Chapter Sixteen

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We arrived at The Jackson Inn, and the whole place was crowded. I had a feeling it wasn't paying customers either, because they were all holding signs that said something like, "We love you Zayn and Niall!" and crazy crap like that.

"I think we are in the right place, and the boys also made fools of themselves since the fans found them here." Louis says.

I wanted to hit him upside the head, because it was obvious we were in the right place, but I didn't because he was Louis, and he was just being Louis.

"How are we supposed to get in without the fans noticing us?" I ask.

Liam turned around in the drivers seat and stared at me like it was obvious.

"Unless they are super big fans of Ed Sheeran, they most likely don't know who you are, so its just going to be you. I'm sorry, but that is way too many girls not for us to get hurt. Your a strong girl." Liam says, smiling at me with hopeful eyes.

"What if the hotel doesn't let me in?" I ask, knowing that that was a possibility.

"Just pull some crazy thing by saying your Niall's girlfriend, and after all of this, you best become his girlfriend because you are putting us through a little bit too much right now, my dear." Liam says.

"Whatever, Liam. Can I at least take Louis with me?" I ask, because I had a feeling the hotel would think I was just another crazy fan trying to get to Niall.

"Yes, now go!" He yells, trying to get me out of the car.

"My boobear!" Harry screams.

"Shut up, Harry! Louis you better pull that hood up and run like you are about to be murdered." I say.

Louis pulls his hood up, and I open the door, pull Lou out, slam the door shut, and run towards the hotel. We shoved past all the teenaged girls, actually making it to the doors, but being stopped by a security guard.

"No one enters the hotel until these girls are gone. Niall and Zayn's directions." The man says.

"Paul? Is that you?" Louis asks, his face scrunching up in confusion.

"Louis? Yeah its me. Don't ask about my new make over. The kids did it." Paul says, smirking.

It looked like he was trying to grow his hair out, but his children didn't like that, so they shaved his head.

"Can I ask why you didn't just shave it off?" I ask, curious as to why he left it like that.

"Zayn and Niall called, and when you have duty, you have duty." He says, then looks at Louis, as if waiting for something.

He had been waiting for something, because Louis started cracking up. He pointed at Paul and tried to catch his breath from the laugh.

"You said duty!" He says, cracking up again.

"You really are immature, Louis. May we go up and see them, Paul? I need to talk to Niall." I ask, hoping he would let us in.

"Are you Anna?" He asks, looking down at me.

I nod waiting for rejection to enter the hotel.

"Niall said he was very upset with you, but I have a feeling you are trying to fix the reason why he is upset with you, so go right inside. Louis, I want you to stay out here with me. They are in room 126. Good luck." He says, opening the doors and letting me inside.

I walked in and walked down the hall, looking for room 126. I didn't think that the hotel was actually all that big, but it was. It took me ten minutes to finally find the room, which was at the end of one of the many hallways of the hotel. I knocked on the door and waited for a reply.

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