Chapter Two

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Once Ed and I were in the car, we drove for about forty minutes, passing up three Nando's and finally stopping at the third one. I was wondering why we went past so many different Nando's, but I realized that we actually didn't live that close to the boys. They live on the other side of town.

Ed and I were the first ones there, so we waited for them to arrive. While I was waiting I decided that I was going to get on google and find out some things about the boy. Again, I may listen to their music, but I don't actually know them that well.

I found out that Niall's favorite color was green, like my dress and he really likes food. What a coincidence about the dress. Liam's favorite color is purple and he is apparently afraid of spoons, which made no sense to me. Harry's favorite color is orange he really likes cats. Louis and Zayn's both like the color red. Zayn apparently likes how he looks, and Louis is obsessed with carrots. Directioners are strange little people.

"What are you looking up, love?" I hear Ed ask me.

"I was trying to find out some things out about the boys." I mumble out and blush.

"How about you just wait until you actually know the boys. I don't want them to think that you are a crazy obsessed fan of them." Ed says, getting kind of mad at me.

I huffed and rolled my eyes at him and watched a Range Rover pull up into the restaurant.

"Their here, now come on." He says, sounding mad at me.

I got out of the car and walked over to the Range Rover and waited to see the boys come out. I saw a blonde head rush out of the vehicle and run into the restaurant.

"There goes Niall." I mumble, laughing at the silly Irishman.

"Yeah, that's our Nialler. Hi, I'm Liam. This is Harry," he points to the curly haired boy, "Louis," he points at a boy with red skinnies, white toms, and a white shirt on, "And Zayn." He says, pointing to the last member of One Direction that had a quiff, dark brown eyes, and very tan looking skin.

"Annamaria Reynolds, but I got by Anna. Its a pleasure to meet all of you." I say, giving them a big smile.

I felt Ed come over and wrap his arm around my waist, claiming me as his.

"Its wonderfully spectacular to meet you too! I'm sorry our little foodie ran in before we could introduce him to you. Our girlfriends will be here soon enough. They all wanted to ride together in Eleanor's car, so they may be a little bit late." Louis says.

I smiled at him, then felt my stomach growl.

"Well I think I'm going to go in and join your all's little foodie because I am starving." I say in my American accent.

They looked at me like I was nuts.

"Got a problem with American's?" I ask, being completely serious.

They just shook their heads no at me.

I turned on my feet and walked into the restaurant, looking for the blonde head of hair I had saw run into the restaurant. I finally found him and walked up to him, seeing as he was still waiting.

"Did you all not make reservations?" I asked. I must have scared him, because he jumped.

"No. We weren't planning on coming today. Who are you if I may ask?" He asks me.

"Annamaria Nicole Reynolds. Hopefully soon to be Annamaria Nicole Sheeran, but I don't think that's ever going to happen." I mutter out. Its a good thing that Ed had stayed behind with the boys.

"Oh, your Ed's girl?" He asks, his face turning into a slight frown.

"Yeah, I am." I say, smiling a huge smile.

"Well, I'm Niall. Niall Horan. You also have a very beautiful name. It fits you." He says, smirking at me.

Was he flirting with me? If he was, aww. That's adorable. He's adorable, but of course, I love Ed. I couldn't leave Ed. Not even for Niall Horan, one of the most popular guys in the world. Sure Ed is too, but not like Niall is.

I had gotten too caught up in my mind, because Ed was beside me, wrapping his arm around my waist again, and we were being lead to a table. I followed behind and waited to be seated. We were at a large circular table, that would definitely Ed, the boys, the boys girls, and myself. We had plenty of room.

Our waitress came and took our drink orders, which I ordered a Dr. Pepper. The boys ordered for them and the girls, and Ed got a beer. (I don't know if Nando's actually serves beer, but still) Niall was looking at the menu hungrily.

"When was the last time the boy ate?" I asked.

"He ate a bag of crisps before we got here. And by a bag, I mean a whole bag. Like the ones you feed a family bag." Zayn says.

Wow. Just wow.

Soon after that, the girls walked in with huge grins on their faces. They looked so happy. Perrie's purple hair was up in a bun, Eleanor's hair was down like it normally was in photos, and Dani's hair was down and super curly, like always. The boys' faces all lit up when their eyes landed on the girls.

Perrie was wearing a short, tight black dress, which I shall say so myself, fit her wonderfully. Dani was also wearing a black dress, but not as short or tight as Perrie's. Eleanor was just dressed in some comfy looking jeans, and a purple shirt. She looked very comfortable. I felt kind of out of place, like I wasn't meant to be here. The girls are just so pretty.

I slumped down in my seat, trying to basically hide myself, which wasn't very effective because the girls introduced themselves.

"Hi, I'm Dani! Liam's girl!" Dani says to me, smiling a huge smile.

"I'm Perrie! Zayn's." Perrie says to me.

"And I'm Eleanor. Louis's." Eleanor says, smiling at me.

"I'm Annamaria. Ed's." I mumble, still attempting to hide myself.

"Sit up. You are being extremely rude to my friends." Ed says.

I sit up and glare at him. "I'm not a child Ed, and you most definitely cannot treat me like one. Just because you are my boyfriend gives you no right to treat me like a child." I say, rather loudly.

"Do not make a scene in front of my friends, Anna." He says, glaring at me.

"Or what, Ed?" I ask.

"Or we are through." He says.

"That's fine, Ed. You aren't being yourself. What is wrong with you?" I ask.

"You are what is wrong with me!" He says, getting up and leaving the table.

He walked out of the restaurant, going to his car, starting it up, and driving away.

"What just happened?" Niall asks.

"Ed and I just had one of our fights." I say, getting up and walking out of the restaurant.

I pulled out my pack of cigarettes, and took one out, lighting it up, and taking a puff. I knew that it was a horrible habit, but it helped when I was stressed. I heard the door to the restaurant and out walked Zayn.

"Could I have one?" He asks.

I take the pack out, and he pulls out a cigarette.

"Didn't think you smoked." I mumble, taking another puff of my cigarette.

"Not a fan?" He asks.

"Truthfully? No I'm not. I listen to your all's music, but I don't know much about you all. I know Niall is really into food. That's about all." I say.

"Well since you and Ed just got into your little fight, you wanna stay over at our flat? The girls are staying the night and we would really like to get to know you." Zayn says.

"I would like that, Zayn." I say.

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