Chapter Six

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After Harry said that the game was finished, everyone scattered except for Niall and myself. There was tension between each other, and I was awkward, and I did not want that to happen between us. Clearly I really did like Niall, and I wanted to get to know him, and Zayn was right. Ed had said if I didn't stop making a scene in front of his friends that we were through, so I could do whatever I pleased, but I wouldn't do that. I was going to go home tomorrow to see Ed, and hope that we could fix what happened today.

"So, are ya hungry?" Niall asks me.

My stomach growled at that exact moment.

"I actually am." I say, shocked.

"Well ya should be. You didn't eat any of your food at the restaurant." He states.

I blushed and looked down, embarrassed he had noticed.

"Sure I did." I say, trying to hide the fact that I was embarrassed.

"No you didn't Anna. Don't try and pull that on me. It may work with Ed, which I'm guessing it does since you are far too skinny, but it will not work with me. I observe things most people wouldn't think I observe. If I see food being untouched or pushed around, I know the person isn't eating." He states.

"Well don't do that. I am perfectly fine the way I am." I say.

"Yes you are, but I believe that you are also somewhat depressed due to all the fights you and Ed have been having." He says, looking me in the eyes. His eyes were sparkling and they were so pretty.

Did he see right through me? Its like he's known me for years and knows what I do when I'm upset.

"How'd you know that?" I ask, wanting to know why he knew that about me.

"I'm the same way. Sure I may like food, but when you notice I'm just picking at me food, you should know something is wrong with me. Most people do it, especially if they are foodies." He states.

I was a foodie too. You wouldn't be able to tell that I was by my figure though. I had a fast working metabolism that helped me with the food I ate normally, so I was actually pretty skinny. Since I haven't been eating as much as I used too though, I have lost a lot of weight, and I barely fit into my clothes now.

"I'm glad that Ed set this all up. You've got to be one of the best things that have happened to me in a while Nialler. Thank you." I say, smiling at him.

"You're welcome. Now let's go into the kitchen and I'll make me some food while you eat the rest of your Peri Peri chicken. No food can go to waste." He says, grabbing my hand and pulling me up, leading me into the kitchen.

I had put my food into their fridge, which if I shall add, was filled. Like they were feeding an army filled. I grabbed my food and looked around, spotting the microwave. I placed my food into the microwave and put it on for two minutes. While I waited for my food to beep, I watched Niall attempt to find something easy for him to cook. He eventually pulled out a box of noodles and some sauce. He was making Spaghetti.

My food beeped and I pulled it out of the microwave. I started searching around the kitchen for a fork, and by the sixth drawer I opened, I finally found the silverware. I started eating my food and Niall was eyeing it. I grabbed another fork and walked over to Niall, sharing my food with him. It was the least I could do for the boy. He had been so kind to me.

"I'll share me spaghetti with ya." He says, as he takes a bite of the Peri Peri chicken.

"Did I just hear Niall say he was going to share food with someone?" I hear Liam ask.

"Did he really? Everyone to the kitchen!" I hear Louis yell.

I heard footsteps running towards the kitchen, and everyone walked in with a look on their faces that they didn't believe it.

"Why is it such a big deal if Niall shares food?" I ask, having no clue what was wrong with him sharing his food.

"He almost bit my hand once because I was going to steal one of his chips." Zayn says.

I cocked my eyebrow up at Niall.

"Me food is me food. Ya knew better Zayn." He says, looking at the water to see if it was boiling yet.

"You better feel pretty damn special Anna. Niall doesn't share with anyone. He must really like you." Louis says, walking out of the kitchen.

I smiled and shook my head, looking over at Niall. His face was red yet again, so Louis was most likely right, and I thought it was cute. Too bad I have Ed, because I would definitely go for this little leprechaun, if I wasn't with Ed still.

"Well you two have fun sharing. I may be taking pictures to prove to everyone that Niall actually shared his food with someone." Harry says, leaving the kitchen.

"Can you get me a strainer, Aner?" He asks.

"Yes Nialler." I say, going to search for a strainer now.

It only took me two cabinets to open, and I found a strainer. I set it in the kitchen sink. Niall poured the box of noodles into the water and popped open the sauce, putting into a small pot and starting to cook it. Around ten more minutes and the food would be done.

"Hey Nialler, will you come with me tomorrow to see Ed?" I ask randomly.

"I don't see why not. If it will make ya feel safer, I'll go with ya." He says, smiling at me.

"I would feel a lot safer with you around. Ed won't yell at me." I say, looking at the ground.

"Are ya going to try and fix everything with ya two?" He asks, looking kind of sad for asking it.

"Yeah I am Niall. Its the most I can do. Ed is my boyfriend and I do love him. Maybe not like I used too, but I do still love him." I say, regretting telling Niall, because his face turned from its happy self to being extremely sad.

"I'm sorry Niall. Ed's been here for me since I left America. I can't just up and leave him. I have no one else." I say, trying to help the situation, but I knew I wouldn't be able to.

"Ya can have me. I'll always be here for ya. Promise." He says.

"Niall you know I can't. I'm sorry. Eat your spaghetti and I'll go out into the living room. I didn't mean to upset you." I say, going to walk out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"No, its fine. Please don't leave." He says, walking over to me.

I looked him in the eyes, which was a big mistake. We locked eyes and I couldn't move. I felt paralyzed be his look. Our faces slowly starting inching towards each other and I felt his breath on my lips. He slowly placed his lips on mine, and I felt the spark again and closed my eyes. I kissed him back, not knowing exactly why, because I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't pull away. His lips felt wonderful on mine, and I didn't want it to end. He licked my bottom, and that was when it hit me. Ed was my boyfriend, and I was cheating on him by kissing Niall. I quickly pulled away, gasping for breath. He looked hurt, and my heart felt like it had swollen when I pulled away from him.

"I'm sorry Niall. I just can't. Ed is my boyfriend, and by kissing you, I am cheating on him." I say.

I walked right out of the kitchen, and into the living room. Harry was still watching tv in his recliner, but no one else was around, so I sat on one of the couches, and rested my head on the arm. I eventually fell asleep. The last thing I remember was being brought up stairs, and placed in a bed. I was then out. Dead to the world until the morning.

Since I wasn't able to update yesterday, I updated twice today. Hope you like it : ]

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