Chapter 10

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The door of the castle burst open.The boys enter the palace with a tiring looks on their face.They all pretty beatened up, except for Nightmare of course.He much more pleasant than usual.

Probably from the negativities he get from the boys.Horror's stomach already growling for food."I'm hungry." He then make his way to the kitchen and there he saw you.

You felt someone tapping your shoulder, which making you jolted a little.You turn around with a tray of lasagne in hands."I see you're back." You make your way to the dining room to place the lasagne on the table.

With Horror already drooling he sat on the chair and take a spoon.You shove the lasagne Infront of him.He look at your face with a confused face."Aren't you gonna give me a plate?" Usually you would place the plates on the table for everyone.

"It's no use for you.I know you can finish this.A plate won't be enough for your big appetite." You said placing some plates on the table for the others."You can finish that one.There's more for the others."

Once you finish your sentence you look at him just to meet with his sudden big eye socket.Now he looking like a puppy.You kinda feel awkward for some reason.So you excuse yourself and go back to the kitchen.

A few minutes later the other skeletons arrived in the dining room.Cross sat Infront of Horror,Killer sat next to Cross and Dust sat next to Horror.You came back to the dining room with another lasagne for the others.

"Here ya go.Enjoy your meal." You said and quickly walk backwards out the room."..." The boys blinking in utter confusion?eh, way they ignored the awkward scene and eat their food.

[In the kitchen]

You sighs as you taking a seat at the kitchen table.You make yourself some fried fish,vegetables and fruits for yourself.Why aren't you eating the lasagne you make for your masters?Well simply cuz you don't know if the ingredients are halal or not.

While making them,you already checked the ingredients and none of them have a halal logo.So you aren't so sure if it halal for you or not.Something like meats and chicken need to be slaughter in a certain way in Islam,but for fish it doesn't need to since when you cath the fish,it going to die anyway cuz lag of water to breath.
Vegetables and fruits,they grow from the grown, there's no need to do anything except wash the dirt off it.

"Berapa lama lagi aku akan makan benda yang sama je?..(How long will it take me to eat the same thing?..)" indeed,the whole time you're stuck in this place you've been eating the same thing because it's the only food that you can confirm halal.

You say bismillah before you drink a plain water.Your eyes narrow around the kitchen while the glass is still on your lips sipping the water.The surroundings around you was pretty quiet,just like your house.

It's give you quiet a feelings,maybe like empty?Bored? or loneliness?well you live alone after all,so it's normal.'Apahal aku tetiba emo ni?(Why am I suddenly emo?)' your thought snap you back to reality.And the feelings disappear right away and focused back on your food.

"Uhuhuu...I wanna go home...I want to eat something else..." Tears burst out of your eye balls as you eating your fried fish while thinking about (favourite foods).

Damn, I'm out of ideas (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

"is that all you eat?" You startle upon someone asked you. You turn to look behind you and meet Nightmare. "Ah!y-y-your highness, sir-uhhh...Heyyy hehehe..." you're stuttering as you felt real cringe crawling on your back.

"The food is in the dining room,i make some lasagna for y'all." Nightmare stare at at you blankly and it's give a an uneasy atmosphere. "I ask again. Is that all you eat?" you nervously answer his question as you look away, not daring to look at him. "umm y-yeah hehehe... It's uhh the only thing I can confirm halal..."

"Ya Allah,get me out of this uneasy situation I'm in please!"

You feel like want to scream and jump out of the window again just to escape the awkwardness. Nightmare let out a sigh as he walked out of the kitchen. You blinking for a few times before sighing in relief.


I'M STIKK ALIVE!!!  Thanks for reading and a reminder that I  won't be active so maybe I'll update once a month or two cuz I'm kinda out of the fandom however I already promised to finish this story so yeah. Byeeeeeeeee!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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