chapter 2

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At the base, You and Ewa was separated from Spider. Ewa didn't like that and tried everything to wake you up.


"Mommy... please wakeup.. please mommy"  I stir in my sleep till I woke up, looking around I was in a white room with only a weird looking table with chairs and I was learning against the wall. I shook my head then looked around the room "mommy?" "Where is Spider?" "They separated us. Put him in another room."
Standing up "why didn't you leave? You could have been safe.." "Mama... I couldn't leave you" I sat under the table and Ewa sat on my lap then a sound was heard like a door was opening. We saw a opening then a figure walked in, holding Ewa tightly, the figure squat down infront of us and I hiss. "Colonel!" Ewa said "where is Spider?" I growled.
"Follow me" "No..." "Then I'll separate you and Ewa" I gasp, Ewa whimpered as she looked up at me. I got from under the table and stood up, being below his chest. He looked down at me "why are you so small?" He asked, I glared at him and felt Ewa grab my hand. He grab my arm "fine, let's go..." pulling me along, I held Ewa's hand, he stopped grabbing 2 mask "put this on.." grabbing both of them, I place one on Ewa's face then place the other on mine before we got pulled to the hallway and we walked pass many sky people. Ewa stomach growled and I turn to her, making Colonel stop "what? Whats wrong?" "We are hungry  you moron" I said, he sighs "English!!" "We are hungry but I just love the face you make when I talk in my native language" I smirk, swaying my tail happily and Colonel rolled his eyes, pulling me once again. Ewa giggles and I smile at her.

Quaritch help but smile a bit from Ewa's giggling, how You can just calm her down so easily, finally getting to the lab. Quaritch cuff just you, not thinking Ewa could be a threat, he walked behind the glass, stood beside Frances Ardmore as they watch Spider being put in the machine. They turn the machine on and in front of Ewa and you, they were tormenting him to find out where Jake Sully is.

Your POV

"Where is Jake Sully?" Frances Ardmore yelled as Spider cried "I dont know!!!". I turn to Ewa "help get these cuffs off" Ewa quickly unwrap the cuff from my arm and I ran to Spider but Colonel already was their with the machine off and blood running down Spider's face from his nose. Colonel turn to me "how did you get out of your cuffs?" He turn to Ewa, who was hiding behind my leg. I turn to Spider "Hey baby, you okay?" "Yeah.. I missed you Y/N and Ewa..." he passed out, Colonel and I grab him before he fell. I look up at him "is this worth it?" I ask. Colonel looked at me then took Spider off of me as Ewa grab my hand and we followed, course I could try to escape but not without Spider.

Brought back to the white room, this time Spider was brought in with us. I grab Spider from Colonel, put him under the table, I sat ontop of the table and Ewa sat in my lap "mommy. I'm hungry..." "I know baby..  they'll probably starve us.." I mumble the last part, Colonel walked out "I'll be back" he said, I scuff "hope not".

"Mommy? Do you think they'll let us go hunting ?" "No baby... they wouldn't allow us to do that.."

Ewa started to tear up as the door open again, Colonel had 3 trays of food and place them down in front of us. I look at the food and scrunch up my nose "what is that?" "Toast, beans and water" he said, placing the last tray beside Spider. Ewa grab the food with her hand and tried it but instantly spit it out, I got off the table "no... we hunt, take us hunting" I demand, Colonel chuckled "listen Cupcake, you don't run the show around here.. either eat the food or starve" he tells me, Ewa whimpers "you were right mommy. They are doing this to torment us" she said, I stood up against Colonel "fine but it's because you and Spider will be teach us to be Na'vi"
"Your getting it, Big butt?" He said. Ewa laugh and I chuckled "your like a baby... barely know how to speak" I tell him and he step closer "what did I say?" "I won't tell you want you said, you gotta know it" I walk up to the table and put Ewa on top  "rest, Spider won't ve up anytime soon and when we hunt. We'll run away" "okay mommy"

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