven't fully change.A smile curved on his face, don't know why but maybe he just glad to see her again after for so long.

The situation was interrupted by Dream and Core Frisk presences."Guys!The Bad Sanses is attacking another Au!" This got everyone attention.A serious and worried looks can be seen on each of their faces.


Ink came out of the toilet with a satisfying feeling."whooo!That was close!" He came downstairs and look at everyone with a dumbfounded smile."what did I miss?"

With your(Ori) situation

The boys have left the castle and leave you with the chores.However,your not alone in the castle.Let's just need to take care of a patient.

You stare at Error with an annoyed face as Error did the same thing to you while he lieng on the bed.You take a step forward,he hissed clutching the blanket.He cover his body with the blanket.

You walked up to the bed and grab the blanket off of him."Get up you black skeleton!I need to change your bandage!" Error jump off the bed and stick on the ceiling and hissing like a cat."Don't touch me!" Your jaw dropped.

"Kepala otak dia,kau ni rangka ke kucing!?(His brain head, you are a bone or a cat?)" You put the tray of food on a table.

"Fine,you don't want to change that bandage,then eat your food." And so you stomp out of the room and closed the door.You sighs and istighfar "Sabar sabar (Patient patient)" As P. Ramlee said, this is all a test.

You continue with your other chores.Firstly,you go to the kitchen and wash the dishes and placed them to it's places.It took you awhile to finish it.Then you keep the foods in the fridge.When those boys come back, you only have to heat it back.

You dried up your hands and took some meds and bandages.Your footsteps echoed through the hallway was the only sound could be heard.The door creaked as you push the door open.You could see the Error was sleeping, snoring softly.

You gently remove his bandages and clean the wounds.As you planned,Error should be fallen asleep after he drank his water.You remember that Cross mentioned that he has a fear of touching,and to your luck,You found a sleeping pill while you were making food.

As you done cleaning his wounds,you start bandaging him with a new bandages.You gently and carefully move his body so you could wrap his body.For a skeleton,he quite heavy."What in the physics rule is this?" You muttered.

Finally, you're done with him.You clean up the mess and the dishes."Haiya,manyak menat wo...(Haiya,so tiring wo...)" You said in a Chinese Malay accent as you took the dishes and meds out of the room with you.

You closed the door and walk away.The castle were so quiet that your ears start playing trick with you.You can hear a long beep sound like a heart monitor just beeping as the heart stop pumping.

How quite when those skeletons aren't there.You placed the meds in the cabinet and wash Error's dishes.It doesn't took too long for you.However,you still got a lot of chores that haven't done yet.

You had to do the laundries, cleaning the castle, sweeping here sweeping there, mopping here mopping there,wipe wipe and more.How tiring isn't it?What were they thinking hired only ONE person to take care of the castle!?

'It's as if they don't have a brain!wait- they're skeletons, of course they don't have a brain.' You snicker at the thought of yours.You let out a sighs as your mind wondering what Neo are doing right now.

The end

Happy Chinese New Year y'all!Damn, Chinese New Year already huh.I'm so out of motivation for this book.If you guys have some ideas maybe you guys can comment your opinions? Maybe that would help me a little bit.

Bye!Thank you for reading my stories and voting.I appreciate it so much. (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)♡

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