Chapter 5

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Smoke from the impact wells up and clouds our vision. "Cristen!" Lin yells. "Don't worry Lin, Cristen is alright, just wait and see" I said. The smoke disappears and Cristen is simply standing there with Selene's fist against her body. She took the punch directly and didn't move or budge an inch. She then puts her hand on Selene's fist and Selene eases up. "I'm not your enemy, I'm may be a dragon of unfathomable power... but my purpose is not to bring war in life... it's to bring love to those I cherish" Cristen smiles. She turns and looks at me. "The human standing over there with Lin is the man I fell in love with" She added. A puff of smoke goes off and standing in front of Cristen is a girl of her size, Fit muscular body and dark skin with blonde hair and purple eyes. "Selene, this is Cristen, she's a dragon like you" Lin said. Selene puts her hair into a low ponytail and cracks her neck. "So your just like me then" Selene said. Her body has a few scars and one large one on her stomach. She's wearing wrappings on her arms and legs, a cropped jacket and baggy pants. "I should apologize for throwing a strike at you then, forgive me" Selene said. "Nonsense, that was the first time I've seen a Crystalline Dragon throw a punch before without hesitation, I'm impressed" Cristen smiles. We turn and see Ullfnir hiding his face. "I missed you Ullfy" Selene said. Ullfnir looks at her and walks towards her. "It's been a while, I made you a promise though, I said I'd learn to change forms and I did... now I can properly hold you" Selene smiles. Ullfnir goes to her and she wraps her arms around him. "Poor Ullfy, you must have felt so lonely, the only time your a kind person is when you work with the children here... why are you so closed off" Selene said. "Even though I enjoy working with the children here I must remain strong, no matter what, so that I may not show my weaknesses" Ullfnir said. "Also Lin did I hear you call him master?" Selene asked. Shit! I really was hoping she wouldn't say that. Ullfnir turned back towards me and scowls. "A few days ago we sought you and your group out, not long after Lin seems so trusting of you... what did you do?" Ullfnir asked. "I already told you, I didn't do anything!" I snap. "You filthy animal!" Ullfnir yells. "Shut up! You don't know anything!" I said. "Had I not run into her sooner the other day she'd have bashed her own head in! I can't imagine what her life was like for her to have almost killed herself!" I shouted. Ullfnir just stood in silence. Selene puts her hand in his shoulder. "She does seem happier now, maybe this was for the best Ullfy" Selene said. Ullfnir eases up and turns his gaze towards the ground. "Perhaps your right, she does seem to be feeling better" Ullfnir said. "Alright, enough of this gloom and doom, let's get everyone situated and comfy" Lin smiles. "I can't believe I'm saying this but I like that idea, let's all go meet the classes too" Ullfnir said. Ullfnir takes us all with him and his greets his next class. "Everyone I have a very special group here today, I'd like you all to meet Selene and Cristen, Selene has met you all before but Cristen here is also a dragon, to be exact she's a ancient dragon, Cristen go ahead and introduce yourself" Ullfnir said. "My name is Cristen, I am a pure blooded dragon and the wife to a human, my species is a ancient dragon but I choose to cherish those I love, Gavan come say hi" She said. I nervously stepped out and stood beside her. "This is Gavan, not only is the the person I love and cherish more than anything in the world... he's also my savior" She says. A kid raises his hand. "Yes Aaron?" Ullfnir said. "How did a human save you miss?" Aaron asks. "I'll let Gavan tell the story, go ahead" Cristen said. "I went out to slay a dragon that had been terrorizing a nearby village, however... when I came to the mouth of that cave I saw no valuables, no corpses, only a single lone dragon chained to the wall, I thought to myself, why is the dragon chained up" I smile and stand up straight. "Suddenly I hear thunderous wingbeats behind me, a dragon stood before me ready to strike, so I struck my blade against my shield and set it ablaze, I was still unsure who the enemy was but I knew what the threat was, so after we traded blows I looked it in the eyes and said, when you get the chance, pay more attention to your surroundings in the next life... AND CHOMP, Cristen bites the dragons neck holding it in place long enough for me to deliver a killing blow by cleaving the dragons head off, at that moment I knew Cristen wasn't my enemy, but I grew weary and blacked out, Cristen broke free and flew me back to safety as quick as possible and my mother healed my wounds and injuries" I said. "That's the story of how we met... he was my knight in shining armor come to rescue me" Cristen blushes. "Anyway, I'd like you all to pay close attention today, I'd like to teach you all something a little different" Ullfnir said. He started with his lessons for the day, Cristen and I went back to the courtyard and walked around. "I've been meaning to ask you something" Cristen said. "You don't feel guilty for what happened with Lin do you?" She added. "Hmm? At first I broke a little bit, but after hearing your voice calm me and seeing how she is doing... no, I'm happy for her, it's gonna be hard to explain everything that's been happening when I see my parents again" I said. "Oh yeah, they only know of your only lover being me, that's gonna be a strange story to tell them" Cristen laughs. She puts her arms around me and nuzzles against my head. "You may be human, but in my heart your so much more than that, your my world... my savior and my life, I couldn't be happier... I've lived a miserable life for 300 years, until you shined light upon me... I felt joy" She said. Suddenly a panicked person stumbles into the gates. "A village has been raised to the ground, LIN" the man cries. Lin decends from her tower by levitating downward. "What happened start from the beginning Kalen" Lin said. "A village called Deinsburrow was torched and obliterated along with a full scale assault on the nearby kingdom!" He cries. The words cut into me... I pushed Cristen away as I curled over in pain. The poisonous barbs stick out of my arm and my back contorts to form a spine of barbs, my hands form claws, my legs curve like a wolves and a long skeletal and spiny tail forms. "MOTHER FATHER" I bellow. I dashed out the gate and began to run. "GAVAN!" Cristen yells. "Was that an elemental! After him!" Lin yells. Mages from the guild gather and begin to follow my trail. "Lin don't hurt him" Cristen said. "But he's not himself anymore... he... he was a halfbreed wasn't he?" Lin asked. "His mother is a sorceress and his father is human, he is what they call a Ether Born, he resides between magic and unmagic" Cristen said. "His spirit took its fullest form when he had succumbed to his sadness, his only goal is reaching the town right now, but if he finds his parents dead in that form then he'll go on a killing spree, he'll get killed if we don't help him..." Lin said. She then begins to cry. "We have to save master!" She cried. Then Lilith and Lizzy come see the commotion. "Girls come with me!" Cristen scoops them all up and sprouts her wings, her four wings unfurl and start to beat. "Then let's go save him" She then kicks off the ground and BOOM! Takes off! "The guild mages already know where to go but we have to travel faster than him!" Lin said. "I think I can do that, hold on tight ladies" Cristen said. They give chase to my being... eventually reaching me. I was searching the rubble as they arrive. Frantically searching for my parents. "Must! find!" I mutter. At first they let me search and a few hours pass as it begins to rain. I look up at the skies and noticed I started to secrete a strange vapor. It hangs close to the ground and then forms a trail. I follow it and I'm lead to a small pendant, it's my mothers but I can sense her and my father are alive with it. I start to curl up and clutch the amulet. I make only a muttering and whimpering sound. Cristen wastes not a second and start walking towards me. "Cristen wait!" Lilith said. I go to strike Cristen but my tail stops dead in front of her. "He can't hurt me... I never told him this... but I made him mine... not with just a ring or anything like that..." she carefully takes off my torn shirt and a sigil bearing a dragons face sits upon my chest. "Fah Ziinok... my darling dearest... won't you heed my voice and kneel" She said. I kneel and lower my head. "It's a ritual of dragons when creating a bond... our spirits, mind and body become linked... I feel his pain, his joy, I can tell when he thinks of sexual things or thinks of his friends" Cristen adds. I slowly begin to move though as she speaks. I grab her by her waist as I've now grown larger. "Hey what are you doing?" She said. I then set her back down. I just stand there in silence... grinning. "Go back to your normal self... I'll treat you later..." Cristen said. Her words ring in my head and I revert back to normal. I'm still holding the amulet. "Cristen... their alive..." I said. "I know... let go back to the academy..." Cristen said. We all go back to the academy, it was a rough day, people were asking questions, speculating... word of me being a elemental spread kinda quick... suffice to say I didn't plan on leaving my room for a bit after that. I sit in the room with it dim and the windows closed. I then hear a knock at the door. "Come in" I say. Cristen walks in and shuts the door. I go to stand up but she pushes me down onto the bed. "Your mind is a mess you know that" Cristen said. "My parents are missing and my own mind and body are betraying me... I'm a vile creature of some kind and it's because I'm a half-blood" I say with disgust. She looks at me and nuzzles me. "Your no mistake though..." She gently licks my neck and face. "Your a very special person to me, a human who won the heart of a mighty dragon... you also gained a few benefits along with that... wouldn't you agree~" She smiles. She takes my hands and places them in her waist. "My firm slender waist... my busty figure... doesn't it make your heart beat faster and faster" She said. Her words ring in my head... I'm not sure why but whenever she speaks I feel at ease... I feel... vulnerable. She lays her body down on mine and holds me. "Your a very very special person in my heart... my darling dearest... who saved me from the deepest depths... my love and my body are offerings to you... for you are deserving of them" Cristen said. She then leans into my ear and whispers. "For you crave and desire them... your lust is my remedy... and my body is your poison" She said. She smiles and laughs. "But whenever you need a release... you just tell me... or just come get me... unless you'd like to solve your hunger now?" She asks. I don't want to just use her... but she makes it difficult to resist temptation... I take her waist and run my hands across her body. "Maybe sometime later" I said. She smiles and stands up. "Alrighty, just let me know whenever you want to~" She blushes. We leave the room and walk around. I feel uneasy... knowing I can't think about something too emotionally damaging for fear of changing again. Cristen is wearing a silk gown, long wide sleeves, a Slit dress with her stomach and shoulders visible. "Hmhm... Lin had this woven for me, it's pretty isn't it" She smiles. Her smile is so warm and bright. Not to mention she's absolutely beautiful. We hold hands as we walk around and take in the sights. The academy is massive and is hidden just beyond a barrier of magic, entering through it is like being transported to a completely different place. "It's a beautiful place... I... I just hope your mom and dad are okay" Cristen said. I look at her and smiled. "I've been wearing my mothers amulet, if anything happens to her or my dad I'll know, as long as I have it, I don't fear for them but I will find them and save them" I said. Cristen blushes and hides her face a little. "Your such a kind person... deep down you have a big heart, that heart carries a great weight but also makes you who you are..." Cristen leans over and looks at me. "That's why I love you" She kisses me on the lips. "Hey! You guys aren't having to much fun without us are you?" Lizzy shouts. Lizzy and Lilith drop by and smile. "We figured we'd follow you guys around for a bit today, since we have not much else to do" Lilith said. They both have their same outfits on too, not even remotely appropriate for this place. "So where should we go first?" Lizzy asks. I grab both her and Lilith by their horns and drag them to our room. "Hey! What's the big idea?" Lilith said. "I'm kinda turned on from that honestly~" Lizzy smiles. "You two need to wear more appropriate clothes" I said. Cristen hides her face and blushes. "Cristen what's wrong?" I ask. She holds her skirt aside and is just wearing a thong. "It's a little skimpy honestly... but Lin asked if I wanted to have it made special just for you... so I told her I wanted to make sure you have easy access to my body when you need it" She said. Lilith and Lizzy stare in silence. "Damn girl! I never really paid much mind to her body but her ass and chest are amazing!" Lilith said. I take Cristen hands and hold them. "Hmhm... you know I don't love you for pleasure right, I love you for who you are Cristen, for the way you've treated me" I smile. She smiles back and laughs. "I know..." she then shoved me down onto the bed. "Buuuuuut... I do these things to repay you~" She smile. "Besides I know your a little submissive, a big strong dragon wishes to mate with you and her overwhelming presence makes you feel weak, so instead of you leading she takes the lead" She smiles. Lizzy slightly shuffled around. "Lizzy what's wrong?" Lilith said. "I want to have a turn..." She said. "But Gavan was a dominant person, I don't know if he can do that anymore" Lizzy said. She lays down beside me and looks at me. "No matter what your like now though, I still love you" She said. She closed her eyes and just kept close to me. It was sweet, her heart has always been bright and kind. I hold her hand as she slumbers. Her body is soft and her hair is silky, as the sun sets, Lizzy still sleeps. "She really is loyal to you huh, even after being apart for seemingly years" Cristen said. However Lizzy starts to wake up and rub against me. "Master I'm cold" She muttered. Cristen pulls us all together, Lizzy nuzzles me and she smiles. They only girl in the bed that's even remotely close to my size is Lilith, she only a few inches shorter than me but she has a body like Cristens. Lizzy slowly runs her hand into my pants. "Oooh... you wanna go at it with Lilith don't you... but she's asleep... but I feel it inside you... you want to make her and I yours again..." She gets close to my ear and whispers. "How about we bulk up your little friend first~" She grabs my dick and I feel it swell and grow. Her hand barely can wrap around it and it's longer. "Little magic for pleasure never hurt... besides your balls are larger now too... I can't imagine the strain that's putting on you... just dying to pump your loads into us" she whispers to me. Without restraint I flip Lilith over and hold up her ass. "Gavan?! What are you" I cut her off and ram my dick straight into her vagina. "AAAAAH!! OH MASTER YES, Dick me down real good, Make me love your hot fucking cum flooding my sluty womb!" She moans. Plap, plap, plap, plap! Lizzy licks her lips and smiles. "Yes, this is what I loved about you, your merciless, your desires take hold and you make us beg and yearn for your cock and cum!" Lizzy moans. Cristen's mouth waters as she watches me mercilessly rail Lilith. "I-I-I'M CUMMING!!" She moans. I thrust into her and cum with her. I pull out from Lilith and cum drips from her Vagina. "Huff... fuuuuck... master filled me good~" Lilith moans. Lizzy gets on her back and spreads her legs. "Go on big boy... indulge in selfish pleasure and lust for my body~" Lizzy licked her lips and smiled. I press against her and force myself into her walls. "Ghaaaaa! Fuuuuuuck! YES I FUCKING LOVE IT!" She screams.

My girlfriend... is... A DRAGON?!Where stories live. Discover now