Chapter 3

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BAM! I keep slashing the dragon, doing large over head slashes with each strike! "Bah! ENOUGH!" The dragon begins to fly. "We'll meet again mortals" As he flew away. The tendrils in my arm began to recede back into the mass of flesh as the blade turned back to an amulet. My wounds were gone but my body felt so light and cold, starved of blood my eyelids grew heavy and I black out. I can hear her now even... "Gavan!? NO!" Cristen cries. I feel her even... her head against my chest. "He... he's still alive?! His heart is still beating!" Cristen cried. I can hear the townsfolk shuffle back through the streets... cheering... but everything starts to grow quiet... distant... a few hours later. I'm home... bandaged to high hell, weak... and in pain. I open my eyes and Cristen is sleeping soundly in a chair next to me. "C... ris... ten?" I mutter. She awakes and her eyes widen. "Gavan!" She jumps up and rushes to me. "I thought you were gone for good... I thought you'd sustained a lot of blood loss and bled out" She cries. I move my weakened hands to her and place them around her. "Looks like I managed though" I smiled. "That's good, I'm glad your alive, oh that reminds me, come with me" She picked me up and carried me to the living room. There sat Lizzy and Lilith, with Lizzy wearing that bizarre amulet. "He's awake? That's a relief" She said. Cristen laid down and curled her tail around my lower body and embraced my upper body. "Yep, he's awake" Cristen smiles. Lizzy stood up and gave a curtsy. "I apologize for almost getting you killed, the amulet you held was the Amulet of the Firstborn, it's a powerful relic that converts into a blade when called to, it's also what was siphoning your blood to weaponize it" Lizzy said. "The amulet was created by Lohk and given to the Demon they call Sihlus, but as time went on he simply merged into the amulet and eventually became a weapon" Lilith said. "That's also what the mass of flesh was, THAT was Sihlus, fused and bonded to his own blade" Lizzy takes a breath. "But the amulet isn't alive technically, it's just a object, at least until Sihlus chooses to wake up" Lizzy said. So... that face on the amulet... it belongs to the demon. "However I can't allow what I almost caused to go without some sort of payment, so Lilith and I will assist you and your wife in your adventures" Lizzy smiles. "That's nice but I don't think" Cristen cuts me off and snuggles my face against her breasts. "That would be lovely, we could use the help" she said. Damn it... Cristen and her border line pillows... so fucking soft. So Lizzy and Lilith moved in with me and my parents and Cristen, we were worried at first but they make food from time to time, keep clean and are rather quiet. Lizzy and Lilith were close as can be, sisters in fact, both very kind and very gentle, they have their moments of conflicting superiority but they seem to really care for each other. They even took to caring for Cristen's draconic form whenever she wanted to sun bathe, they would brush her fur and even clean her scales, they didn't seem to mind either as they usually laid in the sun with her... albeit naked and... well, human looking... but the villagers didn't seem to mind. Later Cristen called for me, I went outside and she smiles at me. "How are you feeling today?" She asks. "Other than some slight nausea I feel great, my blood is a little low still, not much I can do but wait for that" I laugh. Later as we all rested a traveling caravan came through... from the looks of the insignia... The Grand Sages! A short older fella hopped out and stroked his beard. A large half wolf humanoid walks out clad in sage armor, eyepatch, grey and blueish fur standing at 7'1ft. Lastly a girl... a... cat girl, DD Bust, skinny body type, large pointy ears, dark brown hair, a large fluffy tail and wearing a grand mages vestments. Her eyes are red, her skin is slightly dark and she seems to smile as she takes in a breath. "Ahhh, you two feel that morning sunlight?" She asked. "Hohoho I do indeed Lin, what say you Ullfnir?" Said the old man. "Hmph... let's just find who we're here for and go back... so don't get too comfortable Horace" said the wolf. The odd thing was the cat girl, they aren't known for being gifted with magic in any shape way or form... in fact the school of Sages usually shuns any that are somehow born with magical energy in them. "You there, young man, are you the one they call the Dragonslayer?" Horace asked. "Yeah... why" I glare at them. Cristen walks up behind me and then puts her hand on my shoulder. "It's alright, even if they mean to harm me, they cannot... like Kalshiir said... Only a dragon can KILL another dragon" she said. The wolf suddenly seemed a lot more skittish after Cristen came out. "We mean no harm, pardon me if I came across as hostile, even though my frail appearance usually makes people feel calm around me since I look like a grandparent" Horace said. "No worries, but yes, he's your dragon slayer" Cristen said. She started grinning though... please don't say it... "and dragon-layer" she added. The wolf coughed and staggered. "WHAT?! You mean you mated with a dragon humanoid?" Ullfnir said. "Oh no I'm not a humanoid, I'm a pure bread dragon" Cristen smiles. "Wooooo... nice, guess your a real charmer then?" Lin said. "I guess you could say he is, although he's shy like a virgin getting their first kiss~" She said. "Hey, your human looks like he's about to faint" Lin said. "Oh he's fine, he's just really really embarrassed when I praise him so much" she says as she scratches my chin. "Ahem... anyway, we're working to actually put an end to the dragons reign of terror, other dragons have shared what the know with us and we've studied their works a great deal over, but never has one in history been known to love a human, this may prove valuable in order to learn more about them" Horace said. "We're hereby asking you to accompany us and our school of sages to learn what we can" Lin said. "But doesn't that mean we'd be traveling to the northern lands?" I asked. "Sadly yes, we wanted to give you time to prepare though... it may be a long time" Lin said. We all get everything we are taking with us loaded into the carriage. I go back inside and find my parents. "I'll be going for a while mom and dad, I don't know when I'll be back" I said. "It's for a greater cause bud, your mother and I are really proud of how your moving in life, keep Cristen safe" Keith said. "Remember if anything goes wrong, you'll always have a home to come back to" Andrea said. I hug them both and we make way for the north. The carriage began to move as we made way. It had a good bit of room inside thanks to a little magic so it felt like a small cabin. Lilith and Lizzy are also coming with us but thankfully we all have our own small room to sleep. Hours later... I start to feel the cabin's temperature drop... we're growing closer to the north. Ullfnir has taken to walking around in his trousers now due to his half wolf nature, Lin warms herself by the fire and Horace simply sits by a table reading alchemy books. Lilith and Lizzy are out cold, sleeping together and holding each other... they really are the closest of sisters aren't they. "Hey, c'mere for a sec" Cristen asks. I follow her into our room and she shuts the door and locks it. "I know you like my body and it's getting a little cold for us, so... would you like to use me to warm yourself..." she blushes. "My body temperature is really high so I'm not bothered by the cold but I could here your teeth chattering earlier" She added. She walks over to the bed and lies down. "Besides... I uh... I want to feel what it's like on the bottom for a change..." she said. I started to slowly caress and touch her. "Hmf... you don't have to be gentle... let me turn over" Cristen got on her hands and knees and bent over. "Go on... I now you really love when I present like this... a large juicy ass to pound... for you and you alone... master~" she grips the pillow in anticipation. I get behind her, wrap my arms around her tail and put my duck inside her. It's really warm, almost unpleasant at first because my body felt cold as ice, as I slowly move my hips I feel myself getting warmer. "Cristen~" I moan. "It's alright baby, just keep doing what your doing, your doing a great job~" she said. I still can't figure out why her insides are THIS warm but it's pleasant and comfy. Her scales are also insanely soft and smooth even. She then draped her tail around my shoulder and lightly wrapped it around me. "Whenever your ready love~" she said. I climaxed and as she turned over I laid against her and was warmed by her. "Your precious to me... you know that?" She said. "Cristen... I worry about my parents" I said. She smiles and pulls my against her chest. "Don't worry, they'll be safe, your parents are very skilled people and the king is good friends with them, I'm sure they'll be fine, in the meantime we have each other to take care of" She said. As she held me, I felt a sense of calm and peace come over me. As I fall asleep Cristen lies there and holds me still. "Hmhm... your so spoiled you know that, your sleeping and looks so cute even now, I think that's the true reason I fell in love with you" Cristen smiled. She slowly strokes my head as she smiles. "Seriously... your so god damn cute... I'm not sure how I'm having these feelings but I am, not once in the past 300 years have I felt this way towards anyone" She said. Later I wake up and she's still cuddling me. "Rise and shine sweet heart, how'd you sleep?" She asked. "Pretty good, how long was I asleep?" I asked. "A few hours... hmhm... you sleep like a baby by the way" She smiles. We get up and go out to see what everyone is up to. Lin is off reading, Horace is I just walking around and Ullfnir is playing with a wisp. "Hey where's Lizzy and Lilith?" Cristen asked. "Surprisingly their still out cold, they're alive but they are quite the sleepers" Horace said. "They must really love each other, I've never seen sister be so close together before" Lin said. Cristen and I go peek and their still lying together, holding each other and cuddled under the blankets. "Aww... that's adorable" Cristen said. "They really are close" I said. We shut the door and sit in the main room. "So, how much longer do we have?" Cristen asks. "About 4 hours, also when we reach the academy it won't be nearly as cold, there's a barrier around the whole area, the average temperature of the academy is 70 degrees, also it's regulated so it won't get too hot" Horace said. Lin gets up and walks to her room without a word... we all find this a bit suspicious... so we creep near her door and listen carefully. "Everyone hold my hand, I'll heighten our hearing" Ullfnir said. We all joined hands with him and surely enough... it was like having the superior hearing of a wolf. She was breathing heavily and shaking from the sound of things. "Keep it together Lin, just a little longer" She said. We then hear her get up and we scramble away from the door. Lin comes out and seems to be in a good mood. "Alrighty, sorry about that you all, just needed to clear my head for a second" Lin said. "Good to know, oh, Lin that reminds me, did you ever finish those manuscripts I gave you, the ones on you and the Kazai?" Horace asked. Yeah, Lin was part of a race known as the Kazai... they are feral by nature and are incredible hunters, very few have ever been born with a hint of magic though, Lin is one of only ten in the last hundred years. "Right, I actually left those in your quarters before we left the other day, I documented all I know about the Kazai" Lin said. "Excellent work young lady, your family would be proud of the noble lady you are today" Horace smiles. "C'mon, I'm just 23... it's no big deal" Lin said. Horace acts like a wizened old man but inside... he's like a grandfather to Lin, he cares for her and cheers her up when he can. Lizzy walks out and greets us with a yawn... suffice to say that... she's only wearing an oversized shirt and panties. "Hey everyone" She said. "Good to see your awake Lizzy" Cristen said. "Likewise my lady, are you and Gavan alright?" She asked. "Yep, it's a little bit chilly but I had a way to transfer heat to him so he should be much better now" Cristen said. "That's good to hear, by the way, I've been meaning to ask you something Lin" Lizzy said. "Yes?" Lin responded. "Can I let my wings out in here to stretch them, they tend to get cramped from lack of use" Lizzy asks. "Of course, make yourself comfortable" Lin said. Lizzy lifts the back of her shirt and her wings start to stretch out of her back. RIP! Her wings burst free and they are a pale white... lined with dark accents and purple coloring. "Huff... much better... that still hurt like hell" Lizzy said. Her wings gave off a faint aroma of lavender... which was odd because only a certain type of demon has that kind of trait. Lilith walks out but she's wearing a yellow night gown with frills. "YAWN... hey everyone, what's up?" Lilith said softly. "Nothing much, I was just stretching my wings" Lizzy smiles. "As always little sis, your adorable and precious" Lilith said. Wait... little sis? You mean despite height and body differences that Lizzy is the younger of the two? Suddenly I remembered a question I was going to ask Lin or Horace. "Hey, Lin do you or the other two know of the Black flame?" I ask. The room went silent and Ullfnir looked at me. "That's forbidden magic... worse than any artifact or weapon... it's stated in old manuscripts... "He who wield of flame of black and purple... is doomed to be devoured by the flame" it goes further into detail... but you asking about it means you know of it" Ullfnir said. "The only thing one can do against the black flame is run... eventually it burns out... but not forever... only three people in history have been able to control it... the first was a Alchemist, his name was Victor A. Savant... or as his other name goes... The Savant, he was a true genius even without being gifted with magic, he studied it, learned it then channeled it, even the black flame was studied and wielded by him in the 5th era, its stated that he used it to prevent the attack of undead monsters on the capital of Ailenburg. The second was Alish Winry, a Druid of the forest, she was a gifted person, taking to magic quickly and able to tame all manner of beasts, even the fearsome Hydra... but when she discovered the black flame it wasn't hostile, it sensed her love for natural order and it attached itself to her, she used it to create a sanctuary for her beasts and people, it's known as the Gilden Forest... lastly... a demon with no name... a past of loss and sorrow... eventually... he was given the name... Sihlus" Horace said. Suddenly the amulet around Lizzy's neck came off and scurried across the floor. "He's awoken!" Lizzy panicked. "Worry not, I merely wish to share this enrapturing tale... Horace... do me the honors of recalling my past" Sihlus said. He was just an amulet but with small insect legs on it... creepy. "Very well, Sihlus was a demon of the pit, a man who fell in love with a human" Horace said. "I fell for a women who I had seen one day upon being at the surface of the world, I wasn't feared by people though... even though I was nothing but a filthy monster at the time, but this girl had came to me and waved, the next day I found out she had no parents, at least living anyway... she took to following me around and even talking to me, despite that I wasn't fluent in English yet... I could understand her perfectly... she even spoke in tongues sometimes... a trait of the demon worlds pit dwellers... I eventually stuck by her side... caring for her and keeping her safe... but I wasn't able to keep her safe forever..." The amulet begins to rattle. "A group of bandits came and killed and raped her one night while I was away... these... ANIMALS, these pathetic wastes of flesh, had taken from me what I loved... Sinia... my darling was dead... throat slit and clothes torn..." THUD, suddenly a arm reaches from the amulet and a body begins to crawl out of it. A demon of 6ft, long arms, a dragon like head with NO features spare for two red eyes with a black pupil amidst them, a tail and black and cloth covered armor. "I wanted revenge... to drink their blood and devour them... as pit demons do... I hunted them down... each butchered and left as evidence... I toyed with them... until I finally devoured their leader... but... that still could never fill the gap in my heart... afterwards I returned to the pit... where I kept killing and fighting the criminals and traitors of the demon race... until even I forgot how to speak... I didn't kill out of anger... but from sadness... I fell into a depression and I felt like my life was destined to be spent in the pit" Sihlus said. Lin walks up to him and then looks up at him. "Your here now because you still love Sinia though... you fight for her, anyone who has committed a grievous crime is dealt punishment by you, I think your a good guy" Lin smiles. Sihlus smiles. "Hmhm... the Kazai are such an interesting race" He said.

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