Chapter 8

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A breeze could be felt through the academy... but the barrier is held by powerful magic... so why does it seemingly feel like it's freezing cold. Everyone looked to the gates and saw a thin and armored hand peak through the barrier. The knight has a freezing cold gale that followed his every move. "Lin!" I yell. Lizzy and I rush out to see them standing up on the upper floor with us still. "That would be the outrider..." Lin said. "Outrider?" Lilith asked. His head cocked up and stared to us before he lays down to seemingly sleep. "Mind being physical while he's here... he's a vengeful creature... by the looks of his armor... he just cleaved down a whole fortress alone..." Lin said. Horace shows up and let's out a sigh. "Hmmm... so... the outrider still draws breathe... a knight seemingly responsible for the icy gale of the northern... hmm... poor lad... tell us... how might you feel wandering for seemingly decades of no peace" Horace said. "Can it old man!" Lilith yells. I then slap Lilith in the ass completely forgetting what Lin just said. Clatter! The knight now sulks before me. "Shit!" I jumped down into the courtyard as it started thrashing at me. "Look it wasn't what you think!" I yell. This knight thought I hurt her and something tells me it's not gonna let up. I draw my blade and CLASH! "Fine! I'll at least best you in combat and maybe that will calm you down!" I yell. Suddenly I noticed Sihlus watching in fright... yeah something was definitely off if he was worried. "Gavan! Catch!" He severed his arm off and fires it off at me! It stabs me but infuses into my body. What's the big idea? SLASH! SMASH! BAM! This knight is off his rocker, he's just wildly flailing. There's more to it than this though... he's completely erratic and unpredictable. It lets out a ear piercing screech that throws me off and then slashes my arm off and immediately freezing it. Shit! This is why Sihlus threw me a part of his body. "Gavan!!" Cristen cries. I strike the blade against the ground setting it on fire. "Let's go you icy nightmare!" I lunged but he threw his cloak at me and caught me in it, I simply burn it away... but to my horror... the outrider now stands up straight with a glorious frost coated, abyssal wreathed armor with a plum of frigid air. The blade it wields nearly doubled in size and this thing showed no signs of balance issues. "Shit! If there's one thing I've learned... a very few select beings of immeasurable elemental control exist... Torsheir, the Demon of Fire... Alreath, The Forest walker... Griselda, Dark Enchantress... and Gorm, The Storm Strider... then... this is Svarig, The Abyssal Gale! He's the most unknown and seemingly unstable of them all! Svarig let's out a deathly screech before viciously striking and flailing again. My swords flames were doused from the sheer chill alone. Somewhere in his cold gale I could see a vicious and trapped soul, but it wasn't suffering, it was honoring a knights oath. "Fine!" I wreathed the blade in Moonlight and met his blade with mine! CLASH! "At least it's not us clashing our blades..." Sihlus said. The others look to him in confusion. "Don't tell Gavan but when we were clashing blades I felt something horrible... watching us from beyond the veil..." Sihlus says. "From beyond the veil?" Lin said. I continue to evade Svarig's attacks as any vital strikes could prove to be fatal within seconds after what happened to my arm earlier. Though thanks to Sihlus my arm is fine. The knight slows down as his breathe becomes heavy and he falls to one knee. "Hey are you okay?!" I asked. It then stands back up and the winds pick up! "Enough!" Cristen comes crashing down and her fists are clenched. "Keep this up and I'll beat you both senseless" She sneers. The knight just shrieks and charges her! "CRISTEN!" I yell. BAM! She kicked me in the stomach launching me into the wall. She then grabbed the outrider by the arm and pinned him to the ground. In her loud and commanding voice she shouts! "ENOUGH! You are at the mercy of an Ancient Dragon! CEASE THIS AT ONCE!" She bellows. The knight withdraws his icy gale and he then calms down. Cristen let's him go then rushes to me. "Gavan I'm sorry sweetie are you okay!" She said. Sihlus withdrew right before my impact so... frankly no... my ribs where cracked and I think my arm was broken. "Shit! Shit shit shit shit! I'm so sorry!" Cristen said. She gently lifts me and as I get a clear view the Knight has scavenged a nearby banner to form a cloak around him again. "Let me speak to Svarig" I asked Cristen. She takes me over to him and she kneels. "Svarig, I didn't think I'd see you in person ever" I said. Svarig stares blankly. "Heh... no speech Huh, but I'm guessing you understand human speech?" I asked. He just nods before silently slumbering away in the center whilst the frigid gale flows from his body. Svarig was a childhood hero of mine, his tales of power and defiance against evil, yet I knew so little about him... even now... I know so little... maybe even less now that I've seen him and crossed blades with him. As Cristen carries me back to our room Lizzy is asleep with Lilith cuddled against her. Cristen gets in the bed with us and she cuddles me close to her body while Lilith and Lizzy are snuggled together sound asleep. "They won't find out I cuddled you all by myself till morning..." She whispers to me. "Your mine for the night" she moves downward and pulls out my dick. "Hehe... I am gonna swallow and guzzled my reward for being a good girl though" She grins. Schlurp! She starts sucking my dick and it starts getting hard. She pulls it out of her mouth and puts her hand next to it. "Wow, it's throbbing and HUGE, it's longer than my hand and so thick too... I don't think I can swallow this dick whole" she then smiles. "Tch... kidding" Schlurp! She takes my dick whole, I see it bulge out her throat a bit too. She takes it out and smiles. "You won't deny me this will you, c'mon, let me make my belly big with seed" Cristen smirked. Unbeknownst to her a hand loomed behind her head. It was Sinixia. She forced my dick into Cristen's throat and smiles. "You humans are so intriguing, I wanna experience this too, but what is this manner of... Love?" She asked. Cristen picks her head up and coughs. "It's called lust... and judging by your vagina... your getting wet from a feeling your new to" Cristen smiles. Sinixia blushes and looks aside. "Well... yeah... it's like this itch I get too... but it's not a scratchable one..." she then clasps her palms together. "Please help me! I don't know what's wrong?!" She cries. Lizzy and Lilith wake up to see her dripping wet and Lin walks in after bathing to check on everyone. "Uh... Sinixia... your uh... cough... your wet like crazy" Lin said. "Sinixia honey, could it be you developed feelings for Gavan?" Lizzy asks. "It could be... I can see it in her heart... she doesn't know why but she feels a urge that she cannot control in the presence of a suitable male" Lilith said. Lizzy holds out her hand to Sinixia. "Come to us, we'll help, and maybe you'll find a place of love too" Suddenly we all hear shouting... my name is being shouted too. We all go outside and see a massive caravan of soldiers. "GAVAN! GET OUT HERE!" Yelled the captain. We all go down and I order the girls to stay back... this guy isn't exactly a saint. The outrider stands guard by the gate. "Hey there kid, so, how about we talk business" he scoughs and scowls. "You owe us for the metal and shit we transported to your village" said the captain. "We paid that debt a while ago... now piss off" I said. As I turn around assassins hold some people hostage. The outrider stands up but I have him stand down. Suddenly I hear Sinixia panic. She brought to the captain who touches her in her sensitive spot. "Enough... if you won't pay with gold... then you'll pay with this wonderful specimen" he said. "She's not on the market" STAB! I get skewered through the chest after I say this. "Kill everyone, we're done here" said the captain. "Hate to break the news" I said. I snap the blade and SLICE, cleave the man's head off behind me. "I learned something recently... I learned in my previous life I was a creature of the night... but I also learned that I can summon upon those powers temporarily" My hair begins to turn white, grown longer, my eyes turn red and I grow fangs. I quickly grab Sinixia in the blink of an eye and set her behind the outrider. Even he got a little spooked as I also snapped the other rogues' necks. "Now then... I don't have much time with this power... but my strength is drastically improved and strengthened by the dark... either leave now... or die" I said. My expression is neutral but he starts to walk away then slash! He slices into my shoulder down to my lung. "You know... if I didn't call upon night magic, I'd be dead..." SLASH! I slice his shoulders and neck then he slumps to the ground. My wounds heal and then I return back to normal when suddenly... I start to throw up. "Cough... huff... Cristen!" I cry. Cristen runs to me and cradles me. "Ssshhh... it's okay sweetie... it's okay... I'm here" She whispers. Lizzy and the others smile. "Somehow she brings him the most comfort in this world... she's gentle and kind... I love her as much as he but... his love drives deeper than ours... his love for us is unparalleled" Lizzy smiles. We all clean up and later go back to our rooms. Sinixia is curled up in bed with us still breathing heavily. "Gavan... I want you to make love to me... please" She asks. "Are you sure Sinixia... that's a big commitment?" I ask. "You've technically saved me twice so... yes... I do want you to make love to me... though it might feel a little weird" She said. "Why do you say that?" I asked. She shows me her vagina and she blushes. "It's uh... it's not like a regular woman's... it's all slick and scaly and... well... not super tight like the human body, but it should still feel surprisingly pleasant... would you be alright if I got over you?" She asks. "You sure you don't want me to try and fuck you from behind like the other girls?" I said. "But... you'll have to hold my tail up over your shoulder to reach my vagina that way, it may be a little painful" she said. "Fair point... then you take the lead" I said. Cristen and the girls all watch as she lumbers over me and slowly undoes my night trousers. "Hmhm... it's good to see that your hard though... can I... can I put it in now?" She asks. I nod and she slowly eases the tip in then suddenly... PLAP!! She falls down against me with all of her weight. "Hurk!" I grunted. "I'm sorry I forgot how delicate you are!" She panicked. "I... I'm fine... just a little heavy... god for a snake with tits like yours you think your boobs woulda cushioned... I mean there slightly bigger than my head... their like Cristen's boobs" I said. "You uh... you must really like boobs Huh? Hmhmhm... umm... would you like to suck mine nipples?" She asks. I started to suck on her nipple immediately after she said this. "Your so adorable you know... you must love being dominated by such big women Huh?" She said. I blushed as the girls smiled. I closed my eyes in embarrassment. "It's okay... I think it's cute..." she slowly wraps her tail around me and she starts moving. PLAP! PLAP! Her serpentine body makes such noise, her vagina isn't as tight but it's deep, it's wet, slimy and juicy... "I can tell your enjoying my vagina... your quite big you know... the spell Lizzy used on you seems to be part of you know... whenever you get aroused you get huge" Sinixia smiles. "Uuuuup... dowwwwwn... slowly..." Plap plap plap! "Or quickly" She moaned. "Huff... dirty little human... spoiling himself with a serpents pussy... such a scoundrel" she chuckled. Plap plap plap! She starts moving faster and coiling me tighter. "Your gonna blow the fastest load in this slithery pussy, and we're gonna love it!" She moans. Plap plap plap! I ejaculate in her and she tightens around me. She slows her breathing down and moves off of me. "Heh... look at that... quite the load... must've been quite the experience to shoot out that much" She said. We then hear a knock on the door. Lizzy hops over us and opens the door. It's a young girl who has skin like Lizzy, long white hair and red eyes, she's only 4'3ft and wearing a dress and blouse. "Umm... excuse me... but I think this is yours" she hands Lizzy a small ring. "Wait a sec? It is! How did this fall off my finger" Lizzy said. The little girl smiles. Lizzy thankfully was blocking the entrance so we were able to clean up and walk over to the door. "Hi mister! You must be Gavan right? Can I see the dragon?" Asked the little girl. Cristen walks over and towers of the little girl. "Woah... she's really huge!" She smiles. "Hey aren't you supposed to be in bed?" Lizzy asked. "Nope, I'm the orphan here, so rather than schooling I treat this place like home... but... it's lonely... my parents died long ago... so... I'm all alone, Lin is the closest thing I have to family" said the little girl. "Well... maybe we can kinda act as parents for you... I'm Lizzy, what's your name?" Lizzy asks. "My name is Ina" she said. "Well Ina, from here on out we can be your family in a way, that sound good?" Lizzy asks. "Yeah!" Ina smiles. I look at Sinixia as Lizzy and Ina talk and I noticed she has a very thin line on the side of her cheeks from her lips. "Hey Sinixia, quick question, what's with the lines on the side of your mouth" I asked. "Hmm... oh you mean my jaw?" She said. Her what? Then then opens her mouth and her jaws stretches revealing a thin fleshy membrane like a normal snake. Jesus her mouth is open enough to fit my whole face it it... she closes her mouth and looks at me. "I mean I'm a snake... so it's a normal thing for me" She said. I lie down and I start tearing up... "my mom and dad... their alive... but they must be terrified" I said. Lizzy had made a bed for Ina with her magic and tucked Ina in, she must've fallen asleep quickly too. "I'm sure their okay, we'll find them... I promise" Cristen said. She lifts me shirt off and places her body against me. She then smiles and removes her top and rests against me again. "Better... now you can feel my body heat" she said. The other girls do the same and lay with me in bed. Ina is asleep at the other side of the room in her own little bed. Later as I wake up I noticed Lizzy is absent and so are the others. I go outside to the courtyard and seen see why...

My girlfriend... is... A DRAGON?!Where stories live. Discover now