Chapter 10

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As the nights go by I find myself slow and sluggish, constantly feeling like I'm being followed and feeling paranoid. Shu walks out from the office on the top floor and stops me. I'm spooked by him at first but I collect myself. "Hey, so what did you find out?" Shu asked. "The enemy is Denris as it turns out... he torched his own kingdom, people and is the one holding my parents hostage... I was also confronted by his two elite knights" I said. "Ah, did everything go well?" He asked. I start to walk away. "There dead, Alhzauris helped me" I said. Shu looks at me for a moment in horror. "By the gods... you trusted that monstrosity!?" He said. "You allowed Alhzauris to channel its power through you?!" Shu yelled. "Enough!" Lin yelled. Lin walks up to us and glares at Shu. "Had he not I don't think we all would've made it out unscathed... Alhzauris so far hasn't made him do anything harmful yet... so cut him some slack Shu... even he hates it" Lin said. My skin is still cold... then I hear it. "When Denris lies dead, I'll leave you a part of my being, as you gave your power to call me forth I'll shall impart upon you my power with no drawbacks of my eyes constantly trained upon you" Echoed his voice. The sounds fade and silence returns. I can hear the wind and I hear students moving around the lower floors. Despite everything I feel like my eye sight, hearing and sense of smell has greatly improved... Is it because of Alhzauris that I'm experiencing these things? I go to Krathep and talk with him about Alhzauris. He rummages through the archives and finds a book in ancient text. "I'm not sure if you can read this so allow me if I may?" He said. I sit down in a chair and nod. "Alhzauris, the Plague, the Rot, lived over 900 years ago, he was a 5000 year old ancient dragon Hel bent on the destruction of the twisted and evil, along with his sinister appearance he crafted the ability to cancel any magic or powers of the affected individuals, this was later named... Absolute Denial. He would go to kill twisted creatures and corrupt humans who played god, eventually he decayed his own body and faded away, however should one wish to provoke him and gain his attention, they only need speak his name, followed by "my power, my strength, all I offer in exchange for your power to be used to destroy evil" you did that during your fight with the two elite soldiers didn't you?" Krathep said. I'm caught by surprise from him saying that. "I can see it in your eyes and your muscle has degraded, you're much skinnier now than before you left for the ruins" he adds. His eyes then look at me... all of his eyes. "Was it worth it?" He asks. "Not sure yet... but if I means I'll be able to make Denris suffer... then it will have been worth it" I said. "You tread a path of ruin... you have called upon that which brought about much decay, not by choice either, it was a dragon of terrible plagues and miasma, none could stop his fog from stripping them of power, and the weak and sickly, the fog made them go crazy as it affected there wills, just know this... Alhzauris died of his own accord for good reason... you will not regain your strength once he is gone... you will be left without powers" Krathep said. "I'm aware... but I made a deal to ensure we win... one way or another Denris will suffer... and I know where to find him" I said. My eyes narrow and I clench my fists. "I'll kill him I swear it" I said. Later... I gather everyone and only choose a select few to go with me to ensure the others are safe. "The time has come... I'll be taking a few of you to march with me to take the fight to Denris, we'll end his evil and put him under" I said. "Lizzy, Cristen, Lilith, Sihlus and Shu will come with me, we'll depart by carriage tomorrow and make our way to a old palace that lies within the Arcean Forest, there will be no mercy for Denris, thankfully the entire place is only occupied by his soldiers... butcher every last one of them" I said. As night draws I spend one more night with all the girls. The following morning we all depart, donning black hooded robes, under my robe I wear full plated armor adorned with cloth with ancient dragon scriptures written upon them. Bereft of any powers the Moonlight blade is left behind as I no longer posses the strength or ability to channel magic through the blade. All I will need is Alhzauris... Hours later... we finally exit the reaches of the north and make our way into the forest. We all ride silently in the cart until finally the carriage driver stops. "This is as close as I'll get you, any closer and I'll be caught in the cross fire" Said the man. We all get out. I give him a few extra gold for his troubles. "Get to safety, make sure Lin and the others are safe with Selene... today... we end this once and for all" I said. Suddenly a loud thunderous storm forms around the castle ahead of us. "He's summoning Kalamur, let's make haste!" I said. We all run to the castle and breach the barrier around it. Large red bolts of lighting strike the ground. Guards are stood at the ready as we all throw our cloaks aside. "Kill on sight, search the prison cells, if you find my parents get them to safety... let's end this here and now!" I yell. We all charge forth and Cristen changes into her dragon form and crashes through the main gate. "The enemy is upon us!" Yell the soldiers. WOOSH!! Cristen torches the first few while Lizzy and Lilith fly over and descend upon the soldiers severing them into bits. Shu summons spectral soldiers to fight alongside us. "Cut them down my soldiers!" Shu yelled. The sounds of clashing and slashing are all around us. Sihlus and I force our way to the throne room. "Let's do this" I said. Sihlus destroys the doors and Denris turns to face us. "Ah, Gavan, I was hoping to not see you until my preparations were finished..." He then points to the corner of the room... It's my parents. "Mom! Dad!" I said. "Denris how could you!? Your people loved you! What happened to you!?" I shout. "You! You were blessed by a dragon, your a filthy half blood and a dragon gave you its blessing!" He yells. Suddenly Sihlus grabs my parents. "Sihlus get them to safety... Denris is mine" I said. Sihlus runs off with my parents as I grab my steel sword and charge him! BAM! He fires me back into the wall. "Seems you've lost all your powers somehow... haha, this will make succeeding much easier!" Denris laughs. He keeps slamming me into the wall. Then he begins to choke me with magic. "Sorry... D-Denris... but you're not gonna win!" I struggle. "Alhzauris!" The fog rolls in and his magic stops working. "By the gods... you made a deal with a powerful dragon... the Beast of Rot!" Suddenly a large amount of power discharges from Denris' staff and he begins to float. "It's time for our battle to truly make history!" A large blast goes off and sends me flying out of the castle. Then a large dragon, covered in reddish black scales, grand horns, fiery red eyes, and two sets of wings. "Witness the Calamity Dragon! Kalamur, Reborn with my flesh and soul!" Denris yells. He's now fused with Kalamur. "Alhzauris..." POW! Denris tail whips me and sends me flying, I feel my ribs and arm break. I start to cough up blood. "Now die!" Denris goes to breathe fire. BAM! Suddenly Cristen rammed into him and starts engaging him in battle. "Leave my husband alone!" They start clawing and biting at each other. Denris starts to get the upper hand. I see Cristen being beaten and overpowered... damn it... I can't let my injuries stop me yet. "Alhzauris... My eyes become your eyes" I said. Denris then looks over to me and starts to charge me. BAM! Cristen slams into him again. "Alhzauris... my hands become your hands" I said. Cristen is struggling but my lungs feel heavy. "Alhzauris... my legs become yours" I said. Cristen is pinned down and knocked out. Denris walks over to me and starts to laugh. "Now you will die and this world shall fear me!" He laughs. "Alhzauris... become mani" I'm cut off by Denris' roaring flames... "GAVAN!" Cristen screams as she regains consciousness. Suddenly his fire is cut off by the head of Alhzauris emerging from the fires and biting his face! Alhzauris' body manifests in physical form and the slits in his back begin to bellow with the thick black fog. Cristen chomps on Denris and I lunge forward clawing at him. "Go! Get my husband to safety, there's one last thing I need to do to give our son the upper hand" Andrea said. "Are you sure it's safe?" Keith said. My mother puts her hand on my dad's face. "I won't die on you; I'll be back with you very shortly" My mother then runs towards the fight. KABOOM! A blast goes off in Denris' face! It was from my mother. She starts slinging magic into Denris, scorching him and electrifying him. "You're not taking our son! You hear me!" She shouts. Her hands begin to glow. "I summon the Godslayer Blade, that which is capable of the calamity will be put back under with this blade!" A blade forms in front of her and she throws it to Sihlus! "Skewer the heart of Denris and it will separate him from Kalamur making him vulnerable!" She yells. She then drops down and runs back out. Sihlus grabs the blade and smiles. "I'm honored... I won't ruin this!" Sihlus said. He charges at Denris and without hesitation... STAB! He skewers Denris! Denris falls from Kalamur as the dragon reels in pain and Cristen begins to pummel him! I separate from Alhzauris and run at Denris! BAM! I punch him in the face! POW! He retaliates by throwing a punch right back! "That it! I'm still stronger than you half blood!" Denris yells. "Oh yeah..." I begin to form a black flame around my hands! "I made a deal with Alhzauris, your threw you hear me!" I yell. POW! I strike Denris causing his body to crack. "What on earth is this!?" He shouts. "It's part of Absolute Denial! I can kill you with this, your immortal body will eventually be reduced to dust!!" I scream. His body sets ablaze! "I'm an elemental of fire, you cannot undo this power with measly magic like that!" POW! He strikes me and I feel my arm break. "Then I'll die trying!" I yell. I strike back. BAM! POW! BASH! I then knee him in the skull and I feel it go CRACK against my knee cap. He falls back and clenches his head. "I tire of your games... now is the final act!" His flames glow and turn a bright red. "IMMOLATION!" He roars. Suddenly the moonlight lands beside me. It's Lin and the others! They came out to deliver the blade to me. "It doesn't use your magic! It actually draws in magic from your surroundings!" Lin yells. "Insects!" Denris blasts flames at them! "NO!" I shout. Suddenly Shu dives in front of them! "SHU NO!" Lin cries. KABOOM! Smoke clears and Shu's back is seared, his fur is burned and his body is blackened. "Worth it" He then collapses. "Shu..." Lin said. "Worthless feline, now where was I?" Denris asked. SHING! The moonlight blade takes form in my hand and the blade begins to glow and take its shape. "You'll regret that Denris... now I've made my choice... you'll die here this day!" I shout. "Thanks to the amount of magic you're creating in the air the Moonlight blade is at full strength... your fucked you hear me" I said. "Then let's make this a true spectacle Half blood!" He laughs. SLASH! I take the first swing and cleave off his arm. "W-what!?" He looks in fear. The moonlight blade starts to let off heat. "I told you, the blade is overloaded, meaning it's gonna cut through anything that's thrown at it... including Kalamur!" I turn back and unleash a giant wave that cleaves the dragon in half before it can descend upon Cristen. The blade maintains its form and is still bellowing with heat. Kalamur's body decay and turns to ash. "You ready to die!" I yell. We start clashing and trading blows. Despite having my left arm completely broken I refuse to stand down! CRASH! Cristen returns to her human form slamming into Denris! "You and me darling! Let's finish this!" Cristen said. Then Lilith, Lizzy, Lin and Sinixia all stand beside me. "You're not counting us out!" Sinixia said. Lin and Sinixia assault him with magic, Lilith and Lizzy swoop in and slash at him! "RAAAH! Your insects! How is this possible that I'M being pressured... by mere animals!?" He shouts. "Because you have no love or compassion in your blackened heart anymore..." I said. Suddenly an arrow skewers me in the eye! The arrow simply falls out as Sihlus manifests. "Denris... for attempting to take my master's life... you shall face our combined might, this will be your coffin!" Sihlus summons giant crosses and starts aiming at Denris with them! SMASH! CRASH! "Keep the heat going girls!" I yell. I watch and wait... suddenly I see my opening! "Now Cristen! Launch me!" I shout. The moonlight blade starts to let off unimaginable heat. Cristen picks me up and... WOOSH! Hurls me at Denris... in a moment of silence I raise the blade past my head. "DENRIS!" SLASH! KABOOM! A large blast goes off destroying the ground for a few hundred feet behind Denris. He stands there frozen... "but... how" He mutters. "Because you're not human anymore!" SLICE! I cleave off his head and his body slumps to the ground. I fall backwards and stare at the sky. "Hah... we did it... we finally stopped the major threat that loomed over us..." I then pass out. Days later. I recovered from my wounds but my arm and ribs still hurt because even though my mother can mends broken bones it'll still hurt afterwards. Miraculously Shu is in recovery, he managed to survive thanks to Sihlus preventing his major organs from being cooked from inside. My mom and dad are happily together and safe again, me and the girls are all officially getting married... and Sihlus hasn't seemed happier in ages. During the following days we set up the wedding. The men in noble garments, Sihlus in holy vestments, Shu managed to make a recovery and attend the wedding, all the students of the academy came as well, it was held at the academy with the barrier down as the winter harvest had come to its end that month, the sun shined brightly and I faced away as I heard the girls walking down the isle. "You may turn to see your brides now sir" Sihlus said. I turn around and they're all in beautiful white dresses, decorated with flowers, ribbons and specs of gold. "Hmhm... now, Gavan, do you take the Lamia, Sinixia, the catgirl Lin, The succubus Lilith, Lizzy and the Ancient dragon Cristen as your wives till the end of days?" Sihlus asks. "I do" I said. "And ladies, to you take this young man who gave all he could to protect family as your husband?" Sihlus asks. "We do" they all say together. I put rings on each of them and a tear streams down my face. My parents are crying and smiling. "Oh Gavan by the way... we got you something now that things are safe" Cristen then brings out a little dog, a puppy, with a puffy beard, black, grey and white fur and sweet little eyes. I start crying. "He's adorable... and you know... I think we'll call you Roscoe" After that we all helped to add on to the academy to create a kingdom there, people eventually flocked to it seeking shelter and comfort, With Roscoe in my arms and the girls at my side... I shed more tears... the peaceful life I wanted to life was finally a reality. This was a tale fraught with heartbreak and war, but nevertheless, I smile. This... is the end of our tale, the fate of a human, and a dragon mingled, leading to a fight for the world, ending in the defeat of a man who once adored his people after he turned into a villian. Mayhaps the future will hold more struggle... but for now, the world was safe, and I was happy to lead a normal life... afterall... I'm no longer with powers other than the ones of Alhzauris. This is the end of a long tale... farewell for now, and may tomorrow hold a bright future to strive for.

The End

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