Chapter 4

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After a few hours, you woke up. Slide away from Ewa and climb down the tree then walk to the same lake.
Colonel woke up, seeing you were gone, he quickly pulled his GPS out and follow the dot. He stop at the lake and gasp.

Colonel POV

I gasp, seeing Y/N fully naked. "Shit" I said out loud and Y/N turn to me. "Oh, hello Colonel.. are you spying on me?" "I just came out here to get a drink from the lake" I said, looking away from her as she walk up to me and laughing "we don't drink from the lake, if your thirsty. You can drink from the leaves actually." She goes towards a big leaf, pulled it down and open her mouth as the water pour from the leaf to her mouth.

I look her up and down, how her small figure was still adorable. Course she look weak but truly, Y/N is quite strong, how her skin seem ( lighter or darker ) from her daughter, her ears moving down as she drank. I watch as she slowly open her beautiful eyes and slowly let the leaf go, she rub her mouth before turning to me. 
"You okay?" She ask, I clear my throat "yeah.. w-why are you naked?" "Colonel, all that I wear is cloth and rope covering barely a little." Y/n smile. "If your so worried, I'll put my clothes back on" Y/N grab her clothes and went behind the tree then quickly came out then she sat at the lake, looking into the water. I sat beside her "you still haven't told me... where is Ewa's father?" I look at Y/N, she look down and held both her hands together.

"I... I... she... um... she..." Y/N tremble as I saw tears come down her cheek.
I place my hand on her shoulder "Hey.. Cupcake... it's okay.. did he die?"
"Yess!!!! My mom killed him and I'm happy he is dead!" She said, jabbing her thumb at her, I put my hands up "Whoa... you okay? What happen.." "I can't talk to you, your the enemy.." she bared her teeth, I nod "sorry for asking.."
I was about to stand up but Y/N stop me, I turn to her "I'm sorry... please stay" "damn, cupcake. Listen, I know I am the enemy but it seems you need to talk to someone" I sat down and she scoots next to me then looks around "Ewa was asleep when you left, right?" I nod and she sighed "Ewa shouldn't have been born.. I was just 16 when I was hunting. I walk around with my bow to prove to the tribe that my size doesn't count, so I separated from the rest of the group. I. was just so sick of being bullied just because of me being small, I walked around to find any Viperwolves. I slowly move through the forest. As I corner a tree, a whole bunch of young red Na'vi came out... the outcast of the Red Ash clan, I started to run and without a single beat.. they followed me, I ran and ran, till I lost them for the first night but had to be careful, not to bring them to my tribe, especially the group I was with"

"even though they were making fun of you, you still protected them?" "Yes. My father, the one you hunting down for no good reason, told me he was made fun of and just because I'm small, be the bigger one to show them, they don't hurt you.-"

"-But anyway, I had to had to keep my tracks short and keep a distance, the Second night, I had a Thanator find me and hunting me down. So it was me against a thanator and a bunch of Na'vi. I was so scared, I worry about my safety and my families... even Spider was indanger, he always seem to follow me and if not me then my sister. The 3rd night... the night I was supposed to return home, well I thought I was safe to return home but as I was walking, I foolishly thought I was safe to the outcast came and jump me... they did stuff to me... I won't go into detail but... they harmed me.. then I heard my father come with my mother on fathers Ikran, the boys ran into the forest and mother followed behind them with my uncle as father came, pick me up and brought me back home. I was brought to Ewya by my grandmother and she did her ritual to heal me and seek forth of Ewya's help. Bringing me to the soul tree."

I watch as Y/N trembled, I slowly put my arm around her shoulder and she learn into my body. "I'm so sorry... that never should have happen to you...." "Thankyou for listening but never speak of this to Ewa.. I told her, she was a gift from Ewya for me to prove to others I am not weak" "I understand... of course but I do have a question... Why didn't you get a new mate?" I ask.

Y/N sighs as she look out to the lake.. tears fell down her cheek "because muntxa si means 'mate with, marry' you mate for life and in my clan Traditionally, once a young Na'vi has passed their clan's rites of passage and are accepted as an adult, they are allowed to choose a mate. Though it is typical for male Na'vi to choose a female mate, and vice versa, After an appropriate mate has been selected, the Na'vi couple will mate before Eywa, often at a sacred site such as the Tree of Voices but because someone stole my... Y'know... Alot of males didn't want someone who couldn't bare them a child without raising another Na'vi's kid.. so I never got any male to choose me and I doubt anyone would without me sacrificing Ewa and I'd never do that for weak minded males" she looks over to me.
I place my hand on her cheek  "I would choose you" I tell her in Na'vi and Y/N gasp.

You started blushing, he inch closer to you before quickly looking away "how does a Young Na'vi pass your clan rites?"

"Once a Na'vi enters into the intermediate phase of adulthood, they will undergo training in the desired skill they wish to focus on. All young Na'vi who begin their training are taught by a senior member of the clan, mostly from a parent, but if there is no parent present it will be that of a senior member of that certain skill. It normally takes months to train prior to being given their permission to begin their rite of passage. Here is a breakdown of each rite of passage in accordance to talent and skill the young Na'vi wishes to focus upon.. their is warrior, nursery, armory and Ewya Guide."

"I want to be warrior" Quaritch says. You smiles "well, then. To begin, you must do the Rite of Passage, once each Na'vi has completed their first kill, their rite of passage begins then they tame a Banshee and after that The Dream Hunt, The Dream Hunt, in native, its called Uniltaron, and that is an event in which the Na'vi seek their spirit animal by swallowing a glow worm"
Quaritch face scrunch up "a glow worm? Okay..." "hehe spirit animal is the Thanator.." "what will mine be?" "We don't know, let hunt and then tomorrow. We will do the dream hunt after the taming of a Banshee"

Quaritch agreed, he let you go and help you up. You blush lightly as you give him your bow "no machinery, must be a bow. Come" you led him into the forest. Without your acknowledgement, Spider was smiling behind a tree happily.

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