Chapter of the Outrider

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A knight clad in light blue armor, walking on his hands and feet, thin limbs, cloaked brandishing a sword coated in the icy cold winters Gale. He wanders... without worry or awareness either. A group of soldiers ambush him. "Give it up outrider! Your surrounded!" Yelled the chief. "..." the knight continues to walk before drawing its sword. This warrior is at least 12ft in length from head to toe, inhumanly thin and emitting a frigid frost from beneath its cloak. Blood trickles unto the snow. SLASH! SMASH! CLANG! The knight violently thrashed with a furious charge of swings and thrusts. The knight afterwards continues to wander... a small group of 20 cut down by this unusual being. Slits in its angular helmet, ridged and segmented armor, like ornate and majestic plating, a beautiful light blue... stained red. A sheath of leather and a light grayish blue material to hold the blade on the waist. It lets out a hellish wail of grief or anger that carries along the frigid almost lethal freezing winds. The sword as cold as the wind is, shimmers a beautiful color as the sun manages to slightly peak through the vicious winds. It makes its way through a large forest coated by the winter's abyssal gale. The winds whirling and wailing a song of cold tales. The knight is ever more in their element. It clatters through the snow, before finally arriving at a snow covered castle. Guards sound a horn and arrows begin to soar. Before the arrows can hit, this knight dashed forward like a wild cat, running and leaping onto the wall and running up it! It was there for a reason, with a vengeance it crashed through the soldiers and cut them down. It lets out a howling wail of rage! It flies into a fury and begins violently slashing away the soldiers as prisoners and people run and hide. The knight seems to be there for a purpose, it's aware these people are being forced to be kept here, it's here to liberate them, but how did it find the place with almost no communication with any other beings. A knight grabs a little girl from her mother and holds a knife to her. "I'll gut the little brat if you try anything you freak!" He yells. The outrider lowers itself... WHOOSH! The outrider lunges forward a full 30ft I'm the blink of an eye, quickly scooping the girl up and skewering the soldier to the ground impaled on it's blade. Shink, the blade is pulled from the soldier and the little girl is gentle placed down by the outrider. The outrider creates a seemingly perfect frozen flower, but it's pleasant to the touch as the little girl holds it. The outrider pats her head gently. "Thank you mister" she said. The outrider bows lightly and continues to rush to the inner chambers. "Men bar the door! Don't let that thing into the courtyard!" Shouted the commander. CRASH! It barrels through the barred door and impales the soldiers by the door and throws them aside off its blade. A large knight clad in bulky armor comes out wielding a giant axe. "RAAAAAH!" He charges the outrider and crashed into him. CLASH! The outrider stops the blade from landing on its head! The outrider kicks the knight of itself and rolls back over. "So outrider! That all you got?" He said. The outrider lurches backward. The knight goes to strike but misses. Death... is imminent for the soldier... as the frigid cold steel pierced his chest turning his insides to ice. The outrider rips the blade from the soldier and the sound of ice shattering is heard. This outrider possesses incredible power of ice and the frigid elements... a simple stab can turn someone's blood to frozen blood. The knight continues through the inner chambers when suddenly a large metal stock clasps down onto the Outrider. "Haul him to the dungeon, but keep your distance from him" said the warden. Later the knight finds himself barred and chained. Though he still killed several during his capture. Later different towns folk were brought in and throw to the cellar. The little girl was thrown into the outriders cell under the assumption he would have to eat. The mother screams as they drag her away. "JULIA!" Cried the mother. "Mommy!" Julia cries. She turns to the knight the and walks towards him but the knight simply drops his head. "If only you could reach your sword..." Julia then looked at his sword. The jailers didn't think to take it. Surely though the large blade would freeze her hands solid and cause them to shatter. The knight sees this and then the frost and frigid gale of his body lowers greatly were she can try to drag the blade to his hand. However this blade is a 9 foot long straight sword. This little girl is only 3'1ft but she knows that if she can do this he can make them pay. She tries for a while until she hears the guards saying vile things they did to her mother. This makes her slump down and start crying. "Oi! Shut up you little bitch! Your a crier just like your lovely mother!" They laugh and mock her. After they leave she stands up and finally... she managed to unlodge the blade from its sheath and allowed the outrider to grab the handle. His body began to rapidly emit the freezing cold Abyss again and he destroyed the stockade, then he frozen the bars and let the little girl touch them and cause them to crumble to shards of ice. "What was that?" Said the warden. SPLASH! He's then impaled by the outrider and slammed into the wall. "The... woman" spoke the outrider. "She's in the slave quarters, but good luck getting to her before we have any fu" SNAP! His spine is frozen then shattered. The outrider let's put a chilling shriek! He then stands up on his legs. This towering warrior was no longer showing mercy nor etiquette. He was ready to fight as a violent killing machine. He dashed up from the dungeon after freeing the prisoners and began his assault. Any wooded doors he saw, he destroyed, any who had ill intentions against him... were destroyed. The Outriders anger had peaked. The walls began to coat in a thin layer of ice. Each step he takes coats the floor in a thin sheet of ice, but this ice was spreading like a wildfire. This castle was now his plaything, walls cracking and stone breaking, he was saving everyone and will destroy the problem with malice... but also a sense of serenity. Eventually he found Julia's mother and right before the guards could touch her he mauled both of them and diced them into chunks. Little Julia runs in and jumps into her mothers arms. "The Outrider came to rescue you when I started crying" Julia said. "The Outrider?" Her mother said. "He's our hero" Julia smiles. The outrider kneels down in front of them both. The outrider simply looks at them with his icy stare and seems to bob his head. The outrider then stutters to stand back up and then clatters through the halls cutting down any and all threats. Eventually, he reaches the throne room where the king was struck with fear. The outrider let's out another shriek when suddenly he is struck by fire! "Hmph... your onslaught ends here I'm afraid!" Said a mage. The mage continues to pummel the knight with flames until his cloak is burned away and his armor is blackened. "Now die!" But the mage can't seem to cast anymore flames. A violent and strong aura like a cloak and side skirting forms from the frigid cold air then a large plume of cold air forms on the back of the outriders helmet. He then stands up on two legs and stands up straight. A faint glow emits from his blade as it began to become enveloped in ice to take a more Greatsword like shape, longer handle, wider guard and a longer blade. "What on earth" Said the mage. SLASH! The mage is cleaved in two and then the outrider looks to the leader. SLASH! The outrider bisected the man and then walks away. He tears down some of the banners to wrap himself to damped the intensity of the cold. As he does this he falls back over but he then sheaths his sword and goes back to walking on all fours. The township is outside in joy. The township has thrived in the frigid weather even despite the leader, they are as comfortable in the cold as the outrider was. "Mister?" Julia said. "What's your name?" She asked. The outrider breathes out. "Svaaariig" he said in a chilled strained tone. "Svarig, The Outrider has saved us!" Cried a man. The township smiles and cheers for him. Suddenly the castle crashed behind him. He turns and looks to the crowd before pointing to himself as if gesturing "was that me?" The townsfolk laughed and cheered. The outrider felt more like a human for the first time in decades...

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