Chapter 2

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Whilst I was out gathering supplies and going through the village I spotted a cut through point through the woods, I was advised heavily to go around... buuuut I don't really want to... so I went through the woods... bad choice by the way... I'll get to that in a sec. So as I'm trotting through the forest I begin heading some rustling of leaves, me being the rather slow person I am though "Oh I wonder what woodland creatures I'll see out here" when I saw what it was that kinda spooked me... also I was lucky I brought a weapon... BECAUSE IT WAS A FUCKING CHIMERA! It lunges at me as I slide under it and slash its leg. This thing is massive, feral and vicious, it's also already injured from before I slashed it... so it must be enraged. It kept throwing itself at me relentlessly and I was starting to slow down too! I was knocked back and right as it went to attack me... it stopped dead in its tracks. I looked past it and Cristen has the Chimera by its tail. BAM! SMASH! BASH! And with a final hurl... FWOOSH!!! She sent it skyward. "Phew, I thought I was gonna break a sweat there, also maybe I should start coming with you on your outings" She smiles. "Thanks... guess I should take your advice on that one... Phew... I'm starting to feel a little inept honestly... can't stand up for myself, couldn't even properly kill that dragon by myself" I said. Cristen helps me up and holds my hand. "I don't care, that's not why I fell for you, so don't beat yourself up about it, If you can't protect me then I'll protect you, it's because I love you that I'd do these things for you" She smiles. "Thanks my love... honestly I don't know if I'd survive sometimes without you" I said. She kisses me on the lips and blushes. "C'mon ya dummy, I'll treat you back at the house" She smiles. We walk back and people along the way compliment us. We even meet an elderly couple who greeted me while Cristen was at a market stall. "Aww look at you, are your parents still giving you a rough time" said the old lady. "Haha, no, my parents are still as kind as ever Agatha, how's the farm?" I asked. "Oh it's been doin well, Herald has been working like crazy recently, so I heard you'd slain a dragon recently, was he holding a fair lady hostage?"Agatha asks. "Well... ehehe... about that..." Cristen comes around the corner wearing a big smile. "A beast!" Agatha panicked. "No no no! It's alright Agatha that's my wife" I exclaimed. Cristen blushes after hearing these words from me. Agatha narrows her eyes before returning to a relaxed posture. "But, she isn't human is she?" Agatha asked me. "Well... not really... she's actually not human at all... remember how I killed that dragon recently?" I said. "This was a female dragon who was being held hostage and on the brink of having her life cut short" I added. Agatha smiles and laughs. "So... hehe, then is she a humanoid of some kind?" Agatha asked. "Cristen... can you show her what you normally look like" I asked. "Of course" POOF! A large cloud rolls around her and slowly decays and reveals Cristen in her dragonic body. "She's actually pure dragon... but she can shape shift... you can return back to your other body now sweetie" I said. Cristen changes back to her more human looking form and gives Agatha a smile and a wave. "Oh my, you really mean to say that are married to a dragon?" Agatha asked. "Yeah... I'm kinda weird when you put it into perspective... most people marry humanoids... meanwhile I married a full on dragon" I say with a red face. Cristen puts her arms over my shoulders and stands directly behind me. It doesn't help that her breasts are on top of my head. "Nonetheless, I fell for him because he's my savior and I could sense how he's been alone for so long, no lover or people who ever took interest..." Cristen then puts on a bright and confident smile. "So a beast worthy of his love should be with him, Mighty! Strong and Gentle! There is no more fitting a creature than..." Cristen puts her arms on her hips and puffs out her chest. "Me! A mighty dragon!" Cristen shouts. She really is proud I'll say that, the way she speaks and the bright smile she always bares. "So no matter the danger... I'll protect him as he protected me!" She added. Yeah... maybe a bit too proud at times though~ "Hey it's getting late, maybe she should hurry home" Cristen said. "You two get going" Agatha said. We started to rush but Agatha stopped us for a sec. "Cristen was it?" Agatha asks. Cristen nods in response. "Keep him safe, he's a good kid from a good family, so love and care for him" Agatha said. She then went back inside and we continued on our way home. A few minutes later... we returned to the house and went inside. My mom and dad were out at a dinner event and left the house to me and Cristen, as much as it will pain the king to not see me at the event... I get the whole night alone with Cristen... pure bliss and happiness right now I tell you. We ate well, Cristen made a wonderful fish and steak dinner, we had wine and even shared our memories with each other. As she's cuddled up to me her cheeks are slightly red as she has slight buzz from the amount she drank. She has her arms wrapped around my waist and her breasts against my body. "Hey... Gavan?" She said. "Hmhm, yes sweetheart?" I said. But right as I said that she leaned in and locked lips with me. Her body felt warm, his skin was soft, her hair was like silk and her eyes seemed so inviting. "Mwah... I wanna try something new" She said. She pulls down my trousers and starts to slowly stroke me. "I've heard females will do this for the man they are in love with... does it feel nice?" She asked. "It feels amazing... but... you don't have to do this for me" I said. She just smiles and keeps jerking me off. "I know, I do it because I want to, I'm over 380 years old and when we had sex... it was the best feeling I've ever experienced, so I want to do different things... I love you, so I want you, plain and simple" She grins. Want... don't tell me she's addicted now because of me. While my head was wandering I felt a warm and soft sensation around my dick. She start sucking it and wrapping her tongue around it. She then placed her breasts against it and started to gentle move them while still sucking my dick. "Ah, C-Cristen!" I moan. I instinctively put my hands on her head and started thrusting into her mouth. I couldn't think... all I knew was that it was comfortable and warm... wet... such a sweet smell too... but why was it so strong. "You know I can hear your thoughts and speak to you through thoughts right?" She said. What? You mean she's been able to hear my thoughts the entire time? "Whenever your ready love, go ahead and shoot inside, I'll devour every last drop" She said. I felt my dick throb and her tongue tightening around my dick and finally... I ejaculate into her mouth and she pulls me into her closer and started swallowing. Every throb she swallowed, each and every time, I felt my body going numb, to the point of pure euphoria. She pulls away and opened her mouth, the entire floor of her mouth was full with cum, she closed her mouth and... Gulp! Swallowing it she looks at me and smiles. "That was wonderful, I've never felt that much pleasure... the feeling of not being able to breathe, while my throat was mauled by my man... I loved it~" She smiles. She... definitely is into this type of thing now... I feel kinda responsible now for her new addiction. She pulls my trousers back up and cuddles back up next to me. "Honey... am I really the one who you don't mind being with?" She asked. "Of course not, remember, nobody is more deserving of my love than a mighty creature, one who's heart shines bright and her presence ever brighter" I said. She nuzzles against me and smiled... despite her massive size she still felt so small as she held on to my chest. "Should we try to rest?" She asked. "Yes, you head to the bedroom sweetie, I'll be in shortly" I said. She gets up and lumbers to the bedroom. Thud! She plopped over onto the bed and fell fast asleep. However... as I stood my whole body surged with a searing pain, one like pins and needles. The fire that was light was dimming as well. A few seconds later I had calmed down and went to bed... it was strange but it was nothing probably. The next day my mother and father had returned but my dad was injured and my mother was bruised and they had a message for me. A letter from the King himself, it read "It would be of utmost honor if you would come speak with me, I have news you may want to hear, as to why your parents are hurt, that is why I am calling for you" It read. I set the letter aside and run to my mom and dad. "Are you two okay?! What happened?!" I said. "An assassin had gotten into the dining area, it turned into a fight and almost caused a lot of deaths, if your mother and I wouldn't have been there who knows what would've happened" Keith said. I grit my teeth in anger... but I slow down my breathing and calm myself. Without another word Cristen and I made for the King's Castle. We arrive and Denris is standing by the dungeon entrance with the Guards. "Gavan! Over here!" Denris called. "Yes your majesty" I replied. Cristen and I followed him into the castles prison chambers and I am directed towards a cell with a man sitting at a table chained to it. His face is grizzled, his beard and hair are grey, scarce and his skin is sickly looking. "This is the assassin I mentioned in the letter, I figured you'd want to have a word with him yourself" Denris said. "Honestly I'd love too but... if I lose my mind then I might" Cristen cuts me off as she places her hands on the sides of my head. "This man almost killed people, your parents too... I know what you hide deep inside your mind and soul..." She then leaned into my ear and whispers. "Let your evil deliver pain unto this assassin... I will be watching and will help you relax after your done" She said with a sinister tone. SNAP! My feelings then turned dark, twisted and maniacal. The guards open the cell and I walk in. "Guards, before I forget to ask... bring me a few tools, a set of tongs, a vice, snips and something to pull with..." I feel myself turn cold as I asked this. The guards return and I also ask for a knife. The guard drew his knife and handed it to me as he shut the door. "Kaheheha... who the hell are you? Some little brat?" He remarked. "Perhaps... but first I think introductions are in order... my name is Gavan, and you are?" I say. "Name is Calden, so why am I being questioned by some kid?" He said. "Kid? That's rather bold to call me that... all have you know I'm in my twenties..." I set the tools on the table in front of him. "Now, I suggest you start talking" I grin. "Heh... no way bud, you want me to talk then your gonna have to" Without letting him get out another word I stabbed his hand. "FUCK! You little bastard!" He yelled. "Guards! Get this freak away from me!" The guards simply stood by the door. "I said talk!" I yell. "Make me!" He replies. As I jerked the knife out from his hand I took a pair of tongs. "Ever lose a finger nail?" I asked. I gripped his finger nail and... RIP! I tore it off. "What's wrong with you, you fucking psycho!" He yelled. "Now... anything you wanna say yet?" I asked. "Fuck you!" He spat in my face. "Let's try this again..." I grin. RIP! I began to rip each finger nail off every time he wouldn't talk. It got to the point where all of his finger nails were ripped off and his hands were bleeding and pale. "How an assassin like you got into the dinner party I'll never know... BUT... I'll break you eventually" CHOP! I cut off one of his fingers. "AAAAAAAHHH! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" He screamed. "Now talk!" I yell. His whole body began shaking after a while but he eventually caved a little. "I was ordered to kill the King, that's all I know though I swear!" He pleaded. "Hmm... then why was my mother and father hurt rather than the king being the primary target?" I asked. He attempts to turn his gaze downward but I grab his head and stare him in the eye. "LOOK AT ME! Answer my questions!" I yelled. "I already told you what I know!" He yelled. CHOP! I hacked off another on of his fingers. "Ggrrrr... damn it! A man in a robe told me, to kill you, your parents and to kidnap your dragon! He didn't say anything as to why! He just wanted her to be taken through force!" He added. I also felt my arm writhe slightly, I hadn't noticed my nails formed into sharp claws and my arm had grown barbs on the upper part of it. "Keep talking!" I shout. My voice was beginning to sound distorted and malformed as well. I was changing... this... this was the thing I was afraid of... being a half-blood comes with its perks... and it's negatives... my issue being my violent and malicious intent taking a more physical and up front shape... a elemental. I felt myself losing grip when the assassin finally slipped up. "The man in the robe only told me that the blood of a pure dragon who fell in love with a human could usher in a new age" He said. As I heard him say this I began to calm down... until... "He said he'd force her to breed new life and be used like cattle" as the assassin said this... RIP! I had felt my mind to numb as I began ripping his limbs off. "GAH SOMEONE HELP" Snap! I twisted his neck around completely severing his spine. The guards open the door and Cristen rushes in to see me shredding his corpse and pulling him limb from limb. "Raaah!" I lunged at her but she pins me down. "Sorry baby, Forgive me!" She said. I feel two sharp pains on the sides of my head and I black out. Hours later... I awake in my bed... Cristen is lying beside me and naked. "Hey sweetie... how are you feeling?" She asked. She cuddled me and held me tightly. "I didn't think you were gonna calm down in time, you had me a little worried" she said. I just held her as she held me and I let out a sigh of relief. "Did I get anything out of him?" I ask. "Yep, it's enough to go off from as well, you won't have to do that again... I'm sorry for what I had you do... you probably hate me..." she said. I got over her pressed against her body and kiss her. "No I don't hate you... Cristen, I could never hate you... you mean everything to me..." I leaned in for her when suddenly. Creak... "How is he doing?" Keith said. I jumped in fright and fell on the floor. "Gavan!" Cristen yells. "I'm fine... maybe" My back hurt after this so I was not fine. "Sorry bud, didn't realize I was killing the mood for you" He added. "No you didn't kill the mood or anything but let's not discuss this any further please... and DO NOT talk to this about mom!" I said. My dad laughs and slowly closes the door. "We'll see" He said. As I tried to get up and go after him Cristen grabs my legs and drags me back into bed. She places her body against me and holds me. "Cristen?!" I said. "Shhhh... you need to rest... master~" She drifts off to sleep. Sigh... I suppose she has a point... before long I fall asleep with her, she's slightly heavy set but nonetheless her body is perfect in my eyes... besides... slight chub is cute I think. The next morning we head to the capital of the village, we bump into these two girls, one is 5'1 and the other is 6'11, Long white hair, the shorter one had red eyes, the taller one had purple eyes and the both had pale skin, they also where Curvy and busty like Cristen. "Oh sorry, my apologies" Said the taller girl. "Oh it's nothing, are you two new here?" I asked. "Yep, my name is Lizzy and this is my sister Lilith" Lizzy said. Judging by their looks... they don't seem to be human... "Hey if you guys don't mind could we tag along if your here to shop?" Lilith asked. "Lilith" Lizzy scoffs. "We can't just ask to tag along with everyone we meet" She said. She has a point. "No I think it'd be wonderful to have new company, my name is Cristen and this is my boyfriend Gavan" She said. I waved in response. "Hello" With that out of the way we all were walking together and looking around the market. "Pssst... Cristen" I whispered. She looked over at me I'm curiosity. "I don't think either of them are human" I add. "Pfft... don't be so worried, they seem fine to me" She said. As we walked around I felt an odd sense of gloom... kinda like when I faced that dragon before... "Do any of you here that?" I said. Woosh! I could hear the thundering sounds of wingbeats! "Get down!" I yelled as a dragon comes barreling into the streets. A large, grey, and demonic looking dragon stands up from the rubble and glares at me. "YOU! The dragon slayer! You and that traitor of a dragon shall die here today!" He bellowed. "Who are you!" I yell. "I am the brother of Alsrius, the dragon you and that traitor slaughtered!" He bellowed. "I am Lish, and this is where you die!" The dragon charges when suddenly... BAM!! Lizzy had jumped up and cracked him dead in the snout pummeling him onto the ground. "Alright you self righteous and heartless monster! Bring it!" She yells. "You bitch!" He lunged at her and BAM! She cracked him in the snout again. "Yeah; I may be a bitch, BUT I'm a bad bitch mother fucker!" Lizzy said. Purple ethereal chains bind the dragons wings and force him onto the ground. "It pays to be a demon sometimes, now enjoy the beat down folks! This is why you don't mess with me and my sister!" Lilith said. She used magic to hurl fire and electricity at the dragon, guess my hunch was right but they aren't evil. Before long Cristen joined in on the fun, I made sure all the townsfolk were safe. The sounds of them pummeling the dragon was absurdly loud, as the ground shook I noticed a small amulet lying upon the ground, it was a dark silver, a red gem in the center and the face of the amulet seemed to resemble some kind of beast... odd. I went to pick up the amulet and after I had grabbed it for some reason or another it was a sword, iron blade, cracked, a bronze and gold lined handle, a cross guard with... what looked like a mass of flesh latched to it. I then realized an eye was on the other side and when I looked... it opened. The mass sprouted small tendrils lines with razor sharp teeth and bored into my arm. "GAAAAAH!" I screamed. "Lizzy smash this ugly freak!" Lilith yelled. Lizzy and Cristen rush the dragon and BOOM! Right to the face! WHOOSH! "Enough! You all die here, you can't kill dragons! We never die!" He bellowed. CRASH! A flowing blade of blood crashes into the dragon! "Who the?" Cristen turns and sees me... arm skewered by some mass of flesh, the right side of my back ripped open as a massive bone like fin protruding from it. I'm huffing and panting, my breathing is heavy and my chest hurts. "Leave these..." COUGH! "People alone!" I roared. "No don't!" Lizzy screamed. I raised the blade over my head and the blade begins to pull blood from my body to form around the tip of the blade. SLASH! The blade is fired out like a giant whip, the sword was devouring my blood and using it as a weapon.

My girlfriend... is... A DRAGON?!Where stories live. Discover now